When the Young Master Fakes His Death, His Sisters Panic

Chapter 129 Fu Yueqing becomes a punching bag

Shen Shutang ran back to the room and turned on the computer. His hands were flying like butterflies on the keyboard, and he typed hundreds of words. There was no such thing as being stuck and breaking down like he used to when writing emotional dramas.

The feeling of not being stuck is like a week of constipation finally being relieved. It is extremely refreshing. It is the moment that every writer dreams of. Shen Shutang feels ecstatic, this is how he feels!

Didi didi.

The penguin suddenly flashes wildly.

Diehard fan @Chengzi, you can’t stop loving me: “Chengzi, you’ve been updating every day for a while now. When will your post stop?/Throw the table, are you going to die? The new posts you promised will start to stabilize. Three chapters are updated every day, otherwise what if you come to see me with your head raised? What you say is like fart, and you don’t keep your word!"

You can't stop loving Chengzi: "Wait! Today I have an inspiration, no glitches! More updates! I will slowly make up for what I owed before! I, Chengzi, keep my word!"

Die-hard fan: "Okay, if you can really do it, I'll reward you directly! If not, I'll do a live stream of washing my hair while standing on my head!"

You can’t stop loving Chengzi: “How could Kexiu threaten me in this way? OK! I will fight with you today!/Brother Ji plays basketball.”

Shen Shutang finally had the courage and confidence to confront the readers and fans who asked for more updates. In the past, when the fan group @Shen Shutang asked for more updates, Shen Shutang would hold the pot lid and pretend not to see it. See no evil, see no evil. .

Shen Shutang's additions only exist in the new book issue. When the inspiration is at its best, the number of words is slightly more and the text is stuck. Shen Shutang just puts it away. This is also the reason why Shen Shutang cannot go further. Shen Shutang I want to change it, but Kavin is really life-threatening, and I can’t do it!

"Ouch, Cheng Zi is actually hard for once. The market is open in the group. Can Orange be updated today? I'll give you a dollar!"

"What do you mean by opening the market? It's embarrassing, so you just lower one dollar? I'll lower two dollars!"

"I'll pay you 100 yuan. The useless author won't be able to get more than 10,000 yuan today. Why don't you give me the money clearly?"

"Excuse me, we are a regular group and not a driving group. Do you want to block the group and let the group leader go in and eat oranges?"

"Old fellows, I'm going to post a sexy picture~ and a welfare website~ Oh, it turns out this is not a driving group, just don't let me drive."

“I said that if we don’t provide welfare, it will be half as bad as before…”

that side.

When Fu Zhengchao returned to Fu's house, he was almost pissed off.

Ju Mei also wiped her tears with a handkerchief. Her makeup was gone from crying and her eyes were swollen. Thinking of Fu Chuan's cold and ruthless look just now, the tears fell more violently because she couldn't control them. Was it because she felt more guilt or more benefit? , even Ju Mei couldn't figure out the answer.

Seeing her biological son and Ju Mei on such an unrelenting confrontation, all of which was caused by Ju Mei herself, Ju Mei felt extremely uncomfortable. After all, Fu Chuan was Ju Mei's nine-month-old child, so young. Losing Fu Chuan made Ju Mei's heart feel as painful as tearing apart. If she hadn't adopted Fu Zichen as a substitute to heal Ju Mei's pain, Ju Mei could not imagine what it would be like.

Just for the Fu family... For the Fu family... I'm sorry, Fu Chuan, I'm really sorry. I really didn't want to kill you. I just thought it would pass soon and you would be fine. I didn't expect that... You have caused so much harm to your heart...

"Okay, stop crying! It sounds so annoying!"

Fu Zhengchao was in a bad mood and naturally didn't have a good look towards Ju Mei. He yelled at Ju Mei, who sniffed and didn't dare to say anything for a moment.

