On the other side of the phone, Dana let out a long sigh of relief when he heard his son's words. The beginning of a cooperation is based on the trust of both parties. Now that the other party has proven his integrity, it is time to prove his integrity.

Soon, a gentle voice came from the other end of the phone: "Continue to make payments. The amount of each payment is 1 million. Wait until the last amount is returned before making the next one."

"Give me a call when you're done. I'll ask Nicholas to go to the other side and ask him to run down the relevant procedures."

After receiving his father's words, Greb stretched out his hands, sat back in front of the computer, picked up the notebook with the account number, entered the account number, and transferred the money.

When the prompt that the transfer was successful appeared, he immediately stood up, walked into the kitchen to get a can of beer, and then returned to the computer to continue waiting.

At the same time, his old father also took out a bottle of red wine, poured it for several people of similar age in front of him, and said softly:

"Orders have already started, and it only takes a few days for us to get the laundered money."

"However, the nuclear-powered money printing machine is still going on. When we get the money, we have to find a place to invest it so that the money can continue to generate money. Otherwise, we will suffer a lot."

“Everyone thinks about it, is there any better way to make money?”

Dana's words completely stunned the other people present. There was a trace of confusion in their eyes, and the meaning was obvious.

you ask me?

Seeing the expressions on these people's faces, Dana also knew that he had asked the wrong person, so he put the red wine glass in front of his face and covered his face, which also alleviated the embarrassment on his face.

Compared with other officers, these officers are poor people, so they come together with themselves and ask them how to make money. It is tantamount to asking blindly, and it is better not to ask.

Just when Dana was about to change the subject, an officer in the corner suddenly raised his hand and said softly: "Iraq is rebuilding recently. They have funds in their hands, but we have guns in our hands."

"We can completely take over their reconstruction projects and then transfer them to others and earn the difference in price."

His words made several other people's eyes light up, but soon, their bright eyes went out again.

Because they have no say over there, others are now in charge of the situation in Iraq.

Those people are making a lot of money and eating well, how can they let others share it?

Looking into the eyes of these people, Dana also felt a little pained, because the county magistrate was not as good as the current one, and the person in charge of the Middle East affairs was not him, but someone else. Although he could say a few words, he spoke from a distance. After all, there is still no gun barrel to use.

After lowering his head and thinking for a moment, he suddenly raised his head, looked at the people present and whispered: "We don't need to look at the existing projects. We can ask the new Iraqi government to add some additional projects."

"Others eat meat, but we eat less and drink two more mouthfuls of soup. It's not a big problem."

This ingenious idea also made the eyes of several other people present light up again. Since they can't control the scene, wouldn't it be good to make up some extra names to grab something small?

"General, just do this. We will contact the people when we get back later and ask them to find the new Iraqi government and add some additional projects."

“It’s best to have multiple names, separate each project, and spread it out so that each amount seems small, but in reality if you get all the projects, the total amount will be a lot.”

"The best projects are roads. Many of the areas in northern Iraq close to the mountains are relatively deserted. Even if we get the money and don't build roads, they can't do anything to us."

Three cobblers supported one Zhuge Liang, and several subordinates rushed to complete the plan. After listening to their ideas, Dana nodded and said:

"In this case, we will seize the time and implement this matter."

"Understood!" responded in unison, and the subordinates stood up, picked up the wine glasses on the table, and raised their glasses.


Baghdad, Iraqi Reconstruction Council.

President Hawkins hung up the phone with a gloomy look and stood up. He thought for a while, and his gloomy face suddenly turned fierce. He rushed forward and swept everything on the desk to the ground with a sweep of his hands. .

At the same time, everyone was furious and yelling: "These damn things, who do they think they are?"

"That's Iraq's own money. You can use it to build whatever you want. With such long hands, why don't you go and kill Russia?"

