When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 909: : Horse Holding

"I saw you receive a red envelope!" The old horse smiled, "You divide me, I will not report you!"

沧 Cang Cang quickly clenched his pockets: "I receive the red envelope with my strength, and why do I divide you!"

Old horse 讪讪 smiled: "What a lovely girl! Give me one, just one."

沧 Cang Cang carefully selected it, and gave the oldest one the cheapest fruit flavor. The big white rabbit kept it.

Old Ma Meizi just opened it and stuffed it into his mouth. The sweet taste came, and the thick and cheap but precious taste was aftertaste in the mouth.

Eating sugar, Lao Ma and Chen Cang went to the operating room together.

As soon as I arrived in the operating room, the big mouth of old horse told Chen Cang about the red envelope received by Chen Cang!

Cang Cang was speechless for a moment, what am I ...

Divide sugar!

After such a point, Chen Cang has three big white rabbits left in his hand, and quickly crammed one in his mouth to give Qin Xiao the remaining two big white rabbits.

Lao Ma smiled and said with a smile: "The red envelopes are all collected, but we have to work hard."

Zhang Chahai nodded and smiled, "It's easy to say."

I brushed my hands and talked about the details of the operation. The group walked towards the operating room.

Ji Zhouhe is an anesthesiologist. After the analysis, he began to prepare nervously.

难度 The difficulty factor of this operation is great!

Chen Cang looked up at the time, 7:20 pm.

The operation officially started.

The entire operation requires neck tissue separation and repair, thoracotomy, major gastric resection, and esophageal-colonic interposition, so there are many places that need to be opened.

Neck and esophageal separation surgery began. Zhang Chahai watched Chen Cang's skillful and steady operation. If he didn't look at his face, he thought he was an old director in his fifties.

Fortunately, the mucosa has not yet been perforated, but the difference is not great.

The whole process is even more difficult than having been damaged and perforated, as this requires assessment and removal of damaged tissue.

无疑 This undoubtedly adds a surgical procedure, and it is very troublesome to operate the knife in so many nerve, blood vessels, thyroid and other tissue-intensive places in the neck.

It took more than twenty minutes for Chen Cang to separate.

与 此 At the same time, a prompt sounded in Chen Cang's ear!

【Ding! The disease of the digestive tract burned by sulfuric acid is comprehensively judged as: King-level boss, the operation is very difficult, it is recommended to proceed carefully. 】

The King of Kings!

Alas, the difficulty of such a surgery is not an exaggeration to say that the king class.

沧 Cang Cang didn't have too many emotional fluctuations, took a scalpel firmly, looked at the wall of the esophagus, and began to lower the knife slowly.

This is a fine process!

How to effectively strip undamaged tissue and effectively retain healthy tissue is an extremely patient work.

Cang Cang's eyes are extremely accurate in judging the red damaged part.

When I stabbed the knife, I was very decisive.

The process of surgery is actually not as beautiful as expected, the blood will continue to flow out, and the damaged scar tissue and the inner wall of the ulcers look extremely incomparable.

But everyone is used to it.

I watched Chen Cang immerse himself in the operation, while Zhang Chahai freed and stabilized the esophagus as much as possible.

The time passed by one minute and one second. Chen Cang hoped to retain as much normal tissue as possible, and to retain the peristalsis and related functions of the digestive tract.

Gastrointestinal reconstruction technology is a technology that the world has been trying to study.

Including the Mayo Summit on Gastrointestinal Digestive Function, this is not an exaggeration. The goal they are pursuing is how to achieve the maximum restoration of the function of the gastrointestinal tract after the reconstruction of the digestive tract.

This is an international problem!

很多 There are many issues to consider. The digestive system is by no means the only digestive tract, but also the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas.

The next step is to open the chest and cut the lungs.

This process, Zhang Chahai watched very carefully.

Chen Cang also has no reservations.

In fact, Chen Cang has never retained these surgical techniques. Even during the last operation, he focused on explaining the principles and surgical procedures to Ma Yuehui.

But old horse ... let alone talk, it's a bit sad.

I looked at Chen Cang who wasn't shocked. Zhang Chahai was a little bit stunned for a while, because of this calmness and calmness, to be honest, it was really unusual.

Ligation cuts off the right middle lobe bronchus without damaging any arteriovenous veins of the lungs, retaining the tissue valve, making the lung tissue valve, and repairing the lung tissue ...

The whole process looks familiar, it seems to have made hundreds of units.

Next, it is the anastomosis process.

After Chen Cang covered the lung tissue flap with the defect, an incredible scene appeared!

Zhang Chahai's eyes widened instantly and he looked at Chen Cang in disbelief.

so smart?

The leisurely operation just like Xianyun Sanhe just turned out ...

Is it?


Zhang Chahai was keenly aware that Chen Cang's operation was not uncomfortable, but was intended to reduce the speed of the operation in order to improve the accuracy of the operation, thereby ensuring the maximum surgical effect.

From the most suitable lung tissue, making the smallest lung tissue flap can meet the needs of the entire esophagus. Is this not the level?

I thought of this, Zhang Chahai could not help but be a little more dignified.

断 Anastomosis of the esophagus section, Chen Cang started using 3-0 absorbable suture to start continuous suture, plus a suture similar to the serosa.

The speed and rhythm of stitching are as precise as the machine, which makes a lot of directors sigh with emotion.

"The basic skills of Xiao Chen are really solid. This set of operation and surgery ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ looks like an old director in his fifties."


Several directors praised frequently and Chen Cang didn't say a word.

The old horse aside, smiled slightly: "Basic operation!"

This sentence, saying "Stop everyone around," and even Chen Cang looked at this horse holding a puppet, and suddenly felt that there was potential for development!

After the neck is repaired, Chen Cang directly repairs the esophagus of the chest. At this time, an open section of the colon needs to be removed for backup.

Cang Cang looked at the old horse and felt that he should be commended: "Leader Ma, you only need 5cm to cut the colon."

Lao Ma nodded, raised his eyes, seeing that, Chen still could not do without me!

The old horse is also very professional, and the open incision is not selected blindly.

After all, a major gastrectomy for a while, if it is not necessary to cut two mouths, it is best to do two things in one mouth.

This kind of basic exercise is not a big problem for Team Leader Ma.

When Chen Cang repaired this area, he directly cut off the most damaged and narrowest places that could not be repaired.

And the old horse had a successful operation here, ready to prepare a pedicled colon.

The truncated colon was end-to-end anastomosis with two-layer discontinuous suture.

使用 Using only colon vacancy surgery on the chest can effectively alleviate the adverse reactions of compression of the trachea.

Cang Cang made a small incision directly on the right side of the lame foot and the esophageal hiatus, and then passed the colon and its vascular pedicle homeopathically, passing the colon through the chest cavity behind the hilum.

The whole process seems simple, but every step needs to be careful, because once the colon pedicle has tension in the space behind the displaced spleen and the kidney, it will affect blood flow and even cause surgery to fail.

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