Chen Mo, who returned to the rental house, took a shower, lay on the bed in the large bedroom, and took out his mobile phone.

Because Lin Xiaqing never paid the rent, Chen Mo always slept on the big bed when Lin Xiaqing was away.

Don't say it, I don't know if it's true, or it's just an illusion. The big bed smells so good, it seems to have Lin Xiaqing's body fragrance, and Chen Mo likes it very much.

Take out your phone and open WeChat.

One or two black soils: Congratulations to Lin Datian, two new songs have been promoted to platinum singles again.

Half of Baiyun: Chen, is it interesting to brag so much?

Lin Xiaqing had a good rest today, and did not continue to open the USB flash drive that Chen Mo gave him, nor did he open the fifth song of the nine songs.

It's really two songs today, especially when it's dawn, which consumes too much of Lin Xiaqing's energy.

She will have a good rest for a day, and will make every effort to prepare for Chen Mo's fifth song tomorrow, which will be released on the 16th.

Chen Mo, who was lying on the bed, scratched his head and continued typing.

One or two black soils: What is interesting? Isn’t the song you sing worthy of congratulations for being promoted to platinum?

Half of Baiyun: Mmmm, you are right, Mr. Chen is right in everything he says, congratulations.

A tael of black soil: Is that right, so, when are you going to have dinner?

Half of the white cloud:  …

Lin Xiaqing pouted, feeling angry.

It was waiting for me here.

He rolled his eyes and hurriedly typed.

Half of Baiyun: Director Chen, today the final premiere episode of Pirates of Youdao has been hit. I wonder if you took the time to pay attention?

One or two black soil: I said I really didn't read it, do you believe it?

Lin Xiaqing looked at the information on WeChat, and was slightly surprised that Chen Mo didn't know the click information of the online drama.

But after thinking about it, this guy seems to be able to do it.

Half of Baiyun: I know that Director Chen will not pay attention to these small things. The little girl will report to you. The first episode of Pirates has 87.98 million views, nearly 88 million, and it is a popular online drama. in the ceiling.

Chen Mo was slightly surprised.

He did not expect such a high number.

Although the relevant departments of the company predicted between 80 million and 90 million, but when this number was really put in front of Chen Mo, he knew how shocking it was.

Eighty-eight million!

The limit is approaching ninety million.

At this level, although it is not phenomenal, it has a great influence.

What's more, this is Chen Mo's first web drama.

In fact, it wasn't just Chen Mo who was surprised. When Lin Xiaqing found out about this data at night, his shocked mouth couldn't close.

Song Yuling was also dumbfounded.

Qin Xiaoru was even more extreme. The milk in her mouth was sprayed out, and she exclaimed:

"Will Mr. Chen be a billionaire in the future?"

In just one drama, Chen Mo has achieved financial freedom in the conventional sense.

One or two black soil: I really didn't pay attention to this data, thank you.

Half of Baiyun: No thanks, just tell me when to eat.

Chen Mo was stunned for a moment, and he thought well, so he was waiting for him here.

A tael of black soil: What else is there to ask for, you have a meal, I’ll treat you a meal, it happens to be a tie, and no one has to spend any money.

Half of Baiyun: Is there such an offset? Don't talk nonsense, tomorrow night, please come and pick me up at five o'clock in the afternoon, otherwise, hum...

Then the two talked casually about other things, such as the concept of the future company, eleven games and so on.

After putting down the phone, Lin Xiaqing hummed a tune and went to take a bath, feeling extremely happy.

Chen Mo is going to sleep. Tomorrow is Sunday, the company is resting, and you can sleep in.

As for the attack in the middle of the night, Chen Mo didn't say anything. It was useless to tell Lin Xiaqing about such a thing, and it only increased his worry.

It's nothing to do with yourself anyway.


Early the next morning.

Chen Mo, who was sleeping in beautifully, was awakened by the sound of the phone.

Chen Mo, who was still angry about getting up, saw the caller number on the screen, shook his head, and answered the phone.

"Empress Lin, it is very immoral to disturb people's dreams early in the morning."

"Oops, big slacker, the sun is drying out, I still can't get up."

