When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 882: : I want to sleep for beauty

Cang Cang suddenly hesitated!

"What secret?"

Qin Yue said with a smile: "I found that my skin has been much better recently, and my complexion is rosy and shiny!"

Cang Cang was a little bit speechless, "You're Caiyang tonic! Look at my skin ..."

Chen Cang helpless.

Qin Yue looked at it, and suddenly giggled and laughed: "Your acne on the nose is gone, you are a yin-yang reconciliation!"

Living together for a long time, the words of the young couple are becoming more and more casual.

Wu Qinyue feels that this is life.

Su Qin Yue suddenly said, "I saw my sister's face, alas, his face was dull, and the yin and yang were not adjusted!"

"At first glance, it is endocrine disorders, so if you think about it, you suddenly think that it is actually more useful than beauty."

"I think, after I have a baby, you have to adjust it ..."

Cang Cang is speechless, what nerves are going on at night.

Hey, let me drive!

Your speed is faster than mine ...

沧 Chen Cang adjusted her sitting position so that it didn't look too abrupt.

Qin Yue said, "Yes, the courier is here. Did you pick it for me?"

沧 Cang Cang nodded: "Get it, what is it?"

Qin Yue directly confessed like Chen Cang: "What is it? You are so embarrassed to say that all my stockings have torn you up ... I must not buy new ones?"

When Chen Cang heard it, he immediately became happy!

"Oh, ah, you can buy more, socks, consumables, and any drawing is normal ... haha, this old bulletin is sold ... yes, do you want to buy some special clothes?"

Uh ...

Uh ...

When I returned home, Chen Cang urged Qin Yue to try stockings quickly ... Then there was nothing to say all night.

刚 Just the day after tomorrow, Qin Yue just opened his eyes, reached out and instinctively touched the mobile phone, and touched it ... 咿? What is this?

At this moment, Qin Yue became curious, and touched his hands, and suddenly hesitated.

It turns out that people will react when they fall asleep!

After discovering a medical student's curiosity and discussion of medicine, Qin Yue just prepared to study it.

Suddenly, Chen Cang felt moved, and quickly closed his eyes, pretending to sleep.

Chen Cang rolled over, fumbled with his arm, and fumbled to Qin Yue's arm.

Wu whispered, "Scratch me!"

Qin Yue was startled, my mother, was found?

Small heart flutters.

However, close to her, she found that she had misunderstood. Chen Cang was holding her arm and started scratching her back!

Qin Yue was speechless: "You're addicted, right? I'm not tickling."

沧 Cang Cang said stupidly: "Hurry up, the lower scapula, the seventh rib position, right to right ... in the direction of the latissimus dorsi, oh, strong, use fourth-grade muscle ...

Qin Yue was speechless: "Can't you talk up and down?"

Chen Cang suddenly turned around and yawned in the direction of Qin Yue: "I'm used to it."

沧 Cang Cang continued to sleep with his eyes closed. I was really tired last night ... It turned out that tearing up stockings was also physical work ...

Qin Yue couldn't sleep. Staring at Chen Cang, the more she looked, the more she looked. How she looked and looked good, she said with a smile on her face, "How can a man look so beautiful?"

Cang Cang ignored her.

Qin Yue did not feel relieved, pouting her mouth, rubbing her ears, pinching her nose, and seeing Chen Cang not playing with her, she suddenly said:

"Husband, what do you think of me? I don't know what advantages I have ..."

"You say I'm a little bit pretty, too tall and average, IQ ... so average, chest ... so everything is so average, why do you like me so much?"

Qin Yue played with Chen Cang's big hand: "Are you ugly?"

Chen Cang was helpless and kept shaking his head.

But Qin Yue is indomitable, and it is necessary to let Chen Cang say something, in fact ... it is nothing more than to let Chen Cang praise her.

Unfortunately, Chen Cang is sleeping at this moment. After all, it was you who worked hard last night. You are old and comfortable. There is an old ox tired here ...

"Are you ugly?"

I was so frustrated by Qin Yue, Chen Cang perfunctoryly said, "Yes, yes, wife, you are right! I am ugly ..."

Qin Xiao licked it, and immediately blew up!

"Chen dog thief ... my mother killed you!"

After speaking, I flew towards Chen Cang!

"You think I'm ugly ..."

With his hands and feet, Chen Cang hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Sister, you said it yourself, you can't blame me ..."

Qin Yue snorted coldly: "I can say I'm ugly, you can't say it! What you say is owed ..."

Huh, cohabitation life is still happier.


After some trouble, Chen Cang's WeChat sounded, and Wang Yong sent Chen Cang an invitation to play.

"Canger? Do you play games?"

Chen Cang, who was lying on the bed and didn't want to move, nodded, "You invite me."

Chen Wangyong sent Chen Cang an invitation to the peace elite.

沧 Cang Cang turned to watch Qin Yue who was lying there watching the show: "Wife, do you eat chicken?"

Qin Yue froze, turned and looked at Chen Cang, eyes full of complexity.

"I ... think about it!"

Cang Cang was speechless, what did you consider: "Open now, hesitate, wait for you ..."

Qin Yue still finds it difficult to accept ...

His big eyes blinked at Chen Cang, a little shy: "Are you sure?"

At this time, the familiar game opening sounded: "Cang Cang couldn't help but say, if you don't come, I will drive with Wang Yong."

When Qin Yue heard the game, she suddenly realized.

For a while, blushing was like monkey ass.

When Chen Cang saw this, he suddenly laughed.

"Hahahaha ... you're enough!"

"Smile to me, you say, what do you want in your head all day long!"

Qi Qinyue became angry and anger, picked up the pillow and rushed to Chen Cang again.

"I blame you!"

"Are you sorry to say?"

"You have broken me!"

"I am going to kill you!"

沧 Cang Cang was startled: "My sister spares her life, she is merciful ... hurry up and wait for you!"

Qin Yue stopped, UU reading www.uukanshu.com boarded the game.

Wang Yong and Wang Qian are here.

When he saw the two men coming up, he suddenly said hello.

四 The four of them are young people, and the same batch of hospitals also like to have similar interests on weekdays.

得到 Get together and play games occasionally.

Do not think that doctors do not play games, they may be more liver than anyone ...

I opened the team voice.

Qin Yue: "Oh, husband, save me!"

Cang Cang: "Wife, wait for me ... wife ... don't run!"

Qin Yue: "My husband, I will give you an eight-fold mirror!"

勇 Wang Yong and Wang Qian are speechless over there: "Sister, can't you both open a room if you have a room? Is this show suitable for love?"

Wang Yong was crying, "That is, can you take care of the feeling of a single dog?"

沧 Cang Cang and Qin Yue looked at each other, could not help but laughed: "Sorry, sorry, we deliberately!"

In a word, Wang Yong's half-death!

After a morning in trouble, Qin Yue sympathized with Chen Cang and cooked meals at noon.

But ...

Cang Cang knew she was not at ease.

When she waited for lunch at noon, Qin Yue stared at Chen Cang with big eyes: "Husband, I want to sleep for beauty?"

Cang Cang has a cold ...

Thirty as a wolf!

Uh ...

Ps: Thanks to the boss who loves his wife and will develop.

Thank you qq for reading 40,000 rewards for "N"!

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