When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

When the Juggernaut Comes to the Second Dimension Chapter 663

"You mean by name?"

"No, the name is also very powerful, the king of beasts and the overlord of the sky, but you think the fighter itself is not bad, right?"

"Yes, Not Bad?"

"...It's really an ambiguous answer, but forget it...Aren't you going back?"

"When there is no fighting, there is nothing to do except housework, and the flowers in the morning have already been watered."

The girl replied indifferently. Although her face was calm, Yong Ye, who has had contact with such a three-no girl several times, still understands that she is interested in her fighter. She wants to come in and take a look. I haven't opened my mouth yet.

Do you want to put it in? ...Looks like a quiet kid, so it shouldn't be a big problem, right? Thinking of this, Yong Ye immediately let go of the hand holding the door to get out of the way.

"If you can guarantee that there will be no chaos and noise, it's okay to come in and have a look, um... Speaking of which, you are?"

"Nephline Luke Insania."

"...I always feel that names are so long."

"Just call me Lian."

"Hmm... Then Lian, close the door when you come in."

Slightly nodding, Yong Ye didn't pay any attention to Nephren, and walked directly to the indoor dining room. It seemed that he was about to eat, but he didn't have the position of being the master, so he introduced the idea of ​​this room and the fighter.

Chapter Eighteen Becoming a Disgusting Person

In the unpopular residence, Nephlian stood in a daze as usual in front of the fighter jet in the courtyard, touching it from time to time, as if wondering why the fighter jet was so different from the airship. so small?

Needless to say, Nefflian Luke Insania is also a golden fairy. It has been thirteen years since she was born. She developed into an adult this summer, which means that she has just been confirmed to have a relic weapon... That is the adaptability of the holy sword, using the pure holy sword called Insania.

[Picture: Nefflian] Link: http://novel-cdn.kuangxianggit./uploads/chapterimgsnew/492/15852/180928/1538065881-100049815-102457067.jpg [Picture: Nefflian and Noft] Link: http://novel-cdn.kuangxiangit./uploads/chapterimgsnew/492/15852/180928/1538065952-100049815-102457067.jpgNephlian is quite small. It is hard to believe that thirteen years old is short. It is difficult to distinguish among the little ones who are nine to ten years old. They usually have an expressionless face that seems to be printed out of a mold. Even Cordoli and Atheya, who grew up with her, have never seen her smile or get angry. expression.

If you want to say who has the strongest daze ability among the golden goblins, then Nefflian is undoubtedly the strongest one in the goblin warehouse. She just watched the fighter jet around, then looked around the courtyard with puzzled eyes, and finally stood on tiptoe to look inside the cabin.

Reluctantly being limited by her height, she couldn't see inside even when she stood on tiptoe, and Yong Ye, who had finished eating during this time, walked over and passed her hands through her when she was still thinking about using her wings. armpit, and picked her up.


"How about it, can you see it?"

"I see it."

At first, he struggled uncomfortably, but although Nephren disliked being held up high and made a straight face, she did not push his hand away, but was attracted by the internal structure of the fighter jet.

Seeing this, Yong Ye simply put her on the top of the cockpit, anyway, the material itself is strong, so it is no problem for a child to jump on it.

"Wipe your footprints clean later."

"…well, I will."

Nephlian's eyes were completely attracted by the various instruments in the cockpit, and she made a promise without looking back.

Yong Ye didn't pay attention to the child's movements on the plane, but readjusted the rifle, intending to increase the power as much as possible, but at this moment, he noticed that his house didn't seem to be cleaned these days, and this The place is not convenient to find part-time workers.

Subconsciously, Yong Ye turned his attention to the top of the fighter jet. The girl who was lying on the protective cover thought that their golden goblins could also work part-time, and more or less knowing that they didn't have enough funds, she immediately had an idea in her heart.

Yong Ye, who didn't like doing housework, never thought of doing it himself, so he naturally planned to hire Nephren with money, and this idea was easily realized when the other party had no funds to use under normal circumstances. He hired this three-none girl who looked younger than her actual age.

Not to mention anything else, just talking about hygiene, Nephren, or every adult golden goblin can do a good job, after all, when they have nothing to do, there are only a few things they can do up.

From being a curious fighter to becoming a hired maid, Nephline adapted quickly and did a good job. Holding the mop and rag that Yong Ye didn't know where it was, she made the house as clean as new in one morning, making the house look like new in the morning. Yong Ye, who was wielding a sword in the courtyard, was very satisfied, and the two parties signed a long-term employment contract.

