The National Stadium is very lively.

After all, karate competitions are still very popular in Japan.

In addition, the karate in this world is both powerful and entertaining.

There is still more than an hour before the game starts, but the huge stadium is almost full. As soon as

Xia Ye entered the stadium, he was taken to the player rest area by Sonoko who came to the door to greet him.

Xiaolan is one of the top eight teams that won the knockout round.

Of course, she has her own lounge.

I followed Sonoko to the door.

There were already many people gathered here.

Several uniformed staff members were stopped outside the door by Maori Kogoro in a blue suit.

"This sir!"

"Your daughter is injured, let's take her to the hospital!"

"I want to, too!

Maori Kogoro looked reluctant, but he still tried his best to stop the staff.

"Xiaolan refuses to go to the hospital and insists on waiting for someone. It makes me so angry!"

"But such a serious injury cannot be delayed!"

The staff tried their best to persuade the injured players not to go to the hospital, which would affect the reputation of the competition!

"Uncle, we are back!"

Yuanzi took Xia Ye's hand and ran to the door.

"Get out of the way! Let us in!"

"Sonoko, is this the guy you and Xiaolan are waiting for?"

Maori Kogoro blew his beard and glared at Xia Ye, looking at him very unhappily. This guy is indeed handsome, but can handsomeness cure diseases?

"Mr. Maori~"

Xia Ye simply greeted

"I'll go see Xiaolan first, and we'll talk later!"


Maori Kogoro reached out to grab Xia Ye's arm, but his arm was empty in an instant.

He watched Xia Ye push open the door and walk in. He subconsciously looked at his hand. With my judo skills, I didn't even touch the corner of that boy's clothes?

You know, judo is best at pulling clothes!

This boy is quite strong.

Maori Kogoro sighed in his heart.

But he still hurried in.

What's the use of being strong? Can it cure diseases?

In the lounge.

Xiaolan was sitting on the sofa.

She was held in the arms of a woman with a fully mature body.

Xia Ye took a quick look at Fei Yingli, and then focused his attention on Xiaolan.

Her little face was pale and bloodless, and a trace of pain appeared from time to time.

"Summer leaves......"

Seeing Xia Ye coming in,

Xiaolan pursed her lips, tears welling up in her beautiful eyes.

Her tone was aggrieved and......apology?

""Xiaolan, who is this?"

Kudo Shinichi, who was standing by, frowned.

Why did it seem like Xiaolan was very dependent on this guy?

"Xia Ye, Xiaolan just now......"

Sonoko ignored Kudo Shinichi and went forward to explain to Xia Ye why Xiaolan was injured.

""Let's check the injury first!"

Xia Ye interrupted her.

He reached out and pulled up the hem of Xiaolan's karate uniform, which had been untied from her waist.


"What are you doing?

Maori Kogoro and Kudo Shinichi's faces changed and they shouted at the same time.

"You two, shut up!"

Her delicate and charming face was already cold, and only when she looked at Xiaolan did she show a look of heartache. Her beautiful eyes were cold and she said angrily:

"Turn around now and don’t look here!"


Although they were reluctant in their hearts, they still turned around obediently. It was obvious that

Hibiki Eri was on the verge of an explosion.

Whoever dared to provoke her would die!

Xia Ye nodded to Hibiki Eri.

He reached out and lifted up Xiaolan's karate uniform.

What he saw was shocking.

The originally fair and slender waist was now red.

From the sports vest down to the waistline of the uniform up, the whole waist and back showed signs of redness and swelling.

He stretched out his fingers and pressed on Xiaolan's waist.

"Does it hurt?"

"It hurts!"

Xiaolan's voice trembled a little

"My whole back hurts!"

"How is it?"

Hina Eri has been secretly observing Xia Ye.

Seeing that his eyes were clear and he had no evil thoughts even after lifting Xiaolan's clothes, she nodded secretly in her heart.

This guy has some medical ethics. It

's okay that he usually talks nonsense in his diary, but his character is really good.

"A bit serious......"

Xia Ye frowned,"It's just a strained lumbar muscle, but the lumbar vertebrae are fractured and there are some minor problems with the cauda equina nerve in the spinal cord......"

"Spinal cord!?"

Mouri Kogoro and Kudo Shinichi's eyes went dark.

How could an injury related to the spinal cord be considered a minor problem?

"Don't turn around!"

Hina Eri turned her head and yelled.

Then she looked at Xia Ye.

"Can it be cured?"

"It can be cured!"

Xia Ye nodded seriously.

Xiaolan's injury is indeed very serious.

Severe muscle strain, basically need to rest for more than a month.

Lumbar fracture needs at least three months.

And the injury of the cauda equina of the spinal cord can cause paralysis of the whole body.

But for the fairy crane needle that cannot be explained by science, it is just that.

In wireless literature, what diseases do those acupuncture treatments treat?

The worst is congenital difficult genetic disease.

The others are things like Jiuyou Jue Mai and Disaster Disease Body, which are things that sound mysterious and powerful.

