Oster thought for a while, is it because the word translation is different?

Thinking of this, Oster emphasized: "Doctor Chen Cang, is it a book? Like a textbook?"

Chen Cang nodded: "It will look like about 300 pages."

Suddenly, Oster was silent!

翻 He flipped through a book in his hand, looked at the thickness ... a murmur in his heart.

"Excuse me, excuse me, ... have you reached the point where you can publish books with laparoscopy?"

Thinking of his words, Oster was honestly hit!

沧 Cang Cang smiled: "Actually, we still need to improve it. I'm collecting cases recently. I hope it can be well illustrated and provide some materials to better serve the medical service."

After hearing Chen Cang's words, Oster suddenly said, "Dr. Chen, maybe ... I can provide some cases. I hope I can join the editorial board. Is it appropriate for you?"

沧 When Chen Cang heard it, his eyes flashed. Although he didn't know much about Oster, according to Tang Sen's introduction.

This is also a big brother of the European General Surgery Society. With his participation, maybe he can spread his books to the world!

By then, my books were printed in more than a hundred languages ​​...

Thought of this, Chen Cang feels a little bloated!

"Of course, but ... this book may be completed in the next month, so I am afraid that Mr. Oster may be too late in time." Chen Cang looked at the system tasks and said helplessly.

Upon hearing this, Oster said, "I'll go to China as soon as possible! I hope to meet with Dr. Chen Cang."

Chen Cang smiled: "Looking forward to our meeting!"

I hung up the phone, and Oster sat in the office, silent for a long time!

I turned and looked at the various honors and medals on the wall, and suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Doctor, his duty is to heal the sick, save the lives and help the wounds.

However, the task of medical experts is not just to cure diseases.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

They can no longer say that they are just an ordinary doctor, and their responsibilities have been magnified.

They need to do more, such as stepping forward to become a spiritual leader and academic leader like Mr. Zhong in times of crisis.

What they need to do is to overcome the difficulties of each disease, solve each problem, summarize their experience, and help more people.

Doesn't Oster want his name to be recorded in medical history?

And Dr. Chen Cang is already doing this step!

If as told to Chen Cang, the book records the various techniques of endoscopy, and it is not inferior to the one used today ...

He can even imagine what kind of contribution this book has made to all surgical medical staff!

This is the real expert!

The word “expert” is the home of millions of people in Andeguangsha, and everyone with countless small families in the world!

Not every expert deserves his own name!

Oster naturally does not understand Chinese, but he knows the meaning of master.

Long time!

He breathed a long breath.

It's still a long way to go.

However, he is more firm in his recent plans.

He's leaving here to go with Chen Cang and finish this book, perfect it!

Thinking of this, he sat down and began planning his recent work.

Uh ...

Uh ...

Cang Cang hung up the phone, Qin Yue suddenly wondered: "Who's on the phone? Why are you speaking a foreign language?"

沧 Cang Chen smiled: "Aust, have you heard of it?"

After hearing this name, Qin Yue naturally raised his eyes: "Of course, he has developed several surgical guidelines for the appendix and gallbladder that we use now."

When Chen Cang heard it, he stumbled for a while.

Why do you all know?

Cang Cang was unable to speak up, and it seemed that he really needed to do his homework.

However, Chen Cang feels too much trouble to go back and forth ...

Qin Yue smiled sarcastically and said, "Is there no culture?"

Cang Cang smiled awkwardly: "Well."

Qin Yue asked curiously, "What is he looking for?"

Cang Cang thinks for a moment, this Oster wants to be his own editorial board. In this case, he should be regarded as his assistant ...

"He wants to be my assistant."

沧 Chen Cang just said, Qin Yue almost spit out and was choked.

"Cough, cough ... cough! Your skin is getting thicker and thicker, and you don't even know anyone, so I will fight you ..."

Chen Cang muttered, "I don't know him, but he knows me!"

After saying this, Chen Cang suddenly stunned!


Why should I know so many people?

I waited until I got better, and let them come to know me. This way, no doubt saved a lot of energy.

Qin Yue rolled her eyes: "brave!"

For Cang Yue's question, Chen Cang has many ways to solve it. He looked at the time and was about to go to sleep, and decided to choose the simplest and rude way.

Uh ...

Uh ...

Uh ...

After Chen Cang arrived at the hospital the next day, it was still early, and he took a look at Che Ling by the way.

Recovery is pretty good.

苓 After surgery yesterday, Che Ling and her father Che Zhehua entered a care unit.

Zhe Zhehua smiled happier than watching her daughter's successful operation.

When Chen Ling woke up and saw Che Zhehua, she smiled like a flower.

Looking at their smile ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Cang Cang can also be regarded as a smile, very pleased.

Perhaps, the happiest thing to be a doctor is to watch the families that are about to be broken, and this kind of happiness and hopeful things are the happiest.

成 Qiao Chengan looked at the crowd when he was handed over in the morning.

"Through this time, I would like to tell you one thing, this ... I have already set down a training arrangement for pancreatic surgery staff."

"There are 10 specific trainers, of which 4 are in our department, Chen Cang, Li Yue ... 6 in general surgery ... and 22 nursing staff for convenient nursing ..."

After the announcement.

Qiao Chengan looked at Chen Cang: "There is still the most important part, the surgical demonstration. Today, I passed the ditch with the local hospital. There are mainly five operations. Chen Cang, you will be the doctor in charge. Be prepared. You Give me the list of people who need your help. "

Tong Yuyong just glanced at Ma Yuehui: "Ma Yuehui, when you strike Chen Cang, Li Yue, you will go too."

With a word from Qiao Chengan, the office became quiet!

I actually asked Chen Cang to perform the surgery ... Is this appropriate?

Also, let Team Leader Ma and Li Yue fight.

I wo n’t talk about his ability first. This is just a fellow, can it represent a hospital?

After hearing Ma Yuehui's hearing, he also stunned!

I was a little bit hilarious ...

If he took a deep look at Yu Yonggang, he nodded: "Okay, thank you Director Yu!"

He thinks this is the opportunity that Lao Yu gave himself.

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