When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 806: : Mother's blame

The ambulance was already running fast.

I do n’t know why, Ma Yuehui still feels a bit slow!

He waited for Ferrari to make an ambulance!

Oh no!

He thinks there should be a new item on the F1 field, which is the ambulance speed competition.

Looking at the sweat on Ma Yuehui's head like Yang Xu's spontaneous sweating, Xu Aiqing took a deep breath and felt that he should persuade the elder brother's group leader: "Old horse, I can give you a suggestion."

Immediately Ma Yuehui turned and looked at Xu Aiqing: "What advice?"

Xu Aiqing said earnestly: "You are not a young man anymore, pay attention to restraint, this is not true, I am not saying you ... who is a man who is 40 years old, this is true? I have to talk to my sister someday! "

As soon as Ma Yuehui heard it, she suddenly stopped and did not respond for a while.

But someone reacted, and the patient lying on the ambulance laughed without holding back: "Ha ha ha ha ... oops ... oops! Doctor, look at it, it's bleeding, I'm bleeding!"

Sugihara's patient who had patronized and laughed suddenly found that the wound had been opened.

Ma Yuehui also reacted, glanced at the patient, and wanted to say something deserved!

Uh ...

Uh ...

Cang Cang looked at the couple Qin Fang and explained all the situations: "This is the situation now, you still have to make a decision!"

Qin Fang's husband looked at Chen Cang and took a deep breath: "Doctor, I believe in you!"

Qinfang nodded: "You can do it with confidence, I don't want the child to ..."

I looked at the trusting eyes of the two, and when Chen Cang nodded and left, the moment Qin Fang was behind, she burst into tears.

Maybe this could be her last reunion with her child ...

Chen Cang also felt heavy trust and hope.

This battle will win!

Uh ...

In the operating room, anesthesiologist Zhou He has started to prepare.

If you want to do such an operation, and the child is only 5 years old, he must consider it carefully!

And here Zhang Yuan and Yang Hui have started to sweat!

Cang Cang saw that their hats were wet, and suddenly asked curiously, "Are you nervous?"

Zhang Yuan for a moment, crying and laughing, very tired!

还 Uncomfortable than nervous!

第 一次 For the first time, they look forward to the operation!

The ramie medicine gradually took effect. Chen Cang watched the child's red eyes close and took a deep breath.

I took the scalpel in the little nurse's hand.

沧 In the passionate encouragement of the little nurse, Chen Cang clenched.

This operation, Chen Cang did not know how many units in the special training space, lightly familiar.

This operation is time-limited. Once the time is too long, it will cause necrosis of myocardial cells, and even various troubles will follow!

Regular chest solemn incision to open the chest!

Then decisively cut happy bag!

There is almost no difference between and normal surgery!

The purpose of surgery is generally described in simple terms. The one-way door of the two rooms was broken. It was originally a whole and could work smoothly under the drive of the door shaft.

现在 But now the door is scattered, and even part of the door shaft is not connected.

这个 So at this time, you need to sew this door with needle and thread.

Of course, you can change this door directly!

However, this is not mitral valve angioplasty, but mitral valve replacement.

As early as the 1960s when artificial valves were used clinically, angioplasty was almost replaced by valve replacement.

However, it has been proved in practice that artificial valves are not ideal, and there are some potential dangers after valve replacement. In recent years, there has been an increasing trend in plastic surgery.

Mitral angioplasty is aimed at restoring the physiological function of the mitral valve, and aims to correct the insufficiency caused by valvular disease.

This small patient, choosing angioplasty not only has a low cost, but also has a more significant effect in the long run!

Do not underestimate this valve, it is very expensive! Although it's only a big fart ... For this family working in Beijing, Chen Cang should also be considered.

In fact, sometimes, doctors need to consider a lot of things, not just to see a doctor!

Looking at the heart that is constantly moving, at this time, Yu Yonggang made the choice of cryogenic surgery, which can reduce the difficulty of surgery!

