When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 916: : We are doing it straight because we should do it

The little girl's surgery was scheduled a week later, but Chen Cang arranged to be admitted to the emergency department.

检测 Start testing various indicators tomorrow.

【Scientific Research Task: Task Progress: 0/100. 】

沧 Cang Cang looked at the progress of the task and understood that the impact factor of 100 points was only calculated when the task was triggered a month ago.

If so, it really is.

At this time, Chen Cang did not publish any papers.

I happen to be, Chen Cang just wrote a dissertation by combining the data of the little girl's operation with the previous data.

After all, this task reward is also very good, proficient in a medical tool.

When Yuan went to eat in the cafeteria at noon, Zhang Yuan and Yang Hui hurried to Chen Cang:

"Male god, you're on the news! No, it's a newspaper! And Weibo, the one with photos!"

"And it's super super handsome!"

Chen Cang also hesitated.

"What news."

Yang Hui quickly turned on her phone and directly opened the Communist Youth League's Weibo.

"Look, isn't this you?"

Cang Cang took the cell phone and looked up.

"The Most Precious Red Envelope"!

定 Under the headline is the picture of Chen Cang bending down and squatting, touching the little girl's head, and stuffing a candy cube into her mouth.

The following is the story of Che Zhehua. While attacking and exposing fraud cases, he wrote that there is true love in the world.

I wrote about the medical staff's best efforts to rescue.

I wrote the picture of a sensible little girl sending a "red envelope" to the doctor.

I wrote about the scene where all the directors stuffed sugar cubes into the little girl and smiled.

The official did not name Chen Cang, but @ the Capital Emergency Center Hospital and wrote the medical staff involved in the operation and rescue.

This positive energy thing needs to be spread.

After the Communist Youth League released, some other official media also began to reprint, Capital Medical, Capital Daily ... These media also forwarded the news.

Instantly attracted hot reviews.

The “most precious red envelope” also ranked 10th on Weibo ’s hot search, which also caused many people ’s distress and tears.

This world needs to be moved.

评论 A lot of comments below.

Of course, there are also scolds, saying that dogs can't change their poop, and doctors don't accept red envelopes? how is this possible!

However, most people are moved and hoped after seeing this news.

"I hope there are more such doctors in my life!"

"Yes, most doctors are good, I hope to improve the reward and punishment mechanism, so that doctors can return to their professional work of treating diseases and saving people."

希望 "I hope I can go to the hospital and meet a good doctor!"

Uh ...

的 The tension between doctors and patients is based on a kind of worry.

To put it bluntly, in this society, everyone is afraid of getting sick. Everyone is worried that they will get sick and meet those abominable doctors.

As for hostility to doctors, many people even hear the story.

It's like a criminal. Among the 100 criminals, there is a criminal who saves people. You will think that he is a good person, not all criminals are bad people.

But among 1,000 doctors, there are several rat feces. This panic will spread, and everyone will be worried and afraid, and the doctors will be bastards.

Think carefully, how many bad doctors have you met?

I haven't heard it yet, and then I don't know how many years ago I heard the news.

Moreover, the reporting mechanism is now very simple, and all doctors are worried about encountering reports.

Panic is often used by people with an interest.

Uh ...

沧 After looking at Chen Cang, he smiled and passed the phone.

Zhang Yuanyi: "Big God, aren't you excited? This is the Communist Youth League?"

Yang Hui also looked at Chen Cang with curiosity.

This kind of thing, if given to them, can blow a lifetime.

After all, who can have such honor?

Cang Cang swallowed the food and couldn't help but say, "Isn't this what we should do? You are doing it every day, what pride?"

In a word, they moved a little.

A lot of things they keep doing because they should do it, not because someone is watching us, so we need to do it.

I was never moved by pretense.

He is actually every aspect of life.

每一 Every one of us, isn't it the hero of life?

Like the eight-year-old girl, she is also a little hero at home.

Uh ...

Uh ...

On Thursday, Sun Guangyu was invited to the general surgery department of the Capital Emergency Center Hospital.

Today, General Surgery will evaluate Chen Cang's surgery on Che Zhehua.

Sun Guangyu came with Qin Yue.

After I came in, He Zhiqian's side has begun to prepare a video introduction for surgery.

I saw Sun Guangyu come in and said with a smile: "Welcome Director Sun."

Sun Guangyu smiled: "Thank you, Director He, for a good surgery video, you can share it."

He Zhiqian couldn't help but said: "We have to work hard for the Mayo Summit Forum one month later. The emergence of this operation is of great significance to us. To be honest, this operation has really opened up my vision!"

Sun Zhiyu's words shocked Sun Guangyu.

He and Lao He are both experts in general surgery, and even He Zhiqian has a deeper understanding in the field of gastrointestinal digestion than himself.

I can make He Zhiqian say such things, Sun Guangyu had to be careful.

The office is full of people ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The students are basically standing, so is Qin Yue, standing in the last row.

The video of the operation begins. First, the patient Che Zhehua is introduced.

When Sun Guangyu saw the photo under the endoscope, he immediately frowned.

The situation is very bad, worse than expected. The whole esophageal adhesions are very narrow. Even the stomach and duodenum are seriously damaged.

"This operation is difficult!" Sun Guangyu came to a conclusion after watching it.

After Qin Yue watched it, she froze!

怎么 Why is this patient so familiar?

I seem to have seen it somewhere.


秦 Qin Yue here suddenly remembered that Chen Cang showed himself such a surgery video of a patient with sulfuric acid burn.

I also put forward the concept of digestive tract reconstruction to myself.

During this time, Qin Yue has watched several times before and after the operation.

I didn't expect it to be again today ...

Sure enough, the operation started, the operation video was processed, and many processes were speeded up and omitted, so that the entire operation took only over an hour.

However, such a boring video of surgery, everyone held their breath and gazed, not afraid to miss a detail.

Because the operation itself has speeded up, I dare not care about it, for fear of not paying attention and not keeping up with the progress.

An hour and a half of surgery, a movie market, full name is anuria.

But there are many doubts!

When the entire digestive tract was displayed, the moment the operation was about to end, everyone in the room took a breath of breath!

Then Sun Guangyu stood up!


Is digestive tract reconstruction!

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