When You Are a Director, How Do You Become a Full-Fledged Superstar

Chapter 102 Who is the mastermind behind the scenes?

Chen Mo looked at the guy who slipped and knelt in front of him, and was almost amused.

Looking at the man begging for his life with interest, Chen Mo took another step forward and put his left foot on Tian Sen's left hand.

Use a little force.

"You want to rob?"

Tian Lin looked up at Chen Mo, nodded frantically, and continued:

"Big brother, big brother! We have our eyes and don't recognize Mount Tai, and we're dizzy. Please let us go, don't call the police, we'll go now!"

go now?

Chen Mo smiled inexplicably, the strength on his feet gradually increased, and said:

"Having lost your head? Your accomplice was just so ruthless, but it doesn't look like you lost your head!"

On the other hand, there is more force on the feet.


Tian Sen's forehead burst with blue veins, and he growled lowly in his throat.

"Big brother! Big brother! We..."


With a muffled sound, Tian Lin only felt a flower in front of him, staring straight at Venus, and his right arm involuntarily drooped to the side of his body.

It turned out that while Tian Lin was talking, Chen Mo suddenly raised his foot and kicked Tian Lin in the face.

Tian Lin never expected that Chen Mo would attack him without warning, so he only had time to block it with his right hand.

Chen Mo's foot force passed through the palm of his hand and kicked the bridge of Tian Lin's nose.

Warm blood flowed out quickly.

"Tell me, why did you attack me?"

Chen Mo walked over Tian Sen's chest, kicked him at will, and kicked Tian Sen's chest. The severe pain made Tian Sen completely lose his mobility, and then came to Tian Lin.

"The cauldron...the nests are really..."

"Okay," Chen Mo interrupted Tian Lin and continued:

"Whoever robbers goes directly to the point of attack, it is not an exaggeration to say that you are murder!"

"Who asked you to come, tell the police, I won't call the police, if you don't tell the police, I will call the police."

Tian Lin knew that he had planted it.

The target this time is not an ordinary person at all, let alone an ordinary person, with this kind of ruthlessness and attacking skills, the special forces who have been tempered and trained may not be able to beat it.

Tian Lin's own skills are actually good, but his wrong judgment made him lose the opportunity, and Chen Mo's combat effectiveness was abolished with one kick.

Striking the bridge of the nose is very skillful, it will not only cause nosebleeds, but also make the opponent's head dizzy. The key is to master the strength.

And Chen Mo's strength was just right, he didn't let himself completely faint, and his head was buzzing, and there was no way to resist.

Tian Lin, who had been a mercenary, was all too familiar with this.

"Big brother... Big brother! Really, my brother and I have no money to spend, so we made up our minds and wanted to spend some money along the way. My brother didn't think about what to do, and he didn't even want to be ruthless just now!"

And the more he knew that the other party was not simple, the more Tian Lin dared not tell the truth, and continued to beg for mercy, ignoring the nosebleed.

Temporary intention?

"You two don't have money, are you thinking about it temporarily?"

Chen Mo took a step back and stepped on Tian Sen's left hand again.

Pointing to the gold chain around his neck, he said:

"Tell me that you have no money with such a thick gold chain? I will give you one last chance. If you don't tell the truth, don't want his hands!"


The crisp sound of bone cracking was like a sharp knife stabbing Tian Lin's ear.

"Pot! Sue...he...sue...he...the nest's...squatter"

Tian Sen's chin was hit hard, and the numbness had not yet passed, and the roar of pain was smothered in his mouth, mixed with begging for mercy, and it was vague.

But Tian Lin knew what his younger brother meant.

Let yourself not hide, his hands are dying.

Looking at his brother's broken right hand, Tian Lin gritted his teeth and said:

"Mr. Chen, we admit it. Someone posted a mission on the dark web. If you want to mutilate you, you have to have two hands and ask for one million!"

Tian Lin did not hesitate, and quickly continued:

"We don't know who the other party is."

Mutilate your own hand?

Chen Mo frowned slightly, this is really buying murder and hurting people!

"Are you individuals, or are you organized? If this mission fails, will others continue to carry out the mission?"