A nurse looked at Chen Cang, stuck this watch, and looked at the time: "Dr. Chen? Start?"

Chen Cang took a deep breath: "Start!"

The clock countdown starts in 15 minutes!

Even if the operation cannot be completed by then, you must give up.

Time flies like a hourglass.

Chen Cang's eyes stared at the heart, choosing the point of the knife.

Zhang Yuan, who was holding the tractor aside, was also a little bit embarrassed. This was the first time in his life that he had seen a person undergo a non-stop cardiac operation and was a little nervous.

And Yu Yonggang is the same. He has been studying the series of cardiac beating surgery for many years, but he is just getting started.

He didn't expect that Chen Cang would do it!

For Yu Yonggang, there are some expectations.

Zhou Zhouhe's eyes were staring at the patient's vital signs, and he was ready for all kinds of preparations.

No one dares to relax in this operation!

After cutting the heart, Chen Cang decisively explored the mitral valve!

Time does not allow people to hesitate.

With the help of the system, Chen Cang quickly found that he had originally underestimated the damage of the mitral valve by preparing himself through 4D echocardiography!

腱 The mitral valve chordae rupture!

Rupture of the main chordae, especially the anterior lobe, what to do?

Cang Chen said directly: "The mitral valve tendon rupture!"

Wu Yuyong was suddenly shocked. It was not a good thing that the chopped tendon was broken.

"Would you like to change the external circulation machine?" Lao Yu frowned at Chen Cang.

Once the tendon rupture occurs, in addition to repairing the damaged leaflets, an artificial tendon needs to be established!

The process of making, even under the open chest, it takes about ten minutes, right?

Lao Yu is really worried!

Chen Cang shook his head lightly and said, "Not needed."

Yu Gang just stopped!

此时 At this time, if Tao Yan and others were at the scene, he would definitely say, "Oh! Look! Look, Xiao Chen is about to start pretending!"

Uh ...

I saw Chen Cang was not unhurried, turned to the nurse and said, "4-0 expanded polytetrafluoroethylene suture!"

The nurse nodded quickly!

Just after hearing this, Yu Yuyong stared at Chen Cang, this boy ... to make artificial chords without stopping the heart!

Replacement of broken chordae with artificial chordae to correct mitral regurgitation.

I'm so courageous!

I saw Chen Cang holding a suture needle, his hand was very stable! It's heavy and it's a coincidence!

Suture needle with 4-0 expanded polytetrafluoroethylene suture, quickly and accurately sew the pad with the middle muscle of the muscle!

Then sew the leaflet edge of the chordal rupture ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and adjust the length of the suture to tie the knot.

This series of operations is simple to say, but it is much more difficult than imagined!

Yu Yong just turned and watched the time!

Then the nurse kept reminding time: "There are 12 minutes ... and ..."

With the heart beating, Chen Cang's stitching is getting faster and faster!

The key to the operation is to adjust the length of the artificial chordae so that it is neither too long to cause mitral valve prolapse, nor too short to cause restricted leaflet movement!

So the difficulty of surgery is much higher than expected, and ... the most important thing is that the heart is still beating!

This sewing is difficult, and it feels scary!

Wu Yuyong just watched Chen Cang ’s hand speed as if wearing a flower butterfly, like a magician playing cards!

A few nurses aside looked at Chen Cang's deft hands, fast-moving fingers, steady and strong arms, somehow blushing!

"10 minutes left!"

"Nine minutes left!"

这个 At this moment, Chen Cang relieved: "Change the line!"

Yu Yong just froze and looked at Chen Cang: "Done?"

Chen Cang nodded and smiled slightly: "Yes!"

Suddenly everyone stopped.

周 Even Zhou He looked at Chen Cang inconceivably. This is only six minutes and less than seven minutes, right?

Uh ...

Uh ...

Ps: Thank you, "Master, you are out of business." Mighty, add more!

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