When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

When the Juggernaut Comes to the Second Dimension Chapter 1023

There will definitely be disputes if there are only two servings of food, so while complaining, Yong Ye cleverly called and ordered a takeaway for Shi Xiang who hadn't woken up.

Before the takeaway arrived, Origami, who was supposed to be doing morning exercises, also ran back, panting slightly, and at the same time had a strange doll in her hand, with a button on the right eye and red eyes on the left, a funny and funny rabbit hand puppet.

"...Did you...where did you pick it up?"

"I saw it on the side of the road while running. How is it? Is it cute?"

Origami put the hand puppet on, raised it and shook it twice towards Yongye.

"...well, cute." (Not at all.)

Concealing his inner thoughts, Yongye affirmed this copiously, and for some reason, Origami took a fancy to the funny rabbit.

After getting this answer, Origami looked at the hand puppet in his hand, then at Yong Ye, and then handed the hand puppet to Yong Ye.

"...Since you like it too, I'll give this to you."

"Oh, no..."

"Yesterday's return gift, I will prepare well, this does not count."

Seemingly worried that Yongye might misunderstand something, Origami immediately explained.

In this situation, Yong Ye no longer knows what he should say. Now, when he praised him just now, if he suddenly said that he was not cute, it would be like slapping himself, so he could only choose to accept the ridiculousness. rabbit hand puppet.

When Origami observed the rabbit puppet, he noticed that the puppet was quite dirty, so he took the puppet again.

"It's still dirty, I'll wash it first."

"...That's really troublesome for you."

Yong Ye who didn't know how to express his suffering, nodded silently.

The ordinary days passed slowly, and about five days later, the revival force had perfectly repaired the school damaged by the space earthquake caused by the appearance of Tohka, and restored the school to normal order again, and the students were also notified to go to school normally.

Yong Ye once again acted as a teacher who fished in troubled waters, and became a salary thief who did not attend classes. However, within two days, in order to avoid attracting criticism, he became a special senior consultant in the school, a top foreign language expert hired with a high salary, students and teachers. Understand, no matter which country you can ask him for advice.

Due to the existence of real materials, even the act of fishing in troubled waters is regarded as the treatment that top intellectuals should have, and they are extraordinarily respected.

On the third day after returning to school, he still put a case of wine in the office openly, regained his old preference of being a priest, and started drinking wine again, but even so, the school turned a blind eye .

Yong Ye felt that he seemed to be ruining the atmosphere of the school, but he didn't want to care so much anymore, since it wasn't too important anyway, so he didn't bother to take care of it.

He feels quite comfortable in school life. Watching children quarrel or have some small conflicts, he also feels that it is just a manifestation of peace. He can even drink and watch theater with relish, as if everything has nothing to do with him... He really feels that it has nothing to do with him .

It's just... Sometimes when he walks up the stairs and meets the sisters of the Wuhe family, his mood will be destroyed, and he feels that the whole person is not very well, such as this morning...

"—Let's make it!"

While drinking a bottle of newly purchased wine as water and walking up the stairs, Yong Ye suddenly heard Wuhe Qinli's loud cry behind him, which was different from her petite figure, and subconsciously stepped aside.

"Wait! Don't push me! I can go by myself!"

"Hurry up! If you don't hurry up, you'll be late!"

Wuhe Shizhi was reluctantly pushed forward by Wuhe Qinli, and soon arrived in front of Yongye, and then...

"Hey! Shiori! You seem to have stepped on a thumbtack!?"

Kotori impolitely called her sister by her first name, and pointed at her left foot.

"Hey?! Thumbtack!??"

Shiori, who didn't know why, believed that his sister who was always cheating people, subconsciously looked down, lifted his feet and bent down to observe the soles of his shoes.

"Huh~ wow~!"

Taking this opportunity, Kotori glanced at Yong Ye, and very simply lifted up the skirt of Shiori who was told not to wear safety pants this morning, revealing the pink bear panties carefully selected by a group of people in Yong Ye. In front of Ye Ye, in addition to that, you can also see the unique sexy curves of a girl's buttocks.


"—Puff, cough! Cough, cough, cough!!"

Shiori, whose underwear was lifted, let out a very feminine scream, and something unexpected came into view, which made Yong Ye, who was drinking red wine as water, almost spit out just after taking a sip, but tried hard to restrain himself As a result, he was choked by the wine, which caused the wine to flow into the trachea, making him unable to breathe and coughing continuously.

The smell of alcohol, fermented in the trachea, that feeling is simply indescribable torture. But there is no way, right? Who can stand seeing something like this early in the morning?

It is impossible to tell whether it is a male or a female existence. Suddenly wearing women's underwear and being lifted up for him to see, this is definitely the ultimate existence of hot eyes.

It was precisely because of his doubts about Wuhe Shiori's gender that he didn't have the slightest bit of heartbeat that Wuhe Kotori expected, or the idea of ​​a lucky pervert. Instead, he felt that his eyes had been hit hard this early in the morning. It was a good and refreshing morning , was also made spicy.


(PS: Regarding Wuhe Kotori's explanation, Wuhe Kotori and Tokisaki Kumzo actually have a side that is not shown in the novel, and there is indeed the awareness of sacrifice for the mission, not completely arrogant and willful, I have read the novel You should be able to understand the second half...

Then, the journey of the return of these two volumes is considered to have little to do with the main storyline, not to mention that the main storyline and the plot are not advanced, because this is not the mainline story...you can skip it if you don’t like it, it doesn’t affect anything.

Finally... Wuhe Shizhi used to be a real girl, not a fake mother, at least in the original book, so it is not completely nonsensical to say that the gender is unknown. )

Chapter 15 From calculating each other to dying together?

During school hours.

Looking at the peaceful campus outside the window, Yong Ye tried to forget the scene he witnessed in the morning through drinking. At the same time, he inadvertently touched a real hair under a wig, trying to identify Wuhe Shizhi's hair.

【Name: Wuhe Shiori · Wuhe Shidao

Blood Type: Type A

Height: 170cm

Measurements: B82·W70·H87 and B84·W60·H85

Gender: Male Female

Age: 16 years old

Physical condition: there are special conditions, different from normal people

Connection: There is an aunt-nephew relationship with the high-ranking appraiser Takamiya Mana]

"... Is there really a problem with this identification technique? What's wrong with two names and two genders? How can you be so perfunctory under uncertain circumstances... And does it really have a relationship with Wuhe Shidao? But what about the relationship between aunt and nephew? ? Are you making fun of me? This broken identification technique..."

Looking at the language of the other world formed by the faint light, Yong Ye didn't know what to say in his heart other than being speechless, although... he felt that it might be true.

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