Compared with those,

Xiaolan's injury is not a big deal.

However, treatment still needs to be done quickly.

Looking at Xiaolan's pale face, he felt very distressed.

"Then treat it!"

The queen's style of Hibiki Eri was swift and decisive.

There was no hesitation at all.


Although he didn't know why Kisaki Eri trusted him so much, he couldn't care less about that now.

Xia Ye turned his head to look at Maori Kogoro and Kudo Shinichi who were"facing the wall and thinking about their mistakes", and said lightly:

"Gentlemen, please go out first!"


Maori Kogoro was dissatisfied. I am Xiaolan's biological father. How can you let me out?

"Mr. Xia Ye, do you have a medical license?

Kudo Shinichi directly questioned


Xia Ye's eyes were calm.

All those miraculous doctors in wireless novels are���People who come from the village and the mountains don't have time to take the qualification exam.

Besides, how can you pretend to be embarrassed if you have the qualification?

"Then I doubt......."

Before Kudo Shinichi could finish his words,

Sonoko opened the door and kicked him out.

"Doubt it! Xiaolan is almost dying of pain, you idiot, you are still dawdling here! Get out!"

On the other side, seeing the cold eyes of Kisaki Eri, Maori Kogoro also walked out helplessly, and turned back to warn before leaving:

"Boy, if you feel unwell, go to the hospital immediately. If you hurt Xiaolan because of your stubbornness, I will not let you go!"

"Mr. Maori, don't worry, I'm sure it will happen!"

Xia Ye still gave face to an old father who loved his daughter so much.

After the two of them went out, Yuanzi locked the door quickly.

He ran over and took Xiaolan's hand, looked at Xia Ye and asked,"Xia Ye, let's start!"

"Well, take it off!"

Xia Ye's eyes were calm and indifferent.

She exuded the aura of a benevolent doctor.


Fei Yingli subconsciously glanced at the diary that had been opened next to her.

The identity and attributes of the Crane Needle were only briefly introduced, and it did not mention whether it was necessary to take off clothes for acupuncture.

"Xia Ye, where are you going?

Yuan Zi didn't have so many thoughts.

She stretched out her hand and prepared to lift Xiao Lan's clothes.

""Below the shoulder blade, above the coccyx~"

Xia Ye simply stated the area where the needles needed to be applied.

Shoulder blade? Coccyx?

Yuanzi paused.

Her face instantly turned red.

Even a thick-skinned person like her knew what this meant.

Basically, the upper body was unobstructed, and the lower body was only half covered.

In this case, how could a pure and shy girl like Xiaolan accept it?

Yuanzi looked at Xia Ye in embarrassment.

Xia Ye nodded.

There was no way, this thing was set up like this. The heaven-defying needle method that could bring back the dead and turn bones into flesh could not be applied through a layer of clothes.

This was originally a plot in wireless novels to deliberately let the male protagonist flirt with many girls. The speechless setting of the mystery, the identity of the Crane Needle was actually inherited.

Xia Ye reached into the pocket behind him.

He took out an ancient and weathered needle box from the inventory.

After opening it.

The rolled-up needle belt was filled with long, plain silver needles.

He picked up one and pierced it into the Shentang acupoint on the side of Xiaolan's shoulder blade through her sports vest.

But in the next step, the true energy that could penetrate bones and flesh was blocked by the thin sports bra, and it was difficult to enter even a little bit.

You know, Xia Ye has tried it before, and this small silver needle, after being infused with true energy, can instantly penetrate the solid wood table without any hindrance. Clothes are not okay, but everything else is okay, this is completely within the scope of the rules.

"Xiaolan, what do you think?"


Xiaolan buried her face in the chest of Hibiki Eri, and her earlobes that were exposed were already red.

After a long time, a muffled voice came from Hibiki Eri.

"Mom and Sonoko, help me......."


Fei Yingli looked at Xia Ye deeply.

She let Xiaolan lie on her legs.

She took off her kimono first, then pinched a corner of her sports vest.

After a moment,

Xia Ye let out a long breath and put away all distracting thoughts.

She steadily inserted the first silver needle into Xiaolan's flawless white back with only a few faint marks.

Then the second needle......The ninth needle, one group is completed.

Then comes the second group, and the third group.

When the first group is finished.

A cool breath suppresses the pain.

Xiaolan's subconscious moan of pain sometimes does not appear again.

At the beginning of the second group, a warm breath begins to repair the damaged body. After the third group, the blood on Xiaolan's back has completely disappeared, and the whole beautiful back has regained its fair and delicate appearance.

At this point, it can actually be over.

No strenuous exercise, and rest for a few days.

You can be as lively as before.

But Xiaolan has to participate in the karate competition today.

Xia Ye stretched out his hand, and another silver needle jumped out, and he started the fourth group.

Happy reading every day during the Spring Festival of the Year of the Rabbit! Recharge 100 to get 500 VIP points!

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