When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

When the Juggernaut Comes to the Second Dimension Chapter 1113

It was only after Origami sat down that Yong Ye began to say what it meant in English, but he noticed that Origami, who obviously hadn't seen him, was staring at him for some reason, and his gaze was inexplicably strange.

Five years ago in this world, Yongye once had contact with her, but compared to the last time, she should not have left a deep impression, so five years should be enough to forget that meeting.

"What's wrong? Is there something strange on my face?"

"No...it's okay, I just feel...a little strange."

Origami adopted a reserved speech that didn't look like her, and after hesitating for a while, she spoke again, "I always feel as if I have known Sensei before... this kind of inexplicable idea."

"... feel?"

After hearing Origami's words, Yong Ye couldn't help but fell into deep thought. It should be impossible for ordinary people to remember, at least it is impossible to think of anything when they first met, but he is not an ordinary person. His existence is special in this world. It is not surprising that some refreshed memories remain in other people's memories.

"Don't worry about it. I'm a person with a strong sense of presence. I might have felt this way when I met you many years ago." Yong Ye, who understood the status quo, decided to maintain the status quo without intending to tell the truth, and planned to simply deal with it.

Judging from the current appearance of Origami, she is no different from an ordinary girl. If this is the case, then there is no need to force anything. This is already good, isn't it? The rest...just let it be.

Faced with such a perfunctory situation, Tobiichi Origami felt a little hard to let go, but she didn't care anymore, and planned to listen to Yong Ye's explanation seriously, but she herself didn't know why she, who originally liked reading, was in this unfamiliar place. In front of his teacher, his mind is always distracted by accident, and he will stare at him subconsciously.

In fact, she would suddenly come here to ask for advice from a teacher she had just heard about but had never seen before. This was not in line with her usual behavior. It was just that when she heard the name Yong Ye, she subconsciously thought of it. By accident, I found a reason to come here.


Of the two absent-minded people, Yong Ye was staring at the book while the other stared at him.

After such a long time, Yong Ye raised his head as if he couldn't stand it, and met the girl who was looking at him.

"I said... can you stop staring at me?"

"Ah, good... good!"

After being reminded by Yong Ye, Origami realized that she had been staring at Yong Ye, and immediately lowered her head to apologize with flushed cheeks, "Yes, I'm sorry, I'm so rude all of a sudden... I don't know, what happened to me today .”

"...It's okay, I'm used to it."

"Are you used to being stared at by students?"

"Well, let's take it like this."

It is not so much a habit of being stared at by students, but actually a habit of being stared at by you. Yong Ye didn't tell the truth, but just nodded nonchalantly.

The teaching was gradually getting on the right track, but at this moment, Wuhe Qinli, who hadn't seen him for more than a day, suddenly appeared. Seeing Yong Ye and Origami's one-on-one teaching, he subconsciously narrowed his eyes.

"Teacher, what are you doing? Are you playing tricks again?"

"...Hard heart?"

Qin Li's unexpected words made Yong Ye a little surprised. She didn't understand why she had changed so much. It seemed that she felt less targeted and prickly towards him than usual, although there were still some setbacks. That's it.

"Hmph~ You are as unconscious as ever, you stupid teacher."

Shrugging her shoulders exaggeratedly, Kotori, who came here on a whim, left again with displeasure. It seemed that she wanted to say something at first, but she didn't say it now, and Yong Ye only thought of her as a child who lost her temper as always. Care what happens.

It's just that Origami, who didn't know the truth, looked at Yong Ye with some strange feelings again, but because she wasn't familiar with it, she didn't speak.

And so the teaching continued, only...

"Speaking of which, Origami, you..."


In the process of teaching, Yongye wanted to say something as if thinking of something, but Origami said it before he said it, and suddenly showed a surprised expression.

"Ah... I'm used to calling juniors by their first names, don't you like it?"

"No, no, no, it's okay." Origami waved her hands in a panic, indicating that there is no problem and please continue.

Although generally only people with very close relationships will be called by name, there is indeed no problem with what the elders say, but there are also some accidents, but it is not so much that they are surprised by the name, but that there is a strange feeling when they are called. She was surprised, but she couldn't say it out loud.

"It's okay, actually I don't have anything to say, and now I suddenly forgot."


Maybe it was me who felt wrong, Origami politely apologized.

Then, it was ordinary teaching time, and then the ordinary day ended like this.


After the world was reset, I forgot the previous contact with Tobiichi Origami, and nothing too unexpected happened, and time went by and it was the day when the cultural festival started.

On this day, when it was still dark, Yong Ye stared at the starless night sky for a while, and after washing up, he led Tohka and Yoshino, who were like children, to go to school.

It's just that before leaving the apartment, looking at the intact living room, and thinking of how it was smashed open by origami, Yong Ye felt a little weird.

Not long after arriving at the school, the three separated to prepare for the cultural festival. Tohka and Yoshino, the foreign aid, needed to change clothes and move things to the scene, while Yong Ye, the salary thief, was lazy as always, but Before drinking two glasses of wine, the office welcomed a visitor.

"Master Yongye! Let's go shopping quickly!"

Flicking a single ponytail, the girl wearing a slightly sweat-soaked sailor suit came to Yong Ye's table with a bright tone, and looked at Yong Ye with suppressed joy and excitement, even if she didn't speak, she wanted to drag Yong Ye to play The meaning is also very obvious.

Now she called Yong Ye from Mr. to Mrs., but in fact it was just a kind of respectful title, after all, Mana's oral habit had some strange lines.

Since the DEM company has changed hands, the world's top magician girl did not leave her job, but became the instructor of the other magician girls.

Although Takamiya Mana didn't care about her physical problems, Yong Ye was also considering whether to give her something like a spirit crystal, so that she could gain a long life and an immortal face like other elves.

But there is no action yet, and no specific decision has been made, so Yong Ye chose to let Mana go to middle school while working like Origami before, so now he is wearing the sailor uniform of the school uniform.

"...Wait, why are you so early in the morning, why are you sweating all over your body? And you're still leaning on me?"

"Hey, hey? Is it obvious that I have sweat on my body?"

Mana, who was approaching, was stunned by Yong Ye's words, and then hurriedly picked up the clothes on his chest and sniffed in front of his nose, "I just took a shower and changed my clothes, how could there be a smell?" ??"

"No...I didn't say it smells like sweat, I just said it smells like sweat, and if you have to talk about the smell, it's better to say...do you wear perfume?"

"Did you smell it? Heh heh~!"

Mana hugged his shoulders with a look of complacency, and at the same time said bluntly, "Isn't it necessary to have momentum at a time like this?"

"Aura? ...Is that the smell? And I have no idea what time it is? Why the aura?"

"Smell is a kind of momentum!"

"...Sorry, I don't quite understand your aura."

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand! Let's go! Let's go to the venue of the Tianyang Festival, and there should be a store opening!"

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