When The End Is Coming, I Sign In At The End

Chapter 25 Fight again with Wu Kai!

"Wu Kai?"

When this fast-moving figure appeared in front of the two, Qin Feng and Chen Yao both showed incredible shock!

Because the weird figure that was moving fast in front of me turned out to be Wu Kai!

Especially Qin Feng, when he saw Wu Kai's familiar face, he couldn't believe his own eyes!

Because he clearly remembered that he shot Wu Kai through the chest last night!

Even if the fatal penetrating injury is treated in time, it is absolutely impossible to save it!

What's more, in this doomsday, there is no such advanced medical treatment at all.

But after Qin Feng took a closer look, he realized that Wu Kai in front of him was no longer a human being, because his chest pierced by bullets had been dripping with blood dripping, but Wu Kai didn't have any painful reaction, the expression on his face On the contrary, it is extremely cold, full of infiltrating murderous aura!

Especially the human blood stained on his body and the fangs that grew out of the big mouth of the blood basin, they are telling Qin Feng all the time that Wu Kai has been completely infected with upgraded!

Chen Yao questioned in surprise: "Has he become a zombie?"

"Well! I didn't expect this guy to be directly upgraded to a D-class zombie! It's really lingering!"

After seeing Wu Kai's face clearly, Qin Feng immediately grasped the Thunder Blade and took the initiative to meet him: "Then try my current strength with you!"

"Qin...Qin Feng...I want to kill you..."

As Qin Feng swung his sword and approached, a hoarse and gloomy voice rang intermittently in Qin Feng's ear!

This shocking speech came from Wu Kai!

Qin Feng frowned: "You still have a little human memory and language ability, so I can't keep you! Otherwise, there will be endless troubles!"

When the words were over, Qin Feng rushed to Wu Kai at the fastest speed, and the thundering blade in his hand slashed with full force!

But Wu Kai's speed was also extremely fast. At the moment when Qin Feng's sword was about to be slashed, Wu Kai flashed directly past Qin Feng's sword with a strange flash.

And at the same time, his right hand evolved a sharp bone blade that was more than one meter long, and a backhand cut out, attacking Qin Feng's weak point!

Qin Feng didn't expect Wu Kai's hand to be able to evolve a bone blade, and he was almost hit by a sharp bone blade in his abdomen. Fortunately, his strong sense of crisis made him subconsciously dodge a few steps back, and then he escaped this very deadly. one strike!

"Good risk! Don't be careless!"

Qin Feng's eyes condensed, his expression gradually becoming serious!

At the moment Qin Feng was forced to retreat by this trick, Wu Kai, who was upgraded, once again swung his bone blade and burst at him. His speed was almost twice that of Qin Feng!

Compared with the previous giant D-class zombies, the extremely fast upgraded zombies like Wu Kai are obviously more difficult to deal with!

However, Qin Feng was not a person to wait. After the speed became a shortcoming, Qin Feng simply gave up the high-speed fight, and stopped in place, carefully observing Wu Kai's attack.

Under the high IQ analysis of 150, he easily saw through Wu Kai's attack trajectory and predicted in advance that the sword successfully blocked Wu Kai's bone-blade slash!At the moment when Wu Kai's bone blade was held up by the thundering blade, Qin Feng grabbed Wu Kai's right wrist, 260 kilograms of muscle strength exploded, and Wu Kai's right hand bone squeezed and rattled!

But now Wu Kai has been upgraded to a zombie, without any pain at all. Even when his right hand was shattered by the approaching, he still attacked desperately, and his blood bowl with fangs was directly opened, spouting four like The sharp tentacles like an octopus rushed towards Qin Feng's face!

It seems that every upgraded zombie can evolve its own tongue into this disgusting tentacle to attack!

Although Wu Kai's tentacles were not as fierce as the giant zombies before, they attacked extremely fast. Even though Qin Feng reacted in time, he quickly dodged with the thunder blade, but his shoulders were still scratched by the tentacles!

When a bloody wound appeared on his right shoulder, Qin Feng clearly saw that the green venom on the wound was swiftly penetrating his wound and wanted to infect him!

But all this was in vain. Qin Feng had immune infection medicine in his body, and it was difficult for any virus to infect Qin Feng, and it was instantly dissipated!

After the first round of the match, Qin Feng and upgraded Wu Kai had their own injuries!

"Qin...Qin Feng...I want to kill you..."

When the gloomy and hoarse voice sounded again, Upgraded Wu Kai waved the bone blade again to initiate the second round of attacks!

Qin Feng, who had thoroughly seen the moves of the upgraded Wu Kai, did not hurriedly prejudge and resist, and in the same way once again set up the bone blade of the upgraded Wu Kai, and in an instant he kicked and swept to the upgraded Wu Kai. Head!

The impact of Qin Feng's kick can exert more than twice the strength of his muscles, so the destructive power of this strike easily exceeds 500 kilograms!

With 500 kilograms of strength, even D-grade upgraded zombies will be kicked and dizzy!

Sure enough, at the moment when the head was hit by a flying kick, upgraded Wu Kai's body immediately staggered back, but the four sharp tentacles in his mouth also entangled Qin Feng's right foot for an instant, causing a huge pull. The force came, as if to break Qin Feng's right foot directly!

Naturally, Qin Feng would not sit and wait for death. The thundering blade slashed past and directly cut off the four tentacles entangled with his right foot one after another!

After losing the tentacle in his mouth, Upgraded Wu Kai's strength was directly weakened by more than half, but he still made the final mortal counterattack like a trapped beast, with a sharp bone blade slashing towards Qin Feng's throat!

Qin Feng didn't panic, and with the help of upgraded Wu Kai's body, Qin Feng directly kicked the springboard with his right foot, leaped into the air, and passed the frontal blow!

"Good opportunity! To die!"

And at the moment when upgraded Wu Kai slashed into the air, Qin Feng seized the opportunity, and the thundering blade in his hand slashed towards the head of upgraded Wu Kai with all his strength!

This sword is like Mount Tai overwhelming! This sword is powerful!

The sword shadow was cut down, Wu Kai fell heavily in a pool of blood, and died under Qin Feng's sword!

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully killing the D-grade upgraded zombies! Survival point 20! Accumulate 85 survival points!

The title of ‘Zombie Hunter’, achieve condition one, kill three D-class zombies, and achieve 1/3 progress! 】

"The survival point has reached 85 points! At this rate, as long as you kill more than a dozen ordinary zombies, you can get 100 survival points, very good..."

Qin Feng looked at the rapidly rising survival point with a satisfied smile.

After continuous battles, he has mastered the skills and essentials of fighting D-class zombies. In the future, as long as he does not encounter a large number of corpses or more than two D-class zombies, he can easily deal with it!

After Wu Kai died, Qin Feng returned to the car and started the car again to leave the place directly.

Because of the sound of the continuous battle, a large number of zombies have been attracted to approach, with two fists hard to beat with four hands, Qin Feng didn't want to do some meaningless bloody battles.

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