When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 800: : Wretched Big Devil

The operation continues!

The resected lung tissue **** are much more difficult to stitch than ordinary skin **** or artificial esophagus.

The most important thing is to protect the blood circulation and give full play to the advantages of lung tissue flaps.

If the knife just made everyone amazing, then the next stitch, Chen Cang perfectly explained, what is the strongest basic skill!

A needle and a thread are densely packed. The grasp of the needle tip distance is as if fixed by a template. What Chen Cang has to do is to thread the needle.

I thought about it carefully, watching Chen Cang's repair speed, and several people looked at each other silently.

I saw emotions and surprises in each other's eyes, and wanted to complete such a precise suture work at such a fast speed.

This is extremely demanding for the surgeon!

The operation came to an end in the slow repair process.

He and his team left the operating room one after another.

Wu Yuyong suddenly looked at Chen Cang and asked: "Little Chen, how are you feeling recently?"

Wu Yuyong was also worried about this. Chen Cang is indeed a good seed, but it needs a process of adaptation.

很多 There are many elites here. Yu Yonggang was worried that Chen Cang would not be good for the break-in of the group when he came, so he needed to follow it for a while and explore.

It was half a month later, Yu Yonggang not only did not see a trace of impatience on Chen Cang's face, but found that the young man was very serious and pragmatic in the process of learning, and it did not look like a young man with aspirations. !!

This is actually Yu Yonggang's purpose, I hope Chen Cang can calm down.

When Chen Cang heard Director Yu asking himself this way, his heart was also a bit hilarious. Should be the next topic?

"Well, I feel that there is still a big gap with Dongyang Province. Whether it is the innovation of the medical system brought by the development of modern technology, or the new medical methods and techniques, it is very valuable!

And the patients here are more complicated, the degree of difficulty is higher, and the patients' requirements are higher. "

Wu Yuyong just nodded: "Yeah!"

Then, Yu Yonggang turned and stared at Chen Cang, and asked, "Are you ... confident to follow the team? Not only follow the operation, including independent car departure, independent surgery, independent patient responsibility, independent night shift, etc ..."

Chen Cang has a happy heart!

finally coming?

I have to say that the difficulty of the patients here is much stronger than that of the Provincial Second Hospital. The experience of a surgery just now provided Chen Cang with more than 10,000 experiences, which is rarely encountered in ordinary times.

"Have confidence!"

沧 Chen Cang said decisively, without hesitation!

Wu Yuyong just nodded and smiled: "Okay, I will arrange for the shift tomorrow morning!"

After speaking, Yu Yong just turned and left.

Chen Cang happily waved two punches into the air, excited, it was time to perform real skills!

加入 Joining the group so quickly, it is already time for the fellows to make history.

Most advanced students follow the department, there are instructors and so on.

And Chen Cang is now being taught!

Uh ...

Uh ...

The house on the side of Chen Cang is decorated with his intentions (purchased by Taobao).

At least the house looks so welcoming!

After Chen Cang returned, he had dinner, habitually opened the video, and chatted with Qin Yue.

This is his compulsory work every day except for work!

Qin Yue is also very worried about Chen Cang going to the capital alone!

After all, this 厮 is too good. Qin Yue is like a little tiger who guards his baby, watching Chen Cang not allowed to eat!

Qin Yue looked at Chen Cang so happy, could not help but laughed: "What's wrong? So happy? Did you meet the big sister of the idiot?

Chen Cang laughed, "Of course not, I finally have a wife!"

"I will be dealing with patients independently tomorrow, and I will follow the team to participate in rescue or something!"

When Qin Yue heard it, she was a little surprised at once: "So fast?"

Beijing Capital Emergency Center Hospital is a national key specialist hospital. Eighty-nine percent of the fellows who come to the hospital are mostly doing patient work.

Chen Cang skipped this stage directly and entered the ranks of front-line workers.

"Husband! You are so bullish! I adore you so much!"

Qin Yue couldn't help laughing.

"By the way, I also have good news to tell you, my application review system at Concord has already yielded results, and I have been accepted!"

听 When Chen Cang heard it, his eyes lighted up, and double happiness came to the door!

Happiness came too suddenly!

"Great, my wife is a cow. Come to the capital and hurry up. Follow the teacher early to do a surgical tube for the patient, which will improve you a lot."

Qin Yue chuckled a smile: "You're clearly stinging my body! It's so bright and upright!"

Chen Cang scratched his head and smiled awkwardly, but he was not embarrassed.

In fact, Qin Yue was also very happy in her heart. She had long wanted to go to the capital. Every day when she thought that Chen Cang was alone in the capital, she felt itchy. So after the list was announced.

Qin Yue immediately contacted the mentor, hoping to help with the mentor!

免费 This free labor will never be rejected by anyone.

Cang Cang smiled and said:

"I'll be back on Thursday night, and we'll get it on Friday!"

"Let's be legal cohabitants, right?"

"You will be able to register for an account at that time! Hahahaha ..."

沧 Cang Cang laughed with some sensuality ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Qin Yue couldn't help but glance.

But Qin Xiaoli, who has been single for so many years, is actually very curious!

In the end ... how to register an account?

Do you really expect that?

When you go, try it out ... emmmm!

The next time, it became the time for dog food delivery, and when all kinds of love were shown, Chen Cang couldn't stand it.

If it wasn't for Qin Yue, he couldn't open his eyes, Chen Cang estimated that he could still speak for a hundred minutes.

Originally planned to get a marriage certificate on February 22, 2020. However, it was never expected that it was a Saturday. The two simply advanced two days in advance and went to receive the certificate on the 20th!

According to the time calculated by the old way, the marriage period is set in August in the lunar calendar, which is October in the solar calendar.

此时 It's a long time before this time.

"Husband, you have to develop quickly. After I go to Xiehe, if someone is bullied, I will tell you to come and show me! Let them see ... My husband is the best in the world!" After yawning, he went straight to bed, "Let them see and see, what is the real god!"

Cang Cang also couldn't laugh or cry.

Qin Yue's personal worship of Chen Cang is inexhaustible. In her mind, Chen Cang is definitely the first in the world, not so! It does n’t count if you say it, I count it!

Chen Cang listened to Qin Yue's words, could not help but smile.

But ... why is it so cool to stand up?

I thought of this, Chen Cang hummed, and went to bed and went to bed.

Next is my Chen Da Mo Wang's wretched development and stealing teacher learning!

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