Chen Mo thought about it and asked.

"No, no, Mr. Chen, this is all personal behavior. I have worked as a mercenary overseas, so I have this channel."

Tian Lin said quickly.

"In the Xia country, there are no so-called organizations that specialize in these things, and if we fail, the mission will be abolished, and no one will continue to perform the mission."

"Huh? Doesn't it mean that the mission is not successful, and someone keeps directing the mission to ensure the success rate?"

Chen Mo frowned. Isn't that how all novels are written?

Tian Lin was a little dumbfounded.

"Mr. Chen, what you are talking about is written in novels. The place where we accept tasks on the dark web is actually a trading platform similar to a third party."

"The two sides do not meet, negotiate the remuneration online, and then the other party puts the remuneration into a secure account. The account is overseas. After we succeed, we can receive the remuneration. If we fail, the remuneration will be returned. It's that simple."

Tian Lin Ninja felt the pain of breaking the bridge of his nose, and continued:

"Mr. Chen, look, I'm almost done, can you move your feet away first... I'm afraid..."

Chen Mo was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and immediately moved his feet away and said.

"Sorry, I almost forgot... why didn't you remind me earlier?"

Tian Lin...

"That is to say, if you fail this mission, the other party will get feedback, and the platform will refund the remuneration to them, right?"

Chen Mo ignored Tian Sen who was grinning, and then looked at Tian Lindao.

"Yes, but the operation of the platform is intelligent, and all the rules are set in advance. In fact, no one operates directly in the background, so it is difficult to find the other party through the transfer information."

Tian Lin knew what Chen Mo meant, but this method was difficult.

A platform is a piece of software. The tools provided by the founders on the dark web can be downloaded and used, not by humans.

Similar to online shopping on third-party platforms.

"Then if the other party issues another mission, can you see it?"

Tian Lin thought for a while and said, "This is ok, but the public information only has a simple introduction like one million mutilating two hands. The specific information is communicated online by the recipient and the client individually."

"All, you are of no use to me?"

In fact, Chen Mo didn't necessarily want to know something about Tian Lin.

Who he has offended, he knows best.

It is nothing more than Fang Xiaogang of Pan Am Entertainment, or Zhang Shouhe of Sky Entertainment.

Fang Xiaogang didn't say anything, the bet was there.

Zhang Shouhe's words are just a support plan for new directors. He won two of his students, and this filming accounted for 5 million of the 300 million funds.

In fact, there is no major conflict, just some friction or competition at work.

Of course, perhaps in Zhang Shouhe's view, it's not even a competition.

Therefore, apart from Fang Xiaogang, Chen Mo couldn't think of anyone else.

However, Chen Mo didn't want to let go of these two people.

"Mr. Chen, that's all I really know... I..."

"Okay," Chen Mo interrupted Tian Lin with a wave of his hand.

Then he took out his mobile phone, and Kacha Kacha took a headshot of the two of them.

"Mr. Chen...you are not..."

Tian Lin, who was photographed, was startled, and was interrupted again by Chen Mo when he was about to speak.

"You two, I won't call the police, otherwise I don't need to take pictures, just call."

Tian Lin thought about it too, and then he wondered:

"Then why are you taking pictures if you don't call the police?"

"Why? Look how handsome you are..."

Chen Mo said angrily.

"In three days, I will cause some trouble for Pan Am Entertainment. If it is on the news, I will delete the photos. I will pretend that what happened today has never happened."

Shaking the phone in his hand, Chen Mo continued:

"Otherwise, these two photos will end up in the hands of the police, understand!"

Tian Lin nodded, pulled Tian Sen over, and said:

"Don't worry, we will definitely do it."

After he finished speaking, he supported Tian Sen and turned to leave.

As for whether or not Chen Mo would regret it after the incident, Tian Lin could only take a gamble.

However, since Chen Mo didn't ask their names, it means that the other party didn't think about demolishing the bridge afterwards.

Besides, the other party only asked himself to make trouble for Pan Am Entertainment and make news, but he didn't say anything about trouble or news.

In this way, playing a little trick, disgusting and disgusting Pan American Entertainment, couldn't be easier for someone like Tian Lin.

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