These people swarmed to the counter, each holding a bag in their hands, and shouted to the people at the counter:

"I have 60,000 yuan here, I want two red ones, hurry up, I want both leather sofas."

"Get out of here, I'm the first one, they've taken my money, get out of here quickly."

"What if I took your money? You buy one, I buy two, I'll crush you to death!"

"Fight, fight, fight quickly, fight so I can buy a car."

Compared with these excited people, Feng Lun was more excited than them. This three-wheeled tractor was priced at 30,000 yuan, and the cost was 20,000 per unit. Just a moment ago, the salesmen had signed an order for 50 vehicles.

And after the evaluation of the production department, the break-even point of Rhine Automobile Manufacturing Company is 2,000 units. As long as it exceeds 2,000, the cost of building a factory, unblocking the industrial chain, and repairing the chain of the automobile manufacturing company can be completely balanced.

As long as the sales exceed 2,000 units, Rhine Company can make a net profit of 10,000 yuan for each vehicle sold.

At the same time, if the sales exceed 2,000 units, it means that the three-wheeled vehicle of Rhine Automobile has been recognized by the market. As long as they are steady and solid, they will not starve to death with this vehicle and subsequent upgraded models.

Thinking about this, Feng Lun kept his eyes on the counter next to him. The salesperson next to the counter was signing contracts, stamping, and collecting money.

Although it was very tiring, everyone's face was full of smiles, because their salary was based on sales commission.

For each vehicle sold, the salesperson who signed the order can get 100 yuan. If he does other work, he will have to work hard for a week to get this 100 yuan.

And for more jobs, even half a month can't get 100 yuan!



The entire store was extremely busy. Of course, all this had nothing to do with Lin Yu. If he, the boss, was still busy working as a salesperson while selling, then all the people below could be thrown away. No one could be saved, so all could be thrown away.

Of course, he was also busy with his own work.

He asked someone to prepare a set of clean clothes and brewed a cup of tea, which he put in a thermos. He carried the thermos and clothes and stood by the mud, waiting for the speeding driver to get off.

Another half an hour passed, and the tractor ran out of oil. After two roars, the tractor officially shut down, and Wang Jianguo also jumped out of the tractor with a look of unsatisfied desire.

He rolled up his trouser legs to his knees, held two leather shoes in his hands, spread his legs, and staggered in the mud and water, appearing in front of Lin Yu.

Taking the towel and wiping the sweat off his face, he smiled and said, "This car is good, but it's a tractor. It would be great if it was a sedan. Then, people in Lanling City would be proud of driving locally made cars."

Lin Yu heard the hidden meaning in his words, raised his hand to hand over the water cup, and said calmly:

"We can make sedans, but we don't have the ability now, so we can only polish the chassis of other military equipment first."

"When we are strong enough, we will let the whole world know that Lanling has the best car manufacturing company."

Mumbling Wang Jianguo, who was sipping water, put down his cup when he heard this, and raised his right thumb: "You are brave!"

"Let's go, I'll go inside to support you."

"Change your clothes!" Lin Yu handed over the clothes, and Wang Jianguo glanced at them with disgust: "You said that the clothes in the garment factory are ugly, and the clothes you chose..."

"Forget it, just wear the one I'm wearing, it looks more friendly."

"Let's go!"


At 11 o'clock in the evening, in the director's office of Rhine Automobile Manufacturing Company, Lin Yu sat in the director's position, in front of him, were contracts.

All of them were contracts signed for the cars sold today.

There were four piles in total, each pile was more than one person tall, and under the light, they were like pillars, standing tall.

Sitting in the boss chair, Lin Yu turned around leisurely, casting his eyes on everyone present, especially Feng Lun.

After staring at the veteran for a while, he nodded with satisfaction, "Old Feng, from now on, you will be the deputy director of Rhine Automobile Manufacturing Company. I will hand over this automobile manufacturing company to you."

"Jackie Chan, you continue to do it, Cheng She, let someone else come."