Just as he was cursing, the office door was pushed open, and the secretary walked in. He looked at the broken pieces on the ground with surprise. He sighed softly, walked to the desk, picked up everything on the ground, and meticulously picked up all the things on the ground. put it back.

Then, the secretary looked at Hawkins and asked softly: "What's wrong? So angry?"

It was okay if the secretary didn't ask. When he asked, Hawkins' anger that had just been suppressed suddenly burst out again:

"Damn America, a phone call came in asking us to add additional projects, and it was a road construction project in the northern mountains."

"We also need to dismantle these projects to pieces according to their requirements so that they can get the money."

"These pieces of shit!"

After cursing, Hawkins picked up the phone, only to find that the phone had been broken by him just now.

Another punch hit the phone. The plastic shell of the flowers was very sharp, cutting several cuts on his hand.

Then, he whispered to the secretary: "Saleh, go to the warehouse and get me another phone."

"Okay!" Saleh agreed, turned around, walked out of the room gracefully, walked into the stairs, his elegant face immediately became gloomy, then took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

After a few beeps, a voice came from the phone: "What's the matter?"

"Our Mr. Hawkins really doesn't like your interference in our project, so I think..." Saleh didn't continue his words, he was waiting for the other party to make a decision.

But it was obvious that the other party also knew what he was thinking. After a long while, the other party whispered: "So you think he shouldn't be alive? Is that right? Mr. Chairman of the Iraqi Reconstruction Committee?"

After getting what he wanted to hear from the other party, Sahli bent down in an empty corner and made a servant's gesture, and said respectfully to the person on the other end of the phone: "Thank you for your appreciation, my dear General Hanks, I will serve you wholeheartedly."

Unfortunately, his flattery hit the horse's leg. A very disdainful snort came from the phone, followed by even colder words:

"I hope your means are half as capable as your words."

"Also, I don't like waste and never do things like waste utilization."

"For me, waste should go to waste places."

"Do you understand?"


Lanling, Rhine Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd., because of business, Lin Yu temporarily moved his base here.

Just as he was busy calling the upstream material supplier, Rhodes appeared in front of him in a hurry, gasping for breath, hurriedly drank a glass of water, and said anxiously:

"Something big has happened. Chairman Hawkins of the Reconstruction Committee is dead."

"According to the information sent from the country, he was shot in the back, but the official determined that he committed suicide."

Lin Yu, who was busy at the desk, raised his head. He was shot in the back and finally determined to be a suicide. Why does this news sound so American?

He squinted his eyes, thought for a moment, and asked cautiously: "Americans are behind this?"

"Nine out of ten!" As he said, Rhodes took out another document from his briefcase, put it in front of Lin Yu, and explained in a low voice:

"This is a new document sent by the newly appointed Chairman Saleh to those of us who went out for negotiations. Take a look."


Lin Yu subconsciously looked at the document in front of him. It was all in English, which was okay, but not all in Arabic. If it was all in Arabic, it would look a bit difficult.

The document is not very thick, only about 20 pages, with only a few large characters on the cover, "Invitation to Reconstruction by the Iraqi Reconstruction Committee".

When you open the first page, it is not a map, but an explanation, and the most important information is about the time and place of the public bidding.

[This committee will sincerely invite you to discuss the reconstruction of Iraq at the Khalifa International Hotel in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, on December 12, 2002! ]

The second page is the map.

It is the same as the map I saw before, except that there are more lines and more points on the map.

Each line is connected to a large number of residential areas and resource points.

And each point represents a residential area and a mine that produces resources.

Next to these lines and points, there are corresponding numbers. Turning to the third page, the names of these numbers appear in front of you.

Each number corresponds to a project, as well as the corresponding construction period and requirements.

And the corresponding payment method.

Highway and port projects are all paid with funds, but some operating projects are paid with operating rights.

Holding the third page in his left hand, he kept flipping back with his right hand. Finally, Lin Yu saw several roads that looked very good.