Then, Lin Xiaqing continued:

"Chen Mo, hurry up and open the news, something big happened to Pan Am Entertainment today!"

Pan Am Entertainment?


A flash of light flashed in Chen Mo's mind, thinking of the two people who attacked him yesterday.

Shouldn't they start it yesterday!

It's a big deal, these two goods won't set people's buildings on fire.

Hanging up the phone, Chen Mo hurriedly opened the news client and clicked to open the entertainment channel.

A top message is in sight.

Is the attack on Pan Am Entertainment in the middle of the night, is it a loss of morality or a distortion of human nature?

The tan text is eye-catching and uncomfortable.

How can entertainment news use this color scheme?

Chen Mo unnaturally remembered certain smells.

Click on the title, and a large photo is brought into view.

It is the gate of the Pan Am Entertainment building.

A lump of yellow-brown dirt was scattered everywhere, and Chen Mo seemed to be able to smell it across the screen.

Next to it, there are even four big characters:

The two do not owe each other!

Chen Mo knew that this was not written for Pan American Entertainment, but a message for himself.

He asked Tian Lin to do some troublesome things for Pan Am Entertainment. In fact, at most, he hoped to tie a few tires, write a few banners and so on.

However, even after killing Chen Mo, he could not have imagined that the two brothers who attacked him yesterday could do such a thing.

It's not a big deal, even if the police come, they won't go too deep into it.

However, when it comes to disgusting people, this is definitely a brilliant move, an extremely brilliant move!

It's a pity that these two took on the task of the dark web, this is simply talent.

If these two people appeared in the short drama "Unexpectedly" on Earth, Chen Mo felt that there must be a drama.

Open the mobile phone album, Chen Mo permanently deletes the two photos in it.

This kind of credit, Chen Mo is willing to abide by.

If nothing else, Chen Mo gave full marks to the ability of the two to play freely...


"Find it for me, no matter what method you use, even if you rummage through the magic capital, you must find these two people!"

Fang Xiaogang drank a lot of alcohol because of the entertainment yesterday, and was a little dizzy in the morning.

Until a phone call came, the confused Fang Xiaogang woke up in an instant.

"Little brat, I don't care what you are doing, roll me to the door of the company immediately."

Fang Gang's roar came from the receiver, almost deafening Fang Xiaogang's ears.

"Okay, Dad, you put out the fire, I'll go, I'll go."

Fang Xiaogang has not seen his father get angry for many years, so this time, he was frightened and didn't dare to ask why, so he put on his clothes and rushed to the company.

When he saw that the door of the company building had been covered with excrement and urine, Fang Xiaogang's anger nearly broke out.

At the same time, there is also a scene of giving orders from above.

Fang Xiaogang stared at the two figures in the surveillance video closely, his eyes flashing with cold light, trying his best to search for people similar to the two in his memory.

However, unfortunately, the two people in the surveillance are wearing masks, except for one person who seems to be left-handed, there is no clue.

Fang Xiaogang, frowning tightly, looked at the four big characters on the wall, 'Both do not owe each other', and thought for a moment.

"The two don't owe each other...either the real enemy takes revenge on him or his father Fang Gang, or he deliberately confuses the public and confuses himself."

However, no matter which one, Fang Xiaogang must find the murderer this time.

Otherwise, Pan Am Entertainment would not have to hang out in the magic capital.

One of the five largest entertainment companies in the country, was sprayed with feces at the gate. If the murderer is not found, it will be embarrassing and thrown at the grandmother's house.

Fang Xiaogang thought about it for ten minutes in the stench, but couldn't come up with a reason.

There are too many people offended by Pan Am Entertainment. For the sake of development and profit, Fang Gang used various means such as coercion, coercion, and deception. There is not a company or a platoon of people who are waiting for the crime.

There are too many people offended, and everyone has enough reasons to take revenge on the Fang family.

At this moment, Fang Xiaogang's foreign mercenary bodyguard came to him, bent down and whispered a few words in Fang Xiaogang's ear.

Careful people found that Fang Xiaogang, whose face was as black as the bottom of a pot, looked even more hideous!

Remarks: gentlemen, say important things three times, kneeling for collection, kneeling for collection, kneeling for collection wow! ! !

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