When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

When the Juggernaut Comes to the Second Dimension Chapter 1065

"...Uh, are you... busy?" Seeing the scene where Yong Ye's hand was caught in the chest of a girl with big breasts in the room, Kotori was stunned for a moment and suspected that she had gone to the wrong room, and then she turned her head out of sheer dumbfoundedness. With a lollipop stick in his mouth, this look is inexplicably funny.

Chapter 26: Sincerity is the foundation, and faith is the sky?

Facing Wuhe Qinli, an outsider who arrived suddenly, Yong Ye seemed a little caught off guard just like Wuhe Qinli who witnessed the surreal scene, and subconsciously said: "Yes... busy."

"..." Without any concealment, Wuhe Qinli showed a look of disgust.

"No, no! Not busy!...Not right, what... What I want to say is, this is not my problem." Silently watching Kotori with eyes as if looking at garbage, Yong Ye felt his back. Liang, who quickly came back to his senses in a jerk, immediately denied what he said casually.

"...Is there any girl who will take the initiative to put your hand on her... chest, chest?!"

"Yes! You believe me!"

"—Stop talking! No pervert! Before you say something like that, get your hands off those big breasts!" Kotori made an unpleasant voice with a disgusted expression on her face.

"Ah... forgot, forgot..."

After being raised, Yong Ye suddenly noticed this, quickly and vigilantly broke free from Jibril's shackles, withdrew his hand, looked at Wuhe Kotori, and planned to make a good defense, to keep himself from being challenged again and again. Clear reputation.

However, Wuhe Qinli turned around and took out his mobile phone with trembling hands, "I have almost reached the limit... This situation must be stopped now, if this continues... If you continue to indulge like this, I won't Have you become a target?!"

Thinking of what Yongye had done to her, in the past she thought that she was partly responsible, so she didn't call the police, but now... Wuhe Qinli suspects that if she didn't call the police, she would have been unscrupulous. Definitely hit on yourself.

"Police, police... Yes, I have to call the police to protect myself!" While speaking, Kotori quickened her pace, instead of waiting for the elevator that had already run downstairs, she ran down the stairs of the fire escape.

"Wait, wait! Wait a minute! Don't do anything stupid!"

"Believe that you are doing something stupid!"

With a livid face, Kotori pressed the phone number with trembling fingertips, and pressed 110, which is used in some countries and regions.

"I said no, right?...Could it be that in your eyes, I'm the kind of pervert who would attack your breasts?" Qin Li's words made Yong Ye very depressed, but he still quickly followed up.

Facing the question of Yong Ye who was chasing after him, Wuhe Qinli almost didn't even think about it and responded "Of course!"

The phone in his hand was quickly connected, and because of Yong Ye's approach, Qinli put the phone to her ear and shouted in a panic, "——Is it the police? I want to call the police! There are...!"

"...No! She won't call the police!"

Before Qinli said something that slandered her innocence, Yong Ye, who chased after her for his own reputation, snatched her mobile phone first.

"What's the situation?" The police officer on the other side was clearly suspicious of Yong Ye from his voice.

"It's nothing, it's just that the children in the family have been taught a lesson, and now they are in a mood, don't worry about it."

After saying this, Yong Ye simply hung up the phone, completely ignoring what the operator on the other side thought.


Jibril and Tobiichi Origami did not chase after them, because the two of them stood on their own ground after Yong Ye left, arguing whether it is better to have big breasts or small breasts.

On the other hand, Yong Ye, who succeeded in preventing her reputation from being ruined, breathed a sigh of relief, and casually shook Qin Li's cell phone in front of her.

"For safekeeping, do you have any comments?"

"Of course I have an opinion! That's my phone! Return it to me quickly!"

"I'm really sorry, I'm just asking if you have any opinions, not to respect your opinions." Yong Ye, who said unreasonable words without any embarrassment on his lips, simply took Qinli's phone into himself pocket.

"You bastard..."

Facing Yongye's outrageous behavior, Qinli clenched her fists in anger, and the lollipop in her mouth could not help but be crushed.

But Yong Ye put his hands on her shoulders after thinking for a while, pressed her against the wall, lowered his head and stared at her seriously.

"You, what do you want to do!?" Even in the black ribbon mode, Kotori's expression changed instantly in the face of this situation, panic and fear flashed in her eyes, but she was still trying to maintain her composure, because She understood that if she didn't calm down at this time, it would really be over.

"Don't be so rude, you should call the teacher, but this is not important for the time being, the important thing is that we can have a good talk now."

"...Talk? Talk about what? I have nothing to talk to you, a pervert who is not only a lolicon, but also attacks big breasts!" As for Yong Ye's character, he no longer has any degree of trust in Yong Ye's character. Kotori, turning her head away, was completely refusing to communicate.

"First, there are many misconceptions that I need to clarify."

"What?" Kotori raised her eyebrows, and her cheeks twitched unhappily. "First of all, I'm not Lolicon, and then, Jibril really put my hand on it."

"...do you think I'll believe it?"

"How about trying to believe it?"

"I will believe Tobiichi Origami, that guy is a one-in-a-million abnormality, but now you suddenly say that there is another person who is the same as Tobiichi Origami?"

"...Although it may sound unreliable, it's true." Shrugging helplessly, Yong Ye, who was also troubled by Jibril's behavior, smiled wryly.

But what he said was not reliable, but in Wu Heqinli's view, it was no different from lying.

At this time, if it was the white ribbon model, she might have found a chance to step down and get out of the predicament, but Kotori under the black ribbon felt that she couldn't accept this result.

It's not that Kotori under the black ribbon is stupid, it's just that her character will become indomitable, she doesn't know how to give in, she also understands detours and temporary compromises, but she doesn't want to give in to Yong Ye, she feels like bowing her head and admitting defeat or compromising, as if somewhere It feels like something is wrong.

She has been fighting for a long time, but she is always bullied, so she is extremely unwilling and unwilling to compromise again. At this time, she thinks she thinks so.

Besides, the previous incident made her even more angry, as if she was even more angry than before... If you want to ask why you are so angry, you don't really understand.

Because in the black ribbon mode, although he didn't say it, but he felt good in his heart, he was actually a pervert... because he couldn't accept the contrast, which led to dissatisfaction beyond the normal state?

With negative emotions that cannot be vented, Wuhe Kotori can only think about it for the time being.

Wuheqinli, who lowered his head and fell into silence, unable to see his face, made Yongye, who was misunderstood and waiting for a response, feel uncomfortable, and couldn't help but want to ask her what was wrong, so he tried to call her.

"Hello? Kotori? What are you thinking? Why is there suddenly no movement?"

"—Don't call me Kotori! Who told you to call me by my first name!" Wuhe Kotori shook his head violently as if trying to get rid of incomprehensible negative emotions, and then raised his head It was the same fierce eyes without meekness as before.

"...It's really the same attitude as before, can't you be a little more docile?"

Yong Ye is very familiar with this attitude as always, so he didn't care about it for the time being, but couldn't help but want to say...

"Qinli or something, isn't that what you stalked me to call it?"


Choked by Yong Ye's words, he was speechless, so he could only turn his head away with a displeased face, no longer looking directly at Yong Ye like a stubborn child, and uttered words in an unreasonable way.

"That, that's not me! That ghost-obsessed person has nothing to do with me!"

"...Do you want to say that you have a dual personality?"

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