When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 906: : Xiao Chen is going to pretend!

This incident was a call by Luo Youcai from the Medical Department to He Zhiqian, telling him that there were a few more people, and let him remove a few.

I also said that Chen Cang, who was in the emergency department, was also required to participate. They are all places. It is not small money to go to the United States to attend the meeting.

So He Zhiqian is helpless here.

Of course, there are opinions and opinions, and work is work. The two things cannot be confused!

He has an opinion because he feels that his specialty is different, and it is wasteful to go. If you are in the gastrointestinal tract of Chen Cang, I will say nothing, and you are all right.

After all, He Zhiqian also understood that the hospital just hoped that the people who went to get a good grade, and finally what committee or something.

Academic stuff, to put it bluntly, is capable people.

When he heard what He Zhiqian said, Chen Cang smiled slightly: "Director He, don't need too much, 5cm is enough!"

A word, said everyone.

察 Even Zhang Chahai, the director of thoracic surgery, began to frown: "5cm?"

Cang Cang nodded!

Tong Yu Yonggang and Lao Ma stood behind him, and Li Yue looked at Chen Cang with curiosity.

察 Zhang Chahai heard: "Dr. Chen, show me what you think."

沧 Cang Cang nodded, not advancing at all, and walked towards the front.

The patient, Che Zhehua, was picked up by Chen Cang himself, and he was very sorry for what happened. In this case, Chen Cang has been studying his situation for two consecutive nights and studying how to perform surgery!

However, he was also more secure, and bluffed out to express his thoughts.

After all, this is the capital!

He is the Capital Emergency Center Hospital. He also has another name: International Emergency Medical Research Center.

的 There are countless big guys here, Chen Cang naturally doesn't consider himself the only one who is the most powerful.

The suggestions of several directors were very constructive. After listening, Chen Cang also enriched his ideas, so he took the initiative to articulate his ideas.

Tong Yuyong just didn't really understand Chen Cang and didn't know how much surgery the boy would have.

He glanced at Ma Yuehui: "Xiao Chen ... he ... he has a good gastrointestinal surgery?"

Ma Yuehui is not at the bottom of his heart. He is more perplexed than Lao Yu, and he can't see Chen Cang more!

"This ... that's right, it should be ... awesome!"

In a word, Lao Yu wanted to hit someone!

After Chen Cang went up, he quickly restored the picture in the entire esophagus.

"Although it seems that the entire esophagus is severe and narrow, it is not necessary to cut it all."

"The esophagus is divided into three sections: neck, chest and abdomen. We can choose the most suitable surgical method based on these three anatomical structures!"

"Neck, I recommend repair surgery, but this repair surgery is definitely more complicated, my idea is ..."

Chen Cang's words have not yet been said, the old horse blurted out: "Use the lung tissue flap to repair the irregular defect of the neck esophagus!"

Old horse's voice is really loud!

Suddenly, everyone in the office was startled, and even old Yu couldn't help it.

Yu Yong stared at Ma Yuehui with a daring look.

Old horse smiled awkwardly: "I'm sorry, I'm excited! Yes, the lung tissue flap esophagus is used here!"

沧 Cang Cang rolled his eyes and learned fast!

Lao Yu also suddenly remembered, yes, wasn't this the improved esophageal repair operation when Chen Cang first came?

Suddenly, her eyes suddenly lighted up.

But, Zhang Chahai of Thoracic Surgery doesn't know!

Xi Yuyonggang couldn't help but said, "This is a modified surgical procedure by Xiao Chen himself, removing part of the pedicled lung tissue to repair the esophagus ... it can effectively restore and rebuild esophageal function."

"Last time, we had a patient like this. The surgical method used by Chen Cang was very effective. The patient was discharged from the hospital. When we returned later, it was said that the recovery was fast!"

察 Zhang Chahai is an expert in thoracic surgery. After hearing Yu Yonggang's words, he immediately began to think about various possibilities. After a while, he felt a happy heart!

Is really a good way, and ... this is a new field!

Thinking of this, Zhang Chahai's eyes were full of enthusiasm to see Chen Cang!

This kid seems very unusual!

No, I have to find some time to pull Chen Cang to the thoracic surgery for a period of time!

Zhang Chahai suddenly thought of Xu Ziming, and suddenly felt that his luck was too good.


I have to talk to Chen Cang about this.

Zhang Chahai nodded quickly: "Good idea, Dr. Chen continues ..."

On this side, Any Zhi, the general surgeon who saw such a strange scene, frowned suddenly.

This kid ... so evil?

Also proficient in chest surgery?

Isn't he really good at digestive function?

When I thought of Chen Cang signing up for the Mayo Summit in the United States, He Zhiqian suddenly shook ...

Here, Chen Cang continued to explain: "Intrathoracic esophagus, I recommend the use of esophageal and colonic surgery to remove the absolute stenosis, and then those who can repair can use the pedicled colon muscle flap to repair, so that It can be effectively repaired and can achieve a good recovery and stability of the esophagus of the chest. "

最后 "Finally, this section of the abdominal esophagus is repaired, and this section uses esophagectomy to directly remove this indiscriminate stenosis ..."

"Then ..."

Cang Cang wrote and painted on the demo board, and soon restored the entire scene of esophageal repair!

After watching Chen Cang's presentation, Zhang Chahai was instantly excited!

"it is good!"

"Beautiful surgical plan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Excellent!"

"Dr. Chen is really young and promising, none of our old-fashioned ideas can match it!"

In the whole office, everyone's eyes looked a little shocked.

I can make Director Zhang Chahai think that he is quite old. What kind of strength is this?

Do not underestimate every director of the emergency center, they are standing at the top of the industry.

At this time, Chen Cang appeared like a new star.

The old horse looked at Chen Cang, and suddenly he felt a little bit more happy, it seemed that ... he would do the same.

At this time, Any Zhiqian, the owner of general surgery, was also curious about Chen. At this time, he felt that Chen Cang was not the kind of person who fame and fame. He may also have great ideas and ability. Maybe ... he went to Mayo. Have his thoughts and purposes.

As a result, He Zhiqian couldn't help looking at Chen Cang and said, "Doctor Chen, what do you think of the patient's gastrointestinal surgery."

沧 Cang Cang smiled suddenly: "Actually, I have thought about this problem for a long time, how can I preserve the digestive function of patients to the greatest extent?"

"My approach is to improve a new surgical technique for major gastrectomy!"

As soon as this remark came out, the surroundings calmed down.

Is it improvement?

Lao Ma looked at Chen Cang, he felt that 厮 ... have to pretend again!

But He Zhiqian was confused, how to improve the Fa?

Uh ...

Uh ...

Ps: Thank you for the 20,000 rewards of the "cold starry sky", thank you for your support, and thank you for your vote to subscribe.

I learned today that those medical staff who participated in the rescue returned safely and immediately became excited and added more for them!

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