When The End Is Coming, I Sign In At The End

Chapter 64 The style of the research institute.

"You... do you mean that the things in my body are not superpowers, but the parasites we encountered that day? And it's the enhanced version of the parasites?"

After hearing the ins and outs of the matter, Chen Yao looked at Qin Feng in shock.

She had seen the miserable appearance after being possessed by the parasite, and even fear and despair grew in her heart.

She finally had the current relationship with Qin Feng, and she has been looking forward to a better future.

But now, everything Qin Feng said was like a basin of cold water, extinguishing all her hopes and beauty.

"No! I don't want to be like that! I don't want to be a monster!"

Chen Yao's eyes were moist, and her expression was painfully thrown into Qin Feng's arms, and Li Hua burst into tears with rain: "I still want to be with you, I don't want to be a monster, don't..."

Seeing Chen Yao crying into tears, Qin Feng felt distressed and helpless.

He had long known that once Chen Yao was told everything, Chen Yao would be unbearable.

That's why he chose to keep hiding.

But seeing that he couldn't hide it anymore, he could only tell the truth, and he couldn't keep Chen Yao in the dark.

That is really unfair to her.

Qin Feng touched Chen Yao's long hair and comforted him: "Don't cry, I am here, I will definitely find a way, or you will become a monster.

Besides, after you were possessed by the red parasite last night, the red parasite retracted again and fell into calm again. Perhaps the red parasite will not turn you into a monster, but can become a force you can control! "


Being so comforted by Qin Feng, Chen Yao suddenly relaxed a lot, raising her head and looking at Qin Feng with tears. Only when she was next to Qin Feng did she feel less scared.

"Really! And I noticed that the sun-shaped mark on your hand is very extraordinary, more like an ancient totem!

Perhaps this red parasite will not become a hidden danger to you, but will become the key to activating the amount of Internal Energy in your body. "

Qin Feng continued to comfort him: "Next, you should be able to try to manipulate this power. If you can succeed, you can truly fight side by side with me in the future, without fear of other superpowers!"

The combat power brought by the red parasite to Chen Yao is conservatively estimated to be around C-level, and the growth of the parasite is very high. Under complete control, Ascension has considerable potential.

If Ascension can be as loyal and self-conscious as venom, even if he reaches a stronger level B, it is not impossible.

If this is the case, with the help of this strength, Qin Feng can try to go to the gold-level area to collect the rare metals used to make the Ark Reactor, and complete the further upgrade of the battle armor.

But these are all things to do.

What he said to Chen Yao was basically his conjecture.

If this is not the case, the red parasite in Chen Yao's body will be the biggest hidden danger they have to face!

But Qin Feng never thought of a way to force the parasite out of Chen Yao's body. Whether it was high-frequency sound waves or other methods, Qin Feng tried secretly, but all ended in failure.

Asked the system solution, the system also pretended to ask three questions.

It seems that apart from Qin Feng, the host, the system is completely unaware of other things.

"It would be great if this is the case...Then we can really fight side by side and not become your scruples..."

After listening to Qin Feng's repeated comforts, Chen Yao really felt a lot of comfort, and no longer felt painful and aggrieved because of fear of becoming a monster.

Although there is still a little unreliable in my heart, it is better than the psychological collapse just now.All this is the security that Qin Feng can give her!

"Don't worry, you are so beautiful. You must be a good man, and you might be able to master the method of controlling the parasite soon!"

Qin Feng smiled softly and put his hand gently on the back of Chen Yao's hand: "You are my woman! I believe you can do it!"

"Thank you......"

Chen Yao bowed her head in gratitude, and finally took the initiative to leave a kiss on Qin Feng's side cheek.

The kiss was affectionate and tender, and the kiss was hot.

Unlike when she was in the gym, Chen Yao now kissed Qin Feng sincerely, and fell in love with the man in front of her who gave her a great sense of security.

In this dim and special environment, the atmosphere gradually became ambiguous, and both of them could feel the rapid heating of each other's body.

Qin Feng could clearly feel that his own lower abdomen was burning with uncontrollable evil fires, gradually devouring his reason.

Especially when I saw Chen Yao's exquisite and pretty face and exquisite and perfect hot body, I felt dry mouth and anger again and again.

You must know that both of them are unmanned, and have never tried to taste the forbidden fruit.

This hot temptation was in front of them, and they all began to be unable to control their bodies.

However, just as Chen Yao was about to continue to hug Qin Feng and actively court, Qin Feng pushed Chen Yao away like a steel man, interrupting the somewhat ambiguous atmosphere: "Ahem, not now.

Chen Yao, I have to finish all these things. You can go out and see Liu Meng's situation first.

It’s a long time coming to Japan, we still have a lot of time in the future..."

Qin Feng knew that this was not the time to be affectionate, because the Black Fiend Gang could be killed at any time, so Qin Feng couldn't slow down in building the armor.

What's more, women have the fragrance of Iron Man armor?

"Hmm, you continue to be busy, if you have any needs, please feel free to find me..."

Chen Yao, who was pushed away, was a little embarrassed and a little shy.

When the words fell, Chen Yao covered her face and left the research institute. A packet of Durex was accidentally dropped out of her pocket...

Qin Feng picked up Durex and smiled faintly: "This woman is here prepared..."

The vignette of ambiguous excitement ends.

Qin Feng continued to devote himself to the assembly process of the armor.

This step is more complicated than building the shell and parts, and modifying the proportions. Every step must be assembled in accordance with the design drawings, otherwise there will be a little deviation, and the entire battle armor will not be completed!

Therefore, Qin Feng had to play a twelve-point spirit.


Inside the villa, Chen Yao walked out blushing after leaving the secret door elevator.

She was ready to devote herself, but she didn't expect that Qin Feng would be such a straight man of steel and directly pushed her away!

Fortunately, this kind of thing has not been seen by others, otherwise she, the number one beauty in Jiangbei City, would be ashamed on the spot.

"Chen Big sis, why is your face so red...couldn't it be Qin Dage..."

Chen Yao, who had just walked out of the secret door, heard a familiar voice in her ear.

When Chen Yao turned her head back in shock, she saw that pale Liu Meng had put up her weak body and stood in front of her, revealing the familiar Eight Trigrams smile.

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