When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

When the Juggernaut Comes to the Second Dimension Chapter 1077

The situation was reversed in an instant, and the positions of the two sides were exchanged in an instant.

Kuang San, who always had a sense of calmness, made such a move, which made Yong Ye feel quite interesting, and retracted his hands a little, making Kuang San miss his mobile phone by a thousand miles away, and said with a smile.

"Why would I take pictures of my students taking a bath? I just accidentally took some, my lovely students, the cutest scene, you said... upload it to the school forum, let everyone appreciate your lovely On the one hand, how about it?"

"—Of course it's not good! How could that kind of video be shown to others! Delete it for me quickly!"

Kuang San rejected the proposal without even thinking about it, and rushed over, trying to snatch Yong Ye's cell phone.

It's just...Yong Ye's speed must have been much faster, and she easily avoided the snatch again, shaking the phone casually, with a cheerful smile like Kuang San's before, and teased.

"It's not a shameful video, and it's quite well shot. Don't you think you should share your boastful beauty? Maybe a group of people will meow like a cat in front of you the next day? "

"I don't care! It sucks! It sucks! I can't believe it! The teacher can even do this kind of thing?!"

"Hey? That... how do you say it? That's right! The law of heaven has reincarnation, who will the sky spare? Don't you think this sentence is great?"

Yong Ye deliberately pointed the phone screen at Kuangsan, took her livid face into his eyes, and couldn't help raising the corner of his mouth and sighing, "Or it's not bad to say that karmic retribution is not good, eh~ how about it? Now you know that adults are not easy to mess with?" ? Crazy third grader."

"...It's really ridiculous that this sentence came out of your mouth——Mr. Yongye Lolicon."

Kuang San glared at Yong Ye with sharp eyes, completely unwilling to admit defeat, and even prepared to attack each other mentally, but... "...Although teasing you can give you the pleasure of revenge, but hurting each other like this is not a good idea." My original intention, how about we temporarily truce?"

Completed beyond Kuang San's expectations, Yong Ye did not take advantage of the momentum to pursue, but instead proposed a temporary peace negotiation.

"Huh? A truce?" For an instant, Kurumi showed disbelief at this unexpected proposal.

"Well... After all, it's stupid to expose each other in public, isn't it?"

The truce was not what Yong Ye wanted, but although there were not many people around, there were still a few customers and employees, especially when Kuang San slapped the table, it completely attracted their attention and made them Almost all the few guests here looked over.

However, the conversation between the two of them is very easy to cause misunderstandings. Words such as "video", "delete", "upload" and "appreciate" can easily cause people to misunderstand many things.

Chapter Thirty: Tokisaki Kurumi Suffering from the Second Secondary Disorder

The argument between Yong Ye and Tokisaki Kurumi, that is, the behavior of exposing each other's secrets, may not be heard clearly by the few and far away guests at this point in time, but the waiters can half understand and half understand of.

In this way, at least in this store, Yong Ye's reputation fell to the bottom in an instant.

However, this shop is run by Yong Ye himself, and he can seal it up one by one afterwards, but... the look in the eyes of being regarded as a criminal made him very depressed, so he planned to stop the interaction with Tokisaki Kurumi harm.

Under Yong Ye's reminder, Kuang San obviously fell silent when he noticed the eyes around him, and then nodded silently after a short thought, agreeing to the peace talks and truce, but he put forward a condition.

"Delete the video."

"No problem, but at the same time, you are not allowed to call me Lolicon again."


"Then it's a deal."

After the deal was easily concluded, Yong Ye simply deleted the video on the phone, and then showed it to Kuang San to show his sincerity.

But... just like this, Kuang San didn't want to believe it, instead he squinted his eyes and stared at Yong Ye.

"...backups, how many."

"No backup."

"Oh, teacher, do you think I'm stupid enough to believe such words?"

"I, let's say I'm a teacher. Do you think teachers... think I'm a liar?"

Facing the doubts and doubts in Kuang San's words, Yong Ye just looked at her calmly, as if he was not afraid of the shadow being crooked.

If righteousness is a tangible existence, then maybe a lot of golden light will emerge from his body, but Kuangsan still doesn't deserve the previous doubts, unwilling to believe Yongye who seems to have a dignified righteousness, he just said with a sneer.

"You can do all the sneak shots, and now you're ashamed to call yourself a teacher?"

"...That's different. I did it openly and honestly. It has nothing to do with honesty. Please don't confuse it. Honesty is the foundation and faith is the sky. This is my motto." Although I just thought of it recently, the main thing is Just look at your mood.

"Ah~ You are indeed a teacher. You lie to others one after another, and you still regard sincerity as the foundation and faith as the sky. Who do you think will believe things that are empty words? This kind of words can only lie to Chong Gong Are you really that kind of kid?"

Kuang San glanced at Yong Ye, that gaze was a suspicion that could be known without further words.

"...You actually doubt your teacher, you are really too much sometimes."

"Self-knowledge and shame are both very important things. I hope you can have a little bit, too." This time, Kuang San didn't even look at the messy hair and disheveled clothes he had been arranging. Xiang Yongye.

"That kind of thing doesn't need you to say more, it will come naturally, and you said that my motto is empty words? What if it is not empty words?"

"Isn't it empty talk?"

This unexpected word made Kuang San stunned for a moment, this kind of thing didn't just come from empty mouth, what else could it be?

"It's not just empty words, I believe you don't have a backup, right?"

"...This is the most basic condition, right? Add a sincere apology to me, from misunderstanding my sexuality to doubting my integrity."

Yongye looked confident, and this confident look made Kuangsan's face full of doubts, as if he didn't understand why Yongye would be so confident in this kind of thing. He looked at the table carefully, and he was not so confident because of the lettering Where did it come from?

Then, as if thinking of something, she suddenly realized something and nodded to herself, showing a seductive smile as if to tease Yong Ye.

"Oh~ Teacher, do you think that I will believe you if you say this in a serious manner? It is indeed somewhat credible to talk nonsense in a serious manner, but I am not naive enough to be deceived by this level of deception."

"Then, did you agree?"

"Hehe~ It's just an apology, of course there is no problem, but it's unfair if only I have the conditions. If it is really empty words, the teacher will admit that he is a lolicon in school, and then turn himself in to the police station?"

Curving his mouth into the shape of a first-quarter moon, Kuang San smiled and put forward quite... I don't know how to put it, and this condition also made Yong Ye very depressed.

"...Although I have been maliciously slandered all the time, I don't understand. Are lolicons the kind of people who need to surrender?"

"Peeping into the future of mankind, pure young girl, this is of course something that needs to be surrendered, and... Teacher, is this admitting that she is a lolicon? Ah... By the way, the teacher said earlier that we are exposing each other, right? Doesn't that mean that the teacher has acquiesced in this matter?"

"That's just too lazy to argue, and don't be entangled in this kind of thing. As a teacher, I will give you a piece of advice. No man will like a woman who has been entangled with a man in the past."

"Ah~ Is that so?"


"Then shall I also give the teacher a piece of advice?"


After hearing Yongye's rhetorical question, Kuangsan slightly narrowed his eyes, showed a carefree smile, paused for a moment and said briskly, "Compared to pestering women, lolicon men are less likely to There are women who like it, and in some countries it is a crime and you have to be arrested."

"...So, I'm not a lolicon, can you stop clinging to it? Or is it fun to entangle this kind of thing?" After a short moment of astonishment, Yong Ye waved his hands in a look of unbearable The amount of help.

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