Seeing these roads, Lin Yu rotated the document in his hand, pointed these projects to Roz, and asked softly: "Are these projects near you?"

Looking at the projects pointed by Lin Yu, Roz flipped through the map again, and then nodded his head: "Yes!"

This voice was very decisive, and at the same time, his face was full of smiles.

It's really hard to find it, but it's easy to get it.

He was worrying about how to convince the reconstruction committee to open up some projects in the northern mountainous area, and as a result, it was directly delivered here.

In addition to roads, these projects also have reservoirs.

These projects require a large number of people. If these projects are in hand, the entire team can be hidden in them, and various trainings can be carried out openly.

Don't you need explosives to blast rocks?

It's normal to fire a cannon!

After thinking about it, Rhodes asked Lin Yu excitedly: "If we get these projects, can we proceed to the next step?"

Faced with his excitement, Lin Yu shook his head and said thoughtfully: "Rhodes, I need you to provide these pictures of the northern mountains now."

"You should arrange people to walk along these roads immediately. I want to estimate the price!"

"With an accurate quotation, if you operate it again, these roads can be regarded as our possession."

"Within a two-year cycle, your people and infrastructure will have a qualitative leap!"

Take a deep breath, Rhodes said solemnly:

"I will tell Cavani about these things. As a special forces officer, he is professional in doing these things."

"My home court is in Baghdad."

"The Americans' treatment of Hawkins will surely cause dissatisfaction among some people. By taking advantage of this dissatisfaction, our plan should be able to succeed."

At this point, he pushed the project plan in his hand forward, pushed it in front of Lin Yu, and said:

"I'll go back first! If you want to go to Riyadh in person, you must pay attention to safety."


After receiving the response, Rhodes walked towards the door without looking back. When he opened the door, Lin Yu called him again, and waited for the other party to turn around before whispering: "Be careful!"

"I know!"

After the back figure disappeared in the corridor, Lin Yu stood up, walked to the window, and looked at the door.

Soon, the figure appeared at the door. The other party seemed to notice the gaze, turned around, waved vigorously, and finally turned around and walked out of the door firmly.

After the back figure disappeared, Lin Yu returned to the desk, picked up the phone on the table, thought about it, took out his mobile phone, and called Qian Guoheng.

"Master, the things I told you before are now in sight."

"I have an invitation letter in my hand, issued by the Iraqi Reconstruction Committee, inviting large builders from all over the world to rebuild Iraq."

"Then, the two Iraqis who bought equipment from me want some guidance, so I want to ask, are there any brothers who have retired from the Golden Corps or the Engineering Corps but have nowhere to go?"

"You'll go check it out, right? Okay!"

"Safety issues..."

"There are indeed some safety risks, but I'll go there first."

"Don't worry, I'll pay attention to safety."

After hanging up the phone with Qian Guoheng, Lin Yu searched for a while, found Tang Yuanshan's phone number, and dialed it casually.

The call was quickly hung up, and then a text message popped up.

[Meeting! ]

Seeing these two words, Lin Yu threw the phone aside, took out a notebook, and began to write names in the notebook.





Staring at these names for a while, he crossed out Salar's name first, this person is useless.

After staring at Heckler's name for a while, Lin Yu decided to tick the name. This guy is a special operations staff officer. Although he is not very good, for the sake of the deal, it shouldn't be a big problem to ask him for help and stand on the stage.

Then there is Hassan. In a few days, the weapons bought by this guy can be loaded on the ship. When delivering the goods to him, he can ask this guy to help and tell the people in northern Iraq to ensure safety.

Finally, there is Awad. He is a prince of Saudi Arabia. For now, Saudi Arabia's attitude towards America is very ambiguous.

If you use some things and make some conditions with him, the other party should be very happy.

After writing down the methods for each person, Lin Yu's pen stopped next to the name of Awad.

What to use?

In exchange for this person's help?

The old American has become the sixth son who proves his innocence

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