When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 876: : I really don't ...

At this moment, he found how long he hadn't observed his mother so closely!

The middle-aged woman who thought she was familiar with her, loved playing mahjong, liked herself, leftovers, and was unwilling to spend money on groceries because her mother could quarrel with the business ... So strange ...

He found that he hadn't sat down to chat with his mother for a long time ...

Busy working?

Busy in business?

Busy love?

But ... Is it really impossible to take a few minutes every day to chat with my mother?

Maybe it was just the moment when I picked up the phone. Do you think she is Lori?

I'm not as comfortable as playing the game myself ...

The young man looked at his mother and found that the hair roots under the rustic yellow big wavy hair that had been dyed a few years ago had become gray.

发现 He found that the wrinkles in the corners of his mother's eyes were deeper.

She found that ... the mother is no longer the woman who can pick him up and spank him, she ... has slowly grown old ...

When I saw the man like this, the card player on the side said:

"She used to have high blood pressure. She has been taking antihypertensive drugs for more than three years. I recommended her to Shi Huida some time ago, and the effect was okay. I gave her 120 / 80mmHg in the morning."

"I know that she was 21 years old and had four children and had a miscarriage. This boy was his last. Like Baoer, when she was pregnant, she was afraid to die, for fear that she would disappear, so she gave birth to this. After the kid, I feel like a pearl on my palm ... "

Another also said: "Six months ago, she found a uterine fibroid, fearing that the child was worried. I didn't tell him, I accompanied her to cut the uterus ..."

The next friend continued to add: "She is too stingy, cooks too much food, ca n’t bear to throw it, and always puts it in the refrigerator for a few meals. Last week he said that his son was going to take his girlfriend home. A dish was busy all afternoon, but the child didn't come. Later, when I went to find her, she ate a long time leftover ... "

"It may have appendicitis all the time. It's time to play cards. We always say that the appendix hurts. We all advised her to cut it. She always said that it didn't hurt. It must be because we played cards ..."

Uh ...

I looked at the three brand friends and you said it to me, Chen Cang made the situation of the patient clear to me.

At this moment, the young people suddenly found that they didn't know their parents better than these brand friends. The key time ... still they helped save the mother!

I watched the man crying beside the bed.

Cang Cang couldn't help but said, "Get ready for surgery."

The man quickly got up, wiped his face, and looked at Chen Cang: "Doctor, must you save my mother? I beg you!"

"What happened to my mother?"

"I haven't done her well yet ..."

Cang Cang nodded: "Well, rest assured, we will go all out."

At this time, the operating room was ready over there, and Chen Cang and Ma Yuehui walked directly towards the operating room.

Lao Ma looked at the man who was lost in the back, and suddenly asked, "How long did you give your mother a birthday last time?"

Cang Cang could not help but shake his head ...

He doesn't seem to have ...

Lao Ma couldn't help but said, "I seem to have been for years, and I almost forgot my mother's birthday."

The two stopped speaking and walked towards the operating room.

When washing his hands, the old horse asked, "What disease do you really feel?"

Chen Cang nodded for granted: "Of course!"


Chen Cang hesitated for a moment: "This should not be just an operation!"

At this time, anesthesiologist Zhou He came and he had looked at the medical records, but he was still not sure what surgery it was. When he heard Chen Cang say this, he couldn't help asking:

"What do you mean?"

Ji Zhouhe and Ma Yuehui both stared at Chen Cang.

Cang Chen said directly: "I just guess, it may be an intra-abdominal hernia! But ... after all, through the belly, I can't be sure."

After saying so, Chen Cang began to explain the reasons.

"Patients had a hysterectomy in the past and cut it half a year ago, and those brand friends said that they may have appendicitis, sit for a long time, lack exercise, and eat irregularly ..."

"It's very likely that the appendicitis worsened and caused adhesions to the intestines!"

结合 "Combined with palpation, I feel that the patient has an adhesion cord after appendectomy and hysterectomy."