Fu Zhengchao took a few steps forward and heard Fu Yueqing's scolding coming from the living room: "Oh my god, why are you so rubbish, you little loser, Shangguan Wan'er can't even move, you choose your mother... "

"what are you saying!"

Fu Zhengchao walked into the living room with a gloomy expression as if a fuse had been lit.

Fu Yueqing was playing King Pesticide with his mobile phone, and opened the microphone to spray the mid laner wildly. When he saw Fu Zhengchao walking in, like a mouse meeting a cat, he quickly turned off the mobile phone and threw it aside, and said with a dry smile: "Dad, you are back."

Fu Zhengchao didn't respond and walked slowly in front of Fu Yueqing. Fu Yueqing quickly stood up from the sofa, his heart beating faster. He didn't know what Fu Zhengchao meant.

Fu Yueqing has been the most disliked one among the eight children since he was a child. Fu Yueqing knew in his heart that Fu Zhengchao had always disliked Fu Yueqing's habit of swearing and having a hot temper. He was extremely disappointed in Fu Yueqing and completely ignored him. Fu Yueqing was born like this, and he couldn't change it even if he wanted to. , I felt very uncomfortable as soon as I changed it, so I could only let nature take its course. At most, I would not offend my father and the others...


Just when Fu Yueqing was feeling uneasy, a loud slap sounded.

The next second, Fu Yueqing turned her face to one side, and bright red paw prints fell on the place where Fu Zhengchao slapped her. The burning and stinging pain made Fu Yueqing look in disbelief, and he did not recover at all.

Being beaten...

Fu Yueqing was actually beaten...

The person who beat Fu Yueqing was Fu Zhengchao! Her biological father!

In the past, Fu Yueqing could not change his bad habits. Fu Zhengchao could only educate Fu Yueqing to no avail and ignore Fu Yueqing. He never took action against Fu Yueqing. This was the bottom line until Fu Chuan came back, knelt down, was slapped, and kowtowed... After all, Fu Yueqing was not the best member of the Fu family. The unloved little transparent one! Fu Chuan accepted all this on his behalf!

Fu Yueqing actually feels at ease with Fu Chuan's presence. All the outlets for venting in the family will be Fu Chuan. Fu Yueqing can naturally stand out and become a bully instead of the object of bullying. Now Fu Zhengchao's slap has completely shattered Fu Yueqing's Fantasy, what Fu Yueqing feared the most... finally happened!

After Fu Chuan left the Fu family, the person who became the Fu family's punching bag would be Fu Yueqing. From then on, everyone's indifference, bullying, and disregard for Fu Chuan would gradually be transferred to Fu Yueqing. This slap was the beginning! It's far from over!


Thinking of all this, Fu Yueqing's eyes were red and tears kept rolling. Fu Zhengchao didn't get any sympathy from Fu Zhengchao. Instead, Fu Zhengchao felt that the slap was not enough to discourage him, so he slapped Fu Yueqing hard on the face again.

Fu Yueqing's lip was bleeding from the beating, and she fell on the sofa and let out a scream.

The movement in the living room quickly attracted Fu Xinru, the sixth child, who had just returned from China and planned to spend the New Year with his family in G city, Fu Hualou, the seventh child, and Fu Zichen. They saw Fu Yueqing lying on the sofa with his face covered in tears, Fu Zhengchao looked cold and ruthless, and Fu Zichen was weak. He said weakly: "Third sister... this... daddy, what happened?"

"Why don't you, third sister, ask me carefully? As a member of my Fu family, with such noble blood of the Fu family and an elite education, why do you speak so openly and spout feces? It's so annoying to listen to. How disgusting! There is no woman in the whole family as stubborn as Fu Yueqing! When playing games and scolding the person opposite me, my old face has been completely embarrassed!"

After two slaps, Fu Zhengchao gave Fu Yueqing a hard kick, which hit Fu Yueqing's stomach. Fu Yueqing's face was instantly distorted in pain and he kept retching.

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