When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 814: : Unable to anchor!

At more than two noon, Ma Yuehui took Xu Aiqing for surgery, and Chen Cang stayed in the office to pick up the patients.

A call was made to the 120 emergency center. A few minutes later, a 25-year-old man was poisoned by puffer fish and was being taken to the emergency center.

Chen Cangyi, what time is it, and there are cases of puffer fish poisoning!

Everyone now knows that puffer fish ca n’t be eaten, it ’s very toxic, but there are still people who eat it?

The most important thing is that puffer fish is poisonous all over, puffer fish's ovaries, skin, liver and roe are very poisonous!

Salamanders are most toxic especially during this winter and spring reproductive period.

Who is going to touch the mold at this time?

For Chen Cang, who has the perfect level for poisoning, hasn't encountered pufferfish poisoning in the past few years?

After twenty-five minutes, the ambulance had just stopped and a patient pushed it down!

That was a young man in his twenties who had completed the transfer. After the transfer, the doctor handed a camera to Chen Cang: "This is a record of the patient's poisoning process!"

Cang Cangmeng!

The nurse is also covered!

Is this suicide? ? ?

I think of this, Chen Cang is a little puzzled.

Why do you need to hold such a good camera to record poisoning?

However, this is not the time to study this thing. At this time, the patient is not in a coma. Although his consciousness is relatively clear, he cannot speak clearly.

Cang Cang hurriedly asked the nurse to push the patient, and the camera was brought in by another little nurse.

Here, Chen Cang asked: "You asked quickly, how are you feeling now?"

The patient wanted to sit up, but was weak: "Save me ... I don't want to die ..."

Cang Cang said quickly: "Well, tell us, where are you uncomfortable now?"

The man was struggling to speak, and his breathing gradually became quicker: "I have a bit of numbness and a bit of numbness, and now I'm numb. I'm so weak that I can't sit up and fall when walking."

When Chen Cang heard it, I realized something in my heart: "Lily, take ECG monitoring, observe blood pressure, and prepare to take oxygen."

"Yes, just pull an electrocardiogram to confirm it!"

The pufferfish poisoning will cause different degrees of atrioventricular block, which will affect Chen Cang's treatment for a while!

Cang Cang is most worried now that the patient is suddenly in a coma!

Then, Chen Cang took the flashlight directly and looked at the man's pupil, and it really narrowed down!

Generally speaking, shrinking is not terrible. The scary thing is to shrink first and then spread. At this time, it means that the poisoning is more serious, and even the symptoms will develop rapidly. Within a few hours, it will directly lead to death!

The toxic components of puffer fish are mainly tetrodotoxin and puffer acid.

And his toxins are powerful!

Not only has a local stimulating effect on the gastrointestinal tract, but also quickly acts on the nerves after being absorbed, causing disturbances in nerve endings and nerve center conduction, and finally paralyzing the respiratory stem of the brain stem, simply speaking, until death!

At this time, another nurse also cleared the video on the camera, and hurriedly came over and said, "Dr. Chen, figure it out. The patient should be a host, or one with hundreds of thousands of fans. He is going to record a show today, eat puffer fish, and after following those online tutorials, he will be poisoned directly after two hours! "

After Chen Cang listened, his face suddenly changed!

Live eating puffer fish!

This is too terrible, right?

I thought of this, Chen Cang could not help but shook his head.

Because the tetrodotoxin is strange, its toxicity is very stable!

Even after patient cooking and frying, or after cooking, salting, and sun exposure, they cannot be destroyed, which mainly paralyzes the nerve center and nerve endings.

现在 Is the current anchor also a high-risk industry?

Do you have to eat puffer fish to **** powder?

However, this time is not the time when Chen Cang should care about why he eats puffer fish and how it tastes, but should think about how to rescue!

Soon, the ECG results appeared. At a glance, Chen Cang frowned, and the second-degree atrioventricular block!

The ECG monitor has just been connected, and the alarm sounds immediately!

"Shortness of breath!"

"Blood pressure drops!"

沧 Cang Cang watched the patient's breathing was sharp, which was paralysis of respiratory muscles caused by toxins!

沧 Cang Cang turned quickly: "The amount of colamin is 0.75 grams, intravenous injection!"

Carat is a breathing stimulant. At this time, it can effectively restore the patient's breathing function.

"2% 1% Shining hydrochloride! Subcutaneous injection!"

This is to relieve muscle paralysis.

After the patient's condition is slightly stable, quickly organize the nurse to induce vomiting, gastric lavage, and bowel lavage on the patient.

The two young nurses are not very old, and they move quickly in their hands.


The patient's situation is really not optimistic.

Instead of getting better, he seems to be getting worse and he has fallen into a coma.

Chen Cang's face changed, and he continued to arrange it!

"Lily, continue to dispense 500ml glucosugar solution, intravenous drip, add vitamin C, coenzyme A, ATP!"

These things can promote the excretion of toxins!

"Ko, prepare for dexamethasone!"

Glucocorticoids can improve the tolerance of tissues and toxins. Chen Cang only hopes to increase some resistance, a little more chance!

Be honest!

There is currently no special antidote for pufferfish toxin poisoning.

However, the only good news is that the presence of toxins detoxifies and is excreted quickly in the body. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com can recover if it does not die 8 hours after onset!

Therefore, once poisoning is found, various detoxification and symptomatic measures should be given as soon as possible to allow patients to pass the critical period.

For these eight hours, for patients, it is the speed of life and death!

Everyone dare not waste more!

Chen Cang took a deep breath and calmed himself down.

After so much torture, respiratory paralysis did not appear.

However, the man was still in a coma.

血压 Gradually the blood pressure returned to normal ...

Alas, still did not wake up.

Cang Cang was in trouble.

How to do?

Is there any other way?

沧 Chen Cang thought about it, and suddenly thought of the results of animal experiments in the latest scientific research report.

It is said that cysteine ​​injection in animal experiments can quickly detoxify, and puffer fish eggs treated with cysteine ​​did not poison the animals.

Squinting as the patient's circulation worsened, Chen Cang said to Lili with a gritted tooth:

"0.1 g of cysteine, dissolve with disodium hydrogen phosphate buffer solution, intramuscular injection!"

This medicine has been used, but it is toxic to the liver.

But ... at this time, the patient's life is more important than anything!

Because so many rescue measures have been used and still not out of danger, Chen Cang can only use this trick!

Otherwise, if it takes too long, my life will be gone, and there is something about liver toxicity.

Uh ...

Uh ...

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