"This adhesion cord is definitely not a day or two. Under long-term entanglement, the intestine and this adhesion cord will become entangled, causing this part of the intestinal tissue to cause acute mesenteric blood vessel embolism!"

然后 "Then this led to the formation of this intra-abdominal hernia!"

After some explanation, the old horse frowned and couldn't help but say, "Are you ... serious nonsense?"

沧 Cang Cang rolled his eyes directly: "I'm talking about reasoning!"

Xi Zhouhe could not help but shook his head: "This disease is rare."

Lao Ma said so on his mouth, but in fact, looking at Chen Cang's eyes, he felt that Chen Cang guessed seven or eight points: "Ready to open the belly!"

If it is just general surgery, laparoscopy is fine, but the patient's condition is special, and it must be performed on an open abdomen.

后 After anesthesia.

Yi Ma Yuehui glanced at Chen Cang: "Are you here?"

Cang Cang smiled awkwardly: "Come on ..."

When Ma Yuehui heard this, she suddenly hesitated: "You won't?"

Cang Cang blushed: "No, I want to see what Captain Ma does."

Lao Ma couldn't help but feel happy for a while, a little excited, and finally met Chen Cang's surgery:

"Your boy, I bet you won't. If you did, you wouldn't have the nurse call me all the time."

"Pretend to pretend, no, no, no, come on, I teach you!"

Isn't it normal for Chen Cang to blush?

By the way, Zhou He, who was on the sidelines, gave a stun: "Dr. Chen, wouldn't you?"

The nurse next to me also widened his eyes, and there was something that the male **** wouldn't do?

Cang Cang was speechless!

Hey, I'm here for further studies. I'll be able to learn a hammer. I came here directly as the director!

Ma Yuehui was in a good mood: "Look, learn!"

Cang Cang gritted his teeth, Santian Hedong, Santian Hexi, Ma Ma waiting for you ... Teach you tomorrow!

It is true that Chen Cang basically does nothing for gastrointestinal surgery except for an intestinal anastomosis.

When the operation started, Ma Yuehui put away her smiley face, holding a scalpel, and made an incision through the rectus abdominis in the right middle abdomen.

"Pulled it!"

"Stop bleeding!"


"Suck liquid!"

Uh ...

Cang Cang feels that Ma Ma is intentional because ... Cang Cangming has stopped bleeding, why do you want to call out?

Do you think this is a skill? Can you use it when you read it?

Unfortunately ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Ma Wei is addicted.

However, I have to say that the old horse is extremely skilled in the operation of open abdomen, carefully avoiding all the key points, and it is very accurate for the protection of the mesentery.

The moment I opened my abdomen.

Suddenly everyone stopped!

Because this is exactly the same as Chen Cang said!

Suppurative appendicitis adheres to the cecum. After hysterectomy, there is adhesion to the stump due to the tract. At this time, an adhesion cord is formed!

The intestine is directly herniad into such a cord, forming stenosis and necrosis.

The entire intestine has become dark, and the necrotic intestine is more than a meter long!

Ma Yuehui and Zhou He looked at Chen Cang with curiosity, and they guessed right? Can you guess this?

Suddenly, the old horse was a little skeptical: "You really don't want this operation?"

Cang Cang felt that the old horse was intentional!

Actually, the old horse was just afraid of being pretended to be defeated. After all ... you guessed such an operation, how could it not?

And, Chen Cang, you guessed it through your belly, this ... Is the difficulty factor higher than the operation?

Wu Zhouhe also looked at Chen Cang with suspicion ...

Cang Cang helpless: "I won't ..."

Uh ...

Uh ...

Ps: Everyone is busy, so it ’s a good opportunity to stay at home. Everyone spends time with their parents and understands them. Actually ... you will find that the mountain in your eyes is no longer tall than you.

Ps: Thank you "Fire Dance Blazing Phoenix" for 10,000 rewards, and thank you for your support.

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