When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 839: : Advanced Elixir!

After sending the woman away, Chen Cang was a little tired.

I took out the coffee that the old horse handed to me from the drawer and took a sip.

At this time, it is already 4:30 in the morning, and it should be said that the morning will be more suitable.

Old horse smiled: "It tastes good?"

Chen Cang grinned: "A bit bitter."

The old Mahaha smiled, "It is refreshing to suffer."

Chen Cang nodded.

Xu Aiqing also came in and saw the two drinking coffee, and couldn't help asking: "Are there any?"

Old horse smiled: "My drawer."

At this time, the busyness of the emergency department came to an end.

Old horse suddenly glanced at Xu Aiqing: "Go to sleep for a while, here I am with Xiao Chen, it doesn't matter."

Xu Aiqing thought about it, picked up the coffee and returned to the duty room.

I was really a little sleepy.

She has to take care of her children after the night shift, but she doesn't have much time to rest.

The old horse was sitting there, and Chen Cang didn't want to chat with him. Compared to the old horse, Chen Cang felt that the young nurses at the nurse station were more refreshing.

At this time, Chen Cang suddenly heard the prompt of the system:

【Ding! Congratulations, your career ranking has entered the top 200, and the current ranking: 96! 】

[Congratulations, get ranking rewards :, advanced potion x; 2, surgery guide simulation x! 】

Chen Cang looked at the rewards of the system and suddenly hesitated for a moment, then looked happy!

[Advanced potion, lasting potion: increase your durability, endurance, and stability attributes! This medicament is a high-level medicament, which improves its long-lasting related attributes by 50%! 】

After Chen Cang saw, tears flowed out!


终于 You are finally here.

沧 Cang Cang is a little excited, some impulsive, some excited!

This is probably the most urgent reward for Chen Cang in the past six months.

I didn't expect it, finally here!

要 If you don't come again, Qin Xiaolick will come ...

My sensitivity has improved so much, how can I make a difference then?

Sure enough, there is no other way!

I thought of this, and Chen Cang couldn't help feeling a little excited.

This good news, he must find someone to share it, but ... when thinking about it, it is not suitable to find anyone, only to find his own Qin Xiaoli!

Looking at the lasting potion, Chen Cang suddenly looked forward to it, and his thoughts became more and more alive.

电话 When calling yesterday, Qin Yue may be back next week!

这 Before that, Chen Cang felt that he should adjust his state ...

Chen Cang didn't even think about it, and activated the potion directly.

Suddenly, Chen Cang felt a tingling sensation, and the whole person seemed a lot more energetic.

However, Chen Cang is still not quite convinced, is he ... this is getting stronger?

Otherwise, try to find an old horse ... Well, it's 掰 wrist!

"Hmm ... hhhhh ... hhhhh!"

蓦 Cang Cang turned suddenly, suddenly found that the old horse was sitting on a chair, his head leaned back, and he fell asleep, and the snoring gradually began.

I may be too tired!

After all, the dangerous and serious rescue of the sharp knife group is that the old horse personally led people out, saying that the first soldiers were a bit brave, but they definitely fulfilled the team leader's responsibility and played a leading role!

Cang Cang lowered his head to continue to see the second reward:

[Surgery guide generation: According to all the knowledge you currently have, the currently acquired surgery is converted into a surgical guide, and the current conversion progress is 0/50! Progress can be increased with each operation. 】

沧 Cang Cang looked at the system prompt, and immediately looked a little happy!

指南 What is a surgical guide?

Is the gold standard for surgery!

I am the authority!

Everyone has the same type of surgery, you must do as you say!

不 There are not many places to make surgical guides, and fewer people can make guides. Most domestic surgical guides come from Union Hospital.

I can't make a guide, it's a hospital honor!

For the leader, this honor is the medal of his life.

沧 Chen Cang thought of this, could not help looking a little excited.

可以 Can I make a guide myself?

指南 What guide?

指南 What guide do you make?

Cang Cang began to meditate!

[The operations that can be made currently include: tendon sutures; 2. appendectomy; 3, intrathoracic repair of large blood vessels; 4, non-stop cardiac surgery;]

These are the perfect skills of Chen Cang!

In other words, this guide can only be generated for your perfect surgical skills.

Think carefully, but it also makes sense, after all, imperfect skill generation guides are also limited, even inadequate!

And perfect, at least is a relatively perfect means.

Looking at these four skills, Chen Cang didn't hesitate at all and chose the heartbeat technique!

After all, this is Chen Cang's first benchmark to the Capital Emergency Center Hospital!

Since it is here, set this benchmark up!

The first shot!

Think of it here!

沧 Cang Cang quickly chose non-stop heartbeat technology!

[Uninterrupted Cardiac Surgery Guide Generation: Current progress bar 0/50! Please continue to improve this guide through surgery: indications ... contraindications ... cautions ... operation details ...】

沧 Chen Cang's mind suddenly appeared in a guide outline of cardiac beating operation.

Every detail is blank. Chen Cang understands that this needs to be completed by surgery.

good stuff!

Cang Cang was suddenly surprised.

I did not expect to get such excellent skills in the top 200.

【Ding! The next task of the ranking task is triggered, the current ranking: 96, enter the top 50 ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ can get relevant rewards! Tip: The higher the ranking, the richer the rewards! 】

Cang Cang couldn't help getting excited.

Daguai upgrade explosive equipment!

Learn skills!

It's been less than a month since I came here, I have learned so many skills.

Is there a long way to go?

Chen Cang felt that he should set a small goal for himself!

One year later, when leaving here, be sure to stand in the top ten of this emergency center!

But before that, Chen Cang should think about how to complete 50 operations!

One after another, some patients came to the emergency department, and Chen Cang didn't call old horses.

After all, these difficulties are not great, and you can solve them yourself, so you don't need to trouble them.

After using the long-lasting potion, Chen Cang's whole body is better. After running, he was busy from 5 to 7 in the morning.

The little nurse couldn't hold on, and changed two dials.

沧 Cang Cang still seems to be calmly dressing and treating patients with wounds.

Until 7:30, Yang Jie watched Chen Cang was still very strong and couldn't help but smile: "Dr. Chen, tired all night, every time I come here, you are busy, take a break ! "

Chen Cang smiled: "It's all right, not tired!"

Another nurse lady in her thirties was surprised: "Dr. Chen is in good health! Are you not married?"

沧 Cang Cang suddenly smiled awkwardly: "Just married."

When the other party heard it, their eyes were smiling broadly, and they said enviously: "It's nice to be young! But ... you must combine work and rest and not overwork.

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