When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 887: : This is a sociological question!

After hearing the words of Chen Cang, the man was really flustered!

After all, suddenly hearing that you have gonorrhea is a very painful or even hopeless thing for anyone.

病 This disease is not the same as a cold!

The man was even startled, his body was full of cold sweat!

"Doctor, will I die?"

Chen Cang was asked by this question.

其实 "In fact, if it is just a common gonococcal infection, as long as the diagnosis is early and the clinical type is confirmed, the early, sufficient, regular and comprehensive treatment will have a good effect!" Chen Cang's answer was official.

But the man suddenly wept and said, "Doctor, do you mean to be dangerous, right?"

"Otherwise, you tell me directly, can it be cured!"

Chen Cang couldn't help but sigh!

It's no use asking me this question, you have to ask who got the gonococci from the lady who gave you gonococci for free!

Seeing a man like this, Chen Cang said directly: "Simply say, it depends on where your gonococcus comes from. If it is just ordinary gonococcus and the drug resistance is not strong, it will be easier to say.

"But ... if you have imported Neisseria gonorrhoeae, you may not!"

A word, the man's brain buzzed, some could not turn.

"Doctor, don't make a joke, is this ... the thing ... there is still import?"

连 Even Xiao Ke looked at Chen Cang with a blank expression. Can the germs be imported?

进口 Are imports more expensive than domestic ones?

沧 Cang Cang couldn't help but say: "Let me tell you so, most domestic gonorrhoeae are imported."

Indeed, Chen Cang said that it is not nonsense, but based on the latest research in epidemiology.

Perfect STDs have made him better in this field!

In fact, before the liberation, the prevalence of gonorrhea in China was very serious.

However, gonorrhea was the second most common STD in the early stage of liberation. By the mid-1960s, gonorrhea was basically eliminated in China.

Chen Cang is very proud of this. In the early years, our country's control of sexually transmitted diseases has always been at the forefront of the world.

However, as China's reform and opening up, gonorrhea re-introduced to China in the 1980s, spreading from coastal cities to inland cities. And the incidence increases rapidly every year.

This is also good. After these gonococci came back, the development under national control was relatively slow.

But some places in other countries do not control well, and Neisseria gonorrhoeae belongs to a kind of "evolving" faster and more resistant to bacteria.

To be honest, the same is Neisseria gonorrhoeae, the species is different, the treatment is difficult.

So Chen Cang glanced at the man for help and said directly:

"N. gonorrhoeae is also constantly evolving, and now there are many highly resistant N. gonorrhoeae strains in some regions abroad."

"If your Neisseria gonorrhoeae comes from a source of infection from a foreigner, I can't guarantee how long it will heal, but if it is only your own country, the drug resistance is not very strong, and it is relatively easy to treat."

其实 "Actually, not everything is imported!" Chen Cang added.

When the man heard this sentence, he was panicked!

Where he has other moods at this time, he used to be fine, now the only source of infection is that woman.

He picked up the phone in a panic: "I ask you a question!"

The woman said for a moment: "What's wrong?"

"Have you ever engaged with a foreigner!" Said the man, gnashing his teeth.

The grandma was dumbfounded, and seemed to be silent for a while, after hesitating for a moment: "Who told you? Lily? Or lina?"

Man is crying!

我 草 你 大爷 ...

The man was helpless, but at this time, it was useless to say anything. He said palely, "You can really play, you can see if you are sick."

After speaking, the man hung up.

To be honest, the man's heart is dead.

How did the man leave him without knowing his soul?

It's really hard to get rid of this disease.

After waiting for the man to leave, Xiao Ke packed up and washed his hands several times.

To be honest, what hospital medical staffs are most afraid of encountering are several patients, one with severe infectious diseases and one with sexually transmitted diseases.

Many times, the explanation is unclear.

This is also the main reason why infectious diseases should be checked before surgery. After all, who can guarantee that there will be no iatrogenic infection during surgery?

Occupational exposure has been increasing, and all medical staff are now more vigilant.

Xiao Xiaoke couldn't help but said, "Dr. Chen, is the disease dangerous?"

沧 Cang Cang hesitated: "Sixty percent of STDs in the country are probably gonorrhea now, more men than women!"

Xiao Xiaoke suddenly hesitated: "This man is more contagious than women?"

Chen Cang shook his head and said with tears and laughter: "No, if according to epidemiology, men can only be obtained through sexual transmission, and after a relationship between a man and a woman with gonorrhea, only 25% of infection opportunity."

"But women are different. Women can get sick even through non-sexual transmission, such as contaminated clothes, bedding, towels, bathtubs, toilets and other indirect infections."

"So, in essence, women are easier to get, but men are more obvious. Generally, acute attacks will appear in 2-5 days ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But most women will be ignored, thinking that it is inflammation. When found, It's already more trouble. "

At this time, Xiao Ke suddenly said, "Why are there more men than women?"

This problem made Chen Cang also hold back!

Yes indeed!

This is a very deep and sociological issue.

沧 Chen Cang thought for a long time, but it didn't seem to help Xiao Ke answer this question.

Can a sick woman infect several men?

In this case……

说明 Does it mean that there are a lot of men who are dishonest?

Unscrupulous women will always be dishonest and will be passed on to several dishonest men.

沧 Cang Cang had a cold chill, could not help but shook his head. This is a deep problem. It does not belong to medicine, but belongs to ... sociology.

Cang Cang said: "Be careful when cleaning up this garbage."

Chen Cang also washed his hands several times.

Actually, being a doctor is good, but it is a bit laborious, especially for surgeons. Washing hands for diagnosis and brushing hands for surgery, Chen Cang feels that his hands are weather-tested.

Xiao Xiaoke still didn't understand the problem and wanted to talk to nurses after going out.

It is less than twelve o'clock in the evening at this time. Perhaps for many people, it is the first stage of the lantern, which is the time when the nightlife begins.

Chen Cang looked at the lights outside and could not help but sigh.

Hey, the boy goes out, he must take care of his little brother.

Girls should protect themselves even more, it is best to bring all kinds of supplies in the hotel ...

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