When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 927: : Serious situation

Winter and spring communication, dry and dry!

At this time, the spraying of water mist greatly reduced the possibility of open flames.

Moreover, the dilution of water mist has a good preventive effect on both oil vapor in the air and gasoline leaked on the road.

The crowd was in an emergency evacuation.

Tong Taojun felt more pain in the abdomen, but he couldn't rest assured.

Unlike ordinary transportation vehicles, dangerous chemical transportation vehicles such as tank trucks carry "moving danger". Once a traffic accident such as a collision occurs, it will definitely cause significant loss of personnel and property.

Driving dangerous chemicals vehicles should be more cautious and should not make fun of yourself and others' lives!

Tao Jun had been a soldier before, but because of a series of complicated things, he had a dispute with a second-generation and was injured. He was not too embarrassed with the help of the old squad leader. After demobilization, he did nothing and became a bodyguard I worked as a security guard, drove a truck, wanted to post, and even went to jail. Then I started a tanker truck.

When this happened, the first thing Tao Jun thought of was not to make the disorder serious.

以后 After a car accident ahead, he didn't have enough time to brake and could only control the car as much as possible.

Here, after contacting the company, he carefully looked around to help transfer the children on the bus.

The severe pain in the abdomen made him difficult!




Take charge!

Tao Taojun cannot relax at all.

At the end of the transfer, Tao Jun was slowly leaving, waiting for firefighters and professionals to perform on-site maintenance.

But at this moment, he suddenly saw that the trunk in front of a car seemed a bit wrong!

Tao Jun's face suddenly changed. If this time, the car exploded, this **** thing, things will be a big deal!

He shouted a few times and found that the people around him were unconscious!

Thinking of this, Tao Jun didn't hesitate and walked towards the other side while covering his stomach. At this time, there were fewer and fewer people in the alert circle, and even firefighters began to move one after another.

After Tao Tao ran past, he found that the car was rear-ended, and then a battery was placed in the trunk of the car, which was already starting to burn!

This scene was scared by Tao Jun's back!

"Comrade, here is fire!"

车 This car is a little far away from the tanker truck. Now there are busy processing tanker trucks. There are not many people here.

And Tao Jun has severe abdominal pain, and he ca n’t even shout! Suddenly, Tao Jun's heart went sideways, undressed and started to extinguish the fire!

This is an electric car battery, not big!

But do n’t underestimate the battery. Once this thing explodes, it will be very powerful. It is definitely not a little Mars!

And, what time is it now?

Tank truck leaked!

一旦 Once your battery explodes, the entire scene will be in ruins!

The magnitude of the loss is self-evident.

Thinking of this, where Tao Jun can think about so much, start fire fighting directly!

The scene is chaotic!

Everyone is in a hurry to transfer, crying, yelling, wailing, crying for help, endlessly!

Panic spread further.

The fire was not big, just the plastic box cloth of the trunk was lit, but this is the case, so Tao Jun spent nine cattle and two tigers!

He was already slightly injured, and now he was more tired.

The flames went out!

Wu Taojun didn't relax, because this is a battery, nothing else!

Even if there is no Mars, it can still explode. There are inherent safety hazards. Now ... this kind of thing is an explosive barrel here!

How to do?

Wu Taojun also began to think.

Suddenly, at this moment, he thought of a solution.

I thought of this, Tao Jun directly wrapped his clothes around this small battery and took it to the side of the green.

Step by step!

I was so frustrated that he felt weak and couldn't move if he wanted to.

When he walked a full 100 meters away, he was just throwing his hands up when he was throwing the reviews towards the open space of the original green belt!

Suddenly the explosion sounded!


I saw this voice coming, Tao Jun fell directly to the ground, dying there!

He stood up and looked around, and found that it was all right, except that all the trees and flowers around it were gone!

Never underestimate this small battery.

Wu Taojun was relieved. It was all right ... all right ...

The sound here was not loud, but it caught the attention of firefighters, and was shocked!

The firefighter saw the explosive battery on the isolation belt not far away, and his face suddenly changed!

I glanced at the man lying on the ground, and suddenly all realized.

"Doctor, save people!"

"Here, come!"

After talking, he was not slow at all, and began to extinguish the green belt.

I heard the shouting of firefighters, and Chen Cang had just finished handling the patients in his hand.

He suddenly got up and ran in the direction of Tao Jun.

I have to say that first aid is a manual job.

刚刚 Your side has just finished CPR, and you are now facing the next round of rescue.

After running, Chen Cang found that Tao Jun was lying unconscious on the ground.

I look pale!

Painful face!

Li Taojun lay on the ground, and couldn't see what was going on.

Chen Cang's face changed, and he quickly said, "Turn him over and lay it flat on the ground!"

The two fire officers and soldiers nodded quickly and carefully turned the man over.

After Tao Taojun was turned over, he coughed, opened his eyes, and looked at the sky ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ a bit dazzling.

Cang Cang saw the man wake up, and was instantly happy!

"Comrade, how do you feel?"

The pain in the abdomen made Tao Jun's eyebrows tight: "Isn't it a broken spleen? It hurts!"

Say a word, let Chen Cang say hesitated!

Cang Cang said quickly: "You bear with me a bit, I will check."

Tao Taojun nodded, glanced up at the fire officers and soldiers, and grinned, "Fortunately, there was no explosion there, otherwise ... my mother is going to **** today, and I am ashamed of the ancestors!"

The fire officers and soldiers couldn't help paying respect when they saw Tao Jun's move just now!

"thank you!"

"Otherwise, something will happen today."

Tao Taojun shook his head, was about to speak, and suddenly felt the pain in the abdomen ...

"Oh ... little brother, it hurts ... it hurts!"

With such a press, Tao Jun was really energetic.

And Chen Cang, but not spirit.

Positive peritoneal irritation sign, abdominal tenderness, rebound tenderness, accompanied by positive Kehr sign!

The spleen is broken!

But Chen Cang is now worried that the patient not only has a spleen rupture, but may also be accompanied by liver damage!

This is a very troublesome thing ...

Due to closed abdominal injury, in addition to liver trauma, other organ injuries are often combined, and there are no signs of injury on the surface of the abdomen.

Blunt injuries are more dangerous, and the fatality rate is often higher than open injuries.

Now with liver damage and spleen rupture, the patient's condition is suddenly severe.

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