When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 967: : The connotation of a smile!

Seeing Wang Tong's appearance, Chen Cang couldn't help but said, "Director Wang, is it so hard? After eating, you'll be busy!"

Wang Wangtong could not help but smiled, and took a piece of paper and wiped his mouth: "I laughed, I have been used to it for so many years."

"It ’s a bit uncomfortable to eat without holding a paper when you eat!"

Hearing Wang Tong's words, Chen Cang suddenly hesitated.

This ... is the master?

I used to eat a meal in the movie.

No wonder Wang Tong can become a great concord surgery surgeon?

I really paid for it!

A habit developed for decades like a day.

Seems like a joke, but it makes Chen Cang feel a little more emotional.

沧 Cang Cang smiled: "Nothing, Director Wang, please be busy, pay attention to rest."

Cang Cang originally said that Director Wang was allowed to write a dissertation. Now it seems that they can't bear it anymore.

When Wang Tong heard, he quickly stopped Chen Cang, closed the box lunch, and said to him, "It's just today, I want to talk to you about something."

Chen Cang wondered, "What's the matter?"

Wang Tong smiled embarrassedly: "Mr. Chen, I am about to write a dissertation on non-stop heartbeat, try" The Lancet! "

As soon as this remark came out, Chen Cang immediately stopped.

要 If you say so, I really have no psychological burden.

Cang Cang said quickly: "Director Wang, this is a good thing!"

Wang Tong nodded and smiled: "Well, I think this is an opportunity. After all, the call for non-stop heartbeat technology in the world is getting higher and higher, but we are in a leading position. I think we can overcome the" Lancet " ! "

To be able to publish The Lancet is a great honor for a medical staff!

Don't think Concorde can just publish.

The whole Central China University of Science and Technology Union Medical College Hospital published less than five articles in total, and the Capital Union Medical College published less than expected.

Xi Wangtong wanted to win the Deputy Dean this year, so he has devoted himself to the preparation work now.

First, the Cardiac Surgery Society was re-elected, and Wang Tong became the new president, followed by Chen Cang to enter the Center of Cardiac Medicine Research and became the deputy director.

When external factors cannot change too much, now you need to do a solid academic status to support the scene!

"Lancet" is still very lethal at this critical time!

Wang Wangtong looked at Chen Cang and thought about it. Chen Cang was not a stranger, he simply said:

"Mr. Chen, I'll give you the bottom line. I'm going to try to run for the Deputy Dean in the second half of this year. I have already prepared almost, but if there is an" Lancet ", I think my odds are greater a little!"

I heard Wang Tong's words, Chen Cang could not help but give a thumbs up!

"You need to cheer!"

Cang Cang is telling the truth!

After all, I might come to Xiehehui later. It is very convenient to have a disciple who is the dean.

Someone in the Chao Dynasty is a good official, let alone this person is his own disciple!

Chen Cang absolutely supports this!

Wang Wangtong was relieved to hear Chen Cang's encouragement.

To be honest, he was also worried that Chen Cang felt that he was a martyr.

"After this essay has been written, Mr. Chen is a mentor. At that time ... Mr. Chen must also check!" Wang Tong said with a smile.

沧 Cang Cang nodded and smiled: "Good to say good!"

Cang Cang is definitely welcome with both hands for students to publish papers now!

Uh ...

Uh ...

Squinting looked at the coming of Saturday.

沧 Chen Cang worked overtime for a few days, and finally wrote out the dry goods of the skills of using endoscopes.

He decided to wait until tomorrow's meeting, during communication, come up and talk about it.

At night, Chen Cang was drawn to a WeChat chat group by Sun Guangyu, which contained more than 30 people.

The group name is the salon exchange group on March 28.

I saw Chen Cang come in and was quickly welcomed by several people.

He Zhiqian was the first one to stand up.

Then Sun Guangyu, Shi Wenyan, and Zhuang Yueming also quickly welcomed them.

Everyone saw that several big brothers were beginning to welcome, and they became curious immediately. Who is this big brother?

"Director Sun, who is this expert?"

"Yes, introduce me!"

Looking at the crowd, Sun Guangyu smiled instead: "Let me sell it for a while, I will know until tomorrow, this is a strange man!"

"We have to rely on him to support the scene when we go to Mayo!"

The two sentences instantly made everyone more curious.

However, at this time, Sun Guangyu sent a video disk link to the group.

"This is a video of Dr. Chen's operation. Let's take a look at it in the evening. We may discuss this operation tomorrow."

I saw Sun Guangyu suddenly make his own force so high!

Chen Cang was still at a loss.

This script ... somewhat wrong!

Cang Cang has already thought about it. After entering, he must pretend to be cute and sell a cute one, to give everyone a new impression.

Then dressed as a pig and eaten a tiger ... and finally made everyone surprised.

How cool is it to pretend to hit the face?

But ...

I didn't expect that Sun Guangyu didn't cooperate with himself at all. How can you be honest and make me eat pigs and tigers in the future? How to slap!

Everyone was curious.

Chen Cang suddenly felt that it was inappropriate for him not to say hello.

But, how can you send a message to a high-end and high-end atmosphere and meet the low-key personnel settings of your master?

Think about it ...

I thought about an hour or so, and had dinner during that time.

Finally, Chen Cang simply made a smile: smile.


Be polite but elegant ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Humble and generous!

After all, it seems that big people like to make smiles.

Sure enough, after sending it out, many directors greeted one after another.

"Professor Chen!"

"Yes, suddenly looking forward!"

While everyone was chatting, I don't know who suddenly said: "Go and watch the video, my gosh, is this operation done by Professor Chen?"

广 Sun Guangyu smiled: "Well, this operation was done by Dr. Chen, everyone saw it in advance. When we discuss tomorrow, everyone is best to speak up."

After getting approval from Sun Guangyu, everyone who saw the operation was shocked!

The knife that I just cut into their hearts really!


Can not forget for a long time.

I looked at the smiling face sent by Chen Cang, and everyone was lost in thought.

This must be a big guy!

Bursting smiles is a habit of big brothers.

But ... who is this Dr. Chen?

Why is it different to look at the avatar?

For a while, everyone waited.

He rushed to see the operation without seeing the operation. After watching the operation, he quickly returned to see Chen Cang's head.

Does this head have any special meaning?

Uh ...

Uh ...

Ps: Hey, at the end of March, a new leader is added to this book!

Thank you to the "baked gluten" boss for his 100,000 awards for being the lord of this book, plus 3 chapters! Thank you!

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