的 The rest on Saturday and Sunday allowed Chen Cang's tight nerves to relax.

When a person combines work and rest, his thinking is more divergent, and one can imagine more thoughtful things.

沧 Cang Cang does not understand computers, but in his impression, computers should be a powerful computing tool.

However, the complexity of the human body must rely on a high-powered computer to perform calculations to obtain some data.

Chen Duo is not a medical student, but her thoughts have not been met by medicine.

She dared to think about whether the ECG is a regular waveform. Can she analyze the ECG signal of the heart for ten days or longer through a computer, and then guess the next few days.

This is a kind of thinking that dares to do it.

Even if the experimental results get failure data, this is not a real failure.

The human body, any signal, there are signs.

Predictive medicine and frontier medicine have always been research directions.

For example, the value of cysteine ​​is a high risk factor for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Then, since the metabolites can predict the future direction of the heart and brain blood vessels.

In this way, predictive medicine is not without a feasible way.

Chen Duo's thinking opened Chen Cang's vision.

Chen Cang is a doctor. His medical thinking is relatively stable, but he lacks an interdisciplinary thinking and ability.

Nowadays, interdisciplinary talents are more and more needed in the society, because multidisciplinary crossing can promote the development of each other's disciplines.

This makes Chen Cang feel that medicine is not an isolated discipline, but that it should strengthen its links with all walks of life.

For example, the idea of ​​"Computer-simulated digestive tract reconstruction technology".

This is just an idea. Failure is normal, but what if it succeeds?

Do science, do research, the most feared thing is failure!

However, Chen Cang also set himself a goal at the same time, and must improve his industry status and influence.

In this way, there will be the possibility of cooperation.

Now go to Capital University of Science and Technology and find the professors in their computer center, even those academicians, and say that I want to do this thing, everyone's ideas may be smiling, even if they will not hit themselves, they will not accept this project!

But what if you are in front of the industry?

Without saying anything else, he said that he would become a dual academician like President Wu Tongfu Wu. He said he would go to work with you. The idea of ​​others might be how we do it!

This is very different in nature.

At this moment, Chen Cang took a deep breath and felt that he should still improve his industry status and improve his right to speak.

Uh ...

Uh ...

Monday is busy. After two days of correction, I want to return to work again.

In the morning, it is a nervous round, changing the doctor's order, changing the medicine ...

Although there is a specialized tube-bed doctor, you still need to do your own work.

And only by personally observing the patient, can the patient's condition be truly obtained, including postoperative recovery, whether there are adverse reactions, and so on.

Being a doctor is not only about surgery, but also various things.

多 At about ten o'clock in the morning, a man with a round face came in a hurry. After entering, he yelled, "Doctor ... Hurry, my stomach hurts!"

Nuo nurse Yang Jie hurriedly pushed out of the bed to support the man and lay down.

叫 Here comes the doctor.

Chen Cang just happened to be up and went out.

After seeing the man, he stepped forward and asked, "Why is it uncomfortable?"

The round-faced man is a bit fat, not tall, but almost round.

"My stomach hurts? Suddenly it hurts so much when I go to work today!"

After Chen Cang heard, he immediately locked the possibility of several kinds of acute abdominal pain, and continued to inquire about the medical history in detail.

"It hurts to radiate towards the shoulders and back, and ... I still feel sleepy on my entire lower back!"

After Chen Cang heard it, he nodded quickly: "Sister Yang, take it to the rescue room and pull an electrocardiogram to see the situation."

Yang Jie nodded.

Acute myocardial infarction can cause symptoms similar to stomach pain, and the ECG does not take much time. Instead of guessing it now, it is better to do it directly.

Hearing the man, he quickly commented: "I ... what am I doing with an electrocardiogram?"

姐 Sister Yang reassured: "Patients with myocardial infarction also have this performance, and we must rule it out."

The perennial emergency department is consolidated, allowing Yang Jie to handle many things independently.

Hearing the words of Yang Jie, the man nodded no longer.

The ECG came out quickly, and myocardial ischemia was a little, but it was not the cause of abdominal pain.

沧 Chen Cang asked: "Is nausea and vomiting? What kind of illness have you had before?"

The man shook his head: "No, just in the morning, suddenly my stomach hurts. I used to have gallstones, but then I'll be fine."

Chen Cang nodded: "I look at your belly."

As he spoke, Chen Cang began to press slightly on his abdomen.

With Chen Cang's pressure, the man shouted.

沧 Chen Cang is contemplative, with positive peritoneal irritation sign and obvious abdominal tenderness.

Tenderness is on the upper abdomen, with gallstones ...

Is it pancreatitis?

Thinking of this, Chen Cang said, "I'm not sure what it is now. Let's improve the examination. Let's have an ultrasound and CT of the abdomen. Look a little lighter. I now think you look like an acute pancreatitis. I did n’t do it, and I ca n’t diagnose it too much. We need to check it out. ”

When a man heard pancreatitis, he couldn't help asking, "Is pancreatitis serious?"

Chen Cang told the truth: "Well, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is a relatively common type of acute abdomen, and the incidence is very high, 80% is not serious, it is simple edema pancreatitis, eat something Medication is enough. The key is to complete the inspection to determine if it is serious. "

"If it is more serious, it needs surgery."

Hearing the man, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Oh! Hurry up and make one!"

Chen Cang called and contacted the CT room to have Yang Jie push the patient for an examination.

After ten minutes, Yang Jie came back alone.

Chen Cang froze for a moment: "How about the patient?"

洁 Yang Jie said with tears of laughter, "Run away."

Chen Cang was dumbfounded: "Run away? What do you mean?"

Yang Jie also said helplessly: "When I went in, he suddenly told me that it didn't hurt anymore, and then he was going to leave."

Chen Cang was also stunned.

However, there is no one in the emergency department, and this is nothing too rare.

I was more troublesome. After all, emergency patients could be cut in the queue. Chen Cang greeted him, but the other party walked away and was chic, which made Chen Cang and the radiologist feel awkward.

However, Chen Cang still sighed: "This is a bit sloppy. If you have acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis, don't go back after you run away."

Chen Cang is not a joke. The mortality of acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis is still high, reaching 30% to 60%, and prone to various serious complications, which is a serious challenge for doctors.

Uh ...

Ps: Thank you "Little Sweetheart" for the 10,000 reward.

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