Although Yongye has occasionally been in a daze recently, he would not easily let himself be idle in normal times, because as long as he is free for a while, he will immediately recall things he doesn't want to think about, and he will also think about things he doesn't want to think about, so he swung his sword , fiddling with guns, meditating, and studying spells, these things took up most of his time.

In fact, if he thinks about it, Yong Ye feels that the fourth warehouse is very strange, no... In fact, maybe it is not strange, but it is quite strange to look at it from his perspective.

There are almost twenty children in it, and all of them are girls. Although the ages are uneven, according to Nephlian, most of them are around seven to fifteen years old. There are no older children growing up, or to be more precise... The bigger ones are all dead, because the sixth beast will land every once in a while, and if they can't deal with them, they have to open the gate of the Fairy Town and explode themselves, or they will be killed by the beast.

In short, no one lived longer, the highest record was eighteen years old, but then a large-scale landfall of spores also opened the door of the so-called Fairy Town, causing the magic power to explode out of control and perish together with the incoming sixth beast.

From the point of view of a group of orcs, it is really nothing to use the disgusting unsigned species as weapons and cannon fodder. , but this is a very big question, why unconditionally die for this floating island continent?

But... now he doesn't seem to have any aftertaste of paying attention to other people's affairs, and these things are also voluntary by those golden goblins... Well, if it is considered voluntary to be indoctrinated with the same thought since childhood, besides, at this stage, unless the floating island mainland is hidden behind the scenes If you make a move, other people can't beat the beast. If you don't blow yourself up, everyone will die. It seems that there is no way?

"Forget it... let's eat."

At noon, Yong Ye, who unconsciously thought about the golden goblin, stopped swinging his knife, looked at the sun in the distance, and then planned to eat by himself instead of relying on Nigolan's feeding.

Although he hoarded a lot of bread, he decided to eat something relatively good because it was the first time Nephren arrived today.

After thinking about it, he took off his armor and changed into casual clothes. With his rifle on his back, he called out to the center of the town together with Nephren, who was still studying fighter jets and stood silently next to the fighter jets after cleaning.

Immediately walked around the house for a while, stepped on a gentle slope, and there were more than a hundred stone buildings lined up on both sides. Yong Ye didn't know how to evaluate this small town, but he could only say that it felt okay, that is The style and appearance of townships in this era can only be described as ordinary.

The two of them walked on the streets of the small town, neither wearing anything to cover their face or head, completely exposing the appearance of the Wuzheng species, but the orcs on the road did not show any disgust towards him that most other floating islands have. , seems to be used to the existence of the unsigned species... Well, after all, those children are also on the floating island. Although the juvenile group will not go out easily, the adult group will hang around when they have nothing to do. They guess Also get used to it.

"...You are making a small airship, are you going to explore the surface? Or sell it to the wing guards?"

Nephren, who was silent along the way, suddenly asked a question when she was approaching her destination.

"Well~ I was a salvager for a while."

Although it's just a self-proclaimed one when selling amulets.

"I see."

When it comes to the salvager Nephlian, she understands, thinking that Yong Ye is planning to use the airship to explore the surface, but in fact... part of him is indeed planning to explore the surface, and of course there are also people who use it to escape when the situation is not good plan.

After walking for too long, the two came to the simple food restaurant closest to the house. Since Nephlian seemed to be thinking about something, she followed the principle of not moving the wooden figure, and Yong Ye ordered the food for both of them.

Before the dishes were served, two adult goblins appeared in the direction of the door, girls with blue hair and orange hair, who seemed to be preparing to eat.

"At first, I was still worried about why Nephren was gone forever, but now it seems... how is this? When did you develop this relationship? Is it convenient to pursue the relationship between the two?"

Etheya approached with a smile, and looked left and right between the two of them.

"Employment, I got a job and got extra disposable income."

Facing the gossip girl Atheya, Nephlian's face remained unchanged, but simply described the facts.

"Oh~ I'm looking for a job like La Qixu? Hmm~ Does this gentleman still need help? How about the two of us?"

Nodding in understanding, Atheya then pointed to herself with one finger and pointed to the blue-haired girl named Keduoli according to Nephlian's words with the other, and introduced herself.

[Picture: Keduoli] Link: http://novel-cdn.kuangxianggit./uploads/chapterimgsnew/492/15852/180928/1538065970-100049815-102457067.jpg [Figure: Keduoli 2] Link: http:/ /novel-cdn.kuangxiangit./uploads/chapterimgsnew/492/15852/180928/1538065985-100049815-102457067.jpg But unfortunately, Yong Ye is not big enough to require three people to clean up.

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