When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 848: : 1 person, 2 operations at the same time!

Chen Cang took out his mobile phone and glanced at the time. It is now 5:15 pm!

After 20 minutes the operation will start on time!

The directors named by Chen Cang were heavy in heart, and there was a lot of anxiety and anxiety, but they were more excited and eager to try!

Being able to be named by Chen Cang shows that he has been recognized by Mr. Chen.

At the same time, this is also a severe test for them!

These people usually follow Chen Cang's surgery. Chen Cang knows their strength very well.

So this time, Chen Cang chose those who are more reliable.

Chen Cang turned and glanced at the family members of both sides, and said to the doctor on the bed, "Informed consent was obtained, two copies, and a notice of illness!"

These are pre-requisites!

Even Chen Cang has enough confidence in the operation of his heart.

However, surgery is ultimately risky.

No one can guarantee that the surgery will not cause accidents and risks.

He is not God after all, and all he can do is go all out.

Chen Cang looked at the parents and relatives of both the 11 and 19 beds, and said lightly: "Time is limited, I believe you don't need me to explain so much. The situation is dangerous now, you can't delay time, the operating room is already preparing!"

"I believe what we should have said just now, and you have heard it. Now we all want the child to survive safely, and we all hope that the operation will be successful. Be ready to sign."

The family members of each side looked at each other, a little silent!

The hand holding the pen was a bit hesitant and a little trembling!

"Dr. Chen, please!" The 19-bed family members took the lead and started signing.

After all, they were the operation of Chen Cang.

The 11-bed family members were silent at this moment ...

He returned from the New York Presbyterian Hospital in the United States and had expectations of it, but who would have thought that such a thing would happen.

However, he also knew that at this moment, hesitation was the palest and weakest at this moment.

"Doctor Chen! Come on!" The man gritted his teeth and wrote his name fiercely. He almost broke the consent form!

Chen Cang nodded and was about to leave when he got up. When he was about to go out, he paused, and after hesitating, turned and looked at the families of the two sides, suddenly said:

"We want our children to survive!"

"Every director here, their efforts are all for the surgery, they have one more chance to win!"

"Leave it to us!"

After speaking, Chen Cang got up and left with a signed letter, and walked directly towards the operating room!

The directors left in the office were a bit frustrated, after all, they were not recognized by Chen Cang ...

But at this time!

There was a raging fire in their hearts, because in this life, there was no end!

Only at the moment when they can't be operated on, can they give up their efforts.

Tens of millions of people in China are waiting for them to treat them.

There are countless patients all over the world, waiting for them to go abroad, with the pride of China, to spread the love of the great nations! One day, our Chinese medical care can stand on top of the world!

Come on!

Everyone's fighting spirit ignited.



Operating room, door-to-door, two surgical preparations!

Two little patients are ready to be sent to the operating room in the corridor!

The 19-bed girl looked at the 11-bed little brother. They didn't know what surgery was performed, and who would do it ... they didn't understand it!

All they knew was that after entering this door, it would be a new world.

The two just crooked their heads and glanced at each other.

The little girl smiled and said, "When I come out, I'll go and play with you!"

The little boy grinned. The age of his teeth changed so that he was missing an incisor. At this moment he smiled happily: "Well, after we come out, we will be our best friends!"

The little girl smiled and stretched out her left little finger: "Hook!"

The little boy nodded: "Hook!"

"Hook hanging ..."

"No cheating for a hundred years ..."

Talking, they both cried.

Because they all know how dangerous their disease is, these years, they can't go to school like ordinary children, they have to be hospitalized and have surgery ...

Over the years, they are most used to nurse sisters and doctors and uncles.

This is the cutest person in their eyes!

The door to the operating room was where they both feared and looked forward to.


They are finally facing this moment.

I wanted to face this test with a smile, but in the end, I will be scared.

In the age of eleven or twelve, you have not learned to be happy, but you have learned to be afraid!

Chen Cang watched the two pull hooks gradually being pushed into the operating room by the nurse.

He turned his head and began to brush his hands seriously!

Xu Ziming was nervous, and he glanced at Chen Cang: "Little Chen!"

Chen Cang froze and turned to look at Xu Ziming, "What's wrong?"

Xu Ziming took a deep breath: "I'm a bit nervous, you encourage me!"

Several other directors also nodded one after another: "Yes ... Mr. Chen, you encourage and encourage us. I am too panicked now. I was a bit panicked when facing this test for the first time."

Everyone has been used to joking Chen Cang Chen teacher.

Instead, the more you get used to it.

It has nothing to do with age!

Chen Cang smiled and shook his head: "Actually, you can already handle the surgery independently, I just don't worry. Director Xu, you are really amazing."

Xu Ziming heard it, smiled, and shook his head. All they needed was encouragement!

Chen Cang looked up at the clock on the wall. At 5:30 in the afternoon, five minutes later, the operation was about to begin!

Chen Cang turned and smiled: "Come on! I treat you at night!"

Everyone suddenly laughed haha!

Xu Ziming said with a smile immediately: "You earn more than us together, you must ask!"

Chen Cang couldn't help smiling.

Every operation of Chen Cang's beating heart is divided by the expert fee plus a coefficient. One operation is not cheap!

Two surgical doors are door to door!

Chen Cang came into the operating room, the nurse quickly got up to dress, the equipment nurse was ready. The anesthesiologist was the director of the anesthesia department, Lin Hui, a 51-year-old director!

Today, everyone is paying attention to this operation!

Chen Cang looked at the nurse aside and said, "Open and opposite the video surgery in the operating room."

The nurse nodded, and began to communicate with the opposite. Soon, another scene of the operating room appeared on the huge screen. Two cameras, one indoor and one surgical field.

Lin Hui looked at this young man, he really admired a little bit more!

At the age of twenty-seven, he had this courage, and he directed two operations by himself.

The operation was reported to the hospital soon. After Wu Tongfu heard the news, his face suddenly changed, and he was ready to leave for work and rushed towards the operating room!

Everyone in the meeting room outside the operating room is waiting for the start of the operation!

Wu Tongfu hurriedly came in and sat down, staring directly at the big screen!

At this time, both parents comforted each other outside the operating room!

In the ward of cardiac surgery ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ more than 70 family members and more than 30 children, waiting for this good news to come!

Time: 5:45 pm, surgery has begun!



ps: Thanks to the new confederate "Sakura DE Incense" for the 100,000 reward, add another ally to this book, add more! It's 51 now, and I'm moved. The battle for hegemony is not a dream! !! !!

Thanks to the old league leader "Yipinxinxin" for 70,000 rewards, and "Devils love apples" for 50,000 rewards, all added more!

Thanks to "hushengayi", "Sakura ah Little Sakura", "Lei Shu", "饕 DE 餮", "XJL2390", "sky jelly", "Drunk lying and listening to Yumeng Yaochi", "One person づ Sky", " "Pure Shrimp", "Sakitamax", "Book Friends 20191208224315425", and "Black After White" rewarded 10,000 rewards for several friends, which are accumulated into the leader, plus 3 more chapters!

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