When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 925: : The operating room can also show affection

Sun Guangyu never thought that surgery could be so romantic and tender.


The operating room at this time was full of the smell of dog food.

Who would have thought that the **** and violent operating table could also be so warm and romantic.

Chen Cang looked at Qin Yue, and began to teach her surgery.

Every detail must be carefully crafted.

指出 Each approach should point out the key points.

This may be superfluous for a master, but it is a great thing for the 18 doctors who are freeing hands behind the incident.

He is now very grateful and grateful to Chen Cang, who can squeeze him away and let him watch this operation with all his heart.

After liberating his hands, he began to carefully record every word of Chen Cang.

These words have just been applied to him!

Aside, Sun Guangyu was curious.

Because ... he found a strange thing, what Chen Cang said, turned out to be more and more similar to his own feelings!

Thinking of this, Sun Guangyu suddenly took a moment!

I wonder ...

I wonder ...

Is this what heroes see?

Su Guangyu suddenly had a little bit of ecstasy and three-point excitement.

Academic recognition, this is a very fateful thing.

Sun Guangyu felt that knowing Chen Cang had consumed all his luck this year, even if it was only March, he didn't care.

Zhuang Yueming watched Chen Cang and his wife undergo surgery, and there was a feeling of a third party getting involved.

This feeling is very uncomfortable!

However, he also clearly realized that Chen Cang's level was no different from himself.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that Dr. Chen was hidden too deeply.

The operation lasted a long time ...

But no one is annoying.

Nurse Xiao Yun looked at this scene and felt a little envious, maybe:

She can think of the most romantic thing.

I just cut the **** with you ...

The operation is finally over!

Everyone is relieved.

Sun Guangyu looked at Chen Cang and couldn't help but say, "Dr. Chen, I found that we are really too destined!"

"Your colorectal philosophy is the same as mine! I believe we will have better cooperation in this field."

Cang Cang smiled shyly!

I just learned from you. If there is too much discrepancy with you, then it is strange.

Xinzhuang Yueming looked at Qin Yue and suddenly thought of a technique for the rise of life!

After a lot of work, Chen Cang and Qin Yue both got up and left.

Qin Yue is really happy today.

After all, I learned a lot of tips today, and ... the key is to teach her husband.

Suddenly, Qin Yue felt that there was not enough time between him and Chen Cang, which could be completely solved in the operating room.

This is a quiet place.

Qin Yue thought of a future:

In the quiet operating room, Chen Cang and himself performed an operation.

Wu looked at each other with affection and said affectionately, "Baby, ligature blood vessels!"

Well, this is a wonderful daily life.

Cang Cang is full of harvest today!

After all, I got a 30-day mission.

Learned a quasi-perfect level of skills.

This is really exciting.

Chen Cang took Qin Yue and said goodbye to everyone.

Dr. Gao Gao looked at them reluctantly: "Dr. Chen, come often!"

Uh ...

Uh ...

Out of the operating room, Qin Yue happily fell on Chen Cang's shoulder.

"Ahhhh, I am so happy today!"

"Husband, you are great, amazing, really ... you are my hero! You are so great."

"I now feel that my last life must have saved the world, otherwise why can God be so good to me."

没有 No one is outside, Qin Yue is just like liberating nature.

I happily spoke in Chen Cang's ears in the night.

Cang Cang didn't mind. She backed Qin Yue, supported her legs with both hands, and said with concern: "Well, don't fall!"

Qin Yue put his face on Chen Cang's back with a smile, and suddenly he said to himself: "Her husband, how are you so good!"

"You look handsome!"

"So amazing again!"

"So many directors are turning around you ..."

"Also be patient and patient with me, teach me to perform surgery, and be so good to me, not angry with me ..."

"I feel like I'm living in a dream now."

Chen Cang listened to Qin Yue talking on the back, and couldn't help but smile.

"Don't you say you're not afraid of spoiling me?"

I said here, Qin Yue quickly promised!

"Husband, I promise, I will be better for you, super super good!"

"I want to learn to cook ... I will make breakfast, lunch and dinner for you."

"I want to learn ..."

"I want to give you a baby ..."

They whispered and left Xiehe.

In the evening, Chen Cang took Qin Yue to a restaurant, ordered two light dishes, and drank a bowl of porridge.

Then I came home.

When I came back, it was almost ten o'clock.

最好 One of the best places in this room is a large balcony with a night view of the capital. Qin Yue has arranged it very comfortably. Two layers of blankets and comfortable seats are laid below.

After I returned, Chen and Cang held their notebooks to write a dissertation.

Qin Yue took a book and read aside.

沧 Cang Cang thinks carefully, recently I am really busy.

I came back at night to get some papers. He felt that he should write a paper on laparoscopic colorectal surgery first.

It is not a case study ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ nor does it require experimental results, it is simply a review and discussion.

In fact, it is difficult to get a high score for such a thesis.

Because there may be strong subjectivity, so many people do not agree.

However, Chen Cang felt that he should still try.

For two hours, Chen had written a seven-eight-eight-eight, but it took two days to polish, Qin Yue checked it, made suggestions, and then revised it.

Uh ...

Uh ...

On Saturday the next day, Qin Yue was going to accompany Xu Rui on duty.

Chen Cang was fine, after finishing polishing the paper, he saved it.

At this time, Sun Guangyu called over.

"Dr. Chen, I discussed the skills of holding the mirror with other directors, and everyone thought it was feasible!"

等 "Wait for specific things. When we get to the salon, we sit down and talk slowly."

"I think we can do well this time."

听 When Chen Cang heard it, he immediately laughed: "There is a director, Mr. Lao Sun."

After I hung up the phone, Chen Cang's phone rang again!

"Xiao Chen, me, Ma Yuehui, come to the hospital!"

As soon as Chen Cang answered the phone, the old horse's voice rang quickly.

沧 Chen Cang couldn't ask why he got up quickly and changed his shoes.

月 Here Ma Yuehui continued: "A serial traffic accident happened over the Baifang Bridge. After you come, hurry up, there are a lot of patients here."

After Chen Cang heard it, he hurriedly drove towards the hospital!

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