When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 78 The emperor’s favorite ran away

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty..." Yu Tuo's pupils shrank, and for a moment he felt that his whole heart was chilled to the bone by the night wind.

It was difficult for him to guess how his master was feeling at the moment, because even he was not feeling well.

Huangfu Yuanchen stepped forward quickly and uttered two words, "Fight the fire!"

Yu Tuo opened his mouth, wanting to say that it was already too late, but seeing his eyes red and about to go crazy, he swallowed his words again.


But after a moment, Jing Zhaoyin hurried over with a group of people.

The Emperor was here, and the action of a group of people was unprecedentedly powerful, and the fire was extinguished in a short time.

The withered ruins in front of him stung Huangfu Yuanchen's eyes. All the strength in his body seemed to be drained instantly, and his legs could not take a step forward for a long time.

People like him actually have a day to escape reality, but he is really afraid that once he steps in, it will be a foregone conclusion.

"Your Majesty, there is no one inside."

Yu Tuo's old-fashioned face was filled with joy, and his stiff body instantly warmed up.

You know, before he got this result, he didn't even dare to take a big breath.

"No one?!" Huangfu Yuanshen clenched his hands into fists, then released them, and then clenched them into fists again. He repeated this several times, and his heart in his chest became hot again.

The so-called one thought of heaven and one thought of hell are just like this.

"Look for him, and be sure to bring him back intact."


On the other side, Luo Shui and Yan Hui fled to a ruined temple, with Butler Zheng and his party still chasing after them.

She gritted her teeth and made up her mind to run up the mountain if she couldn't.

Previous experiments have shown that spiritual springs have a fatal attraction to animals, and there may be a way out.

"Are Yan Hui afraid?" Luo Shui hugged Yan Hui and said reproachfully.

In the last world, she was spoiled too much by Lu Sheng, and even the most basic sense of worry was lost.

It was obviously not like this when she was in Fengling, but I didn't expect that she also had a love brain.

Yan Hui had a serious face, shook his head seriously and said, "Don't be afraid!"

He said he was not afraid, but his hands were holding her clothes, and his crimson mouth was pursed tightly.

"Mother, does your arm hurt?" Yan Hui carefully touched her arm that was burnt black, his beautiful eyes filled with moisture.

He was not afraid of anything except that his mother would leave him.

Luo Shui rubbed his hair, his eyes were sore, and he said with a smile: "It doesn't hurt. Once we get rid of the people behind, we can apply some medicine and it will be fine."

"Have you forgotten, we were covered with sheets before?" As she said this, she moved her right arm, which was already numb from pain.

In fact, her arm was seriously injured. The wood burned her skin as soon as it fell on her clothes. The injured area was so painful that she lost consciousness all the way down while hugging Yan Hui.

But what can she do? Now that there is no one to protect her from the wind and rain, all she can do is grit her teeth and endure it.

Even if there is a spiritual spring, it is not easy to use it directly at this time.

"Quick, people are here..."

"Catch her..."

The lackey of the Zheng family saw Luo Shui's excited expression, his cloudy eyes flashed with lewdness, and he shouted with ill intentions.

Butler Zheng, who rarely had an above-average IQ, sent people to work separately and blocked the four directions.

The Buddha statue in the ruined temple smiled compassionately, the spider webs on the wall were in patches, the prayer table had lost its legs, and there was an overturned oil lamp on it.

Luo Shui calmly hugged Yan Hui, not paying attention to Butler Zheng and his party.

She knew the man was coming soon, because the pear mark on her wrist was getting hotter and hotter.

After four years, we finally meet again! Sure enough, blessings and misfortunes depend on each other~

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