"In the future, I will only make requirements for you. How to complete it and how to exceed the quota is what you need to think about. I will not give suggestions."

"Do you understand?"

"I, Feng Lun, will definitely live up to your trust and ensure that Rhine Automobile Manufacturing Company will continue to be glorious!" After answering Lin Yu's words loudly, Feng Lun came to Lin Yu and stood beside him, waiting for the next instruction.

He looks very servile, but in the eyes of others, Feng Lun has obtained the wealth of the world.

The director of Rhine Automobile Manufacturing Company is Lin Yu, and he has only one deputy director. Lin Yu cannot be there anytime and anywhere, so Feng Lun is the actual director!

He can command the hundreds of people in Rhine Automobile Manufacturing Company and decide the future development direction of the company. He can be said to be a director who can decide life and death with a single word.

More importantly, the factory director's annual salary is 120,000 yuan!

And a house!

These are all priceless!

Seeing the envy in these people's eyes, Lin Yu raised his finger and pointed at Feng Lun, saying: "Work hard, work hard, you can also get a high salary like him, sit in a high position, and reach the pinnacle of life."

"But if someone messes with me secretly, I will kill him."

At this point, he turned his head and looked at Feng Lun:

"Old Feng, tell everyone about today's gains. Come on, go to bed early after you finish speaking. These few days will be busy."

"After these few days, we have to find a way to expand the market in other cities."

As Lin Yu spoke calmly, Feng Lun stepped forward, took out a piece of paper from his chest pocket, spread out his trembling hands, and said loudly:

"Today, the sales volume of our store is 700 vehicles!"

"These 700 vehicles are all cash. We received a total of 21 million cash today!"

"In addition to these 700 vehicles, there are 127 vehicles that are reserved and have paid deposits, but no final payment."

"If these 127 vehicles are counted, we sold a total of 827 vehicles today. , there are still 1,173 vehicles left to our break-even point of 2,000 vehicles. "

"If we work harder, before this year, or even next month, our Rhine Automobile Manufacturing Company can turn losses into profits and make real money!"

"Make a lot of money!"

Under his shout, several main responsible persons present also raised their hands in cooperation and shouted loudly: "Make a lot of money! Make a lot of money!"

After they shouted for a while, Lin Yu raised his hands, patted them lightly, and said: "That's it for today, go to bed early."

"Old Feng, you stay, I have something to tell you alone, it's a little surprise."

After the others packed the contract and left, Lin Yu took out a notebook from his arms, put it on the desk, and tapped it lightly.

Signaling Feng Lun to open the notebook.

With curiosity, Feng Lun opened the notebook. On the palm-sized notebook, there were some strange vehicles, and next to the vehicles, there were some detailed parameter requirements marked.

Just a glance, he saw what was drawn on the notebook.

Truck-type self-propelled artillery!

It is impossible for him to produce artillery. He is a car manufacturing company, so what he wants to produce must be a truck for self-propelled artillery.

This is really a big surprise!

There is only surprise, no joy.

At this moment, Lin Yu's voice sounded next to him again: "Give you one year. After one year, I want to see the chassis of this self-propelled artillery."

Reaching out and pushing the notebook into Feng Lun's arms, Lin Yu stood up and walked out of the office happily.

Walking out of the office and looking at the starry sky, he unconsciously relaxed. He had to give himself a few days off and have a good rest.

At this moment, the phone rang suddenly. In the quiet night, it was so urgent and so annoying.

With a sigh, Lin Yu took out his mobile phone and turned it on, but found that it was a call from an old acquaintance, Luan Yuelin.

He answered the call casually and asked curiously, "Master Staff Officer Luan, why are you calling me so late at night? What's the matter?"

"Could it be that you have come up with some bad idea and are ready to put it into practice?"

The person on the other end of the phone obviously didn't expect Lin Yu to say that. He was also stunned for a while. After a long while, he hesitated and answered:

"No, there is a good thing and I want to tell you about it. Do you want to come?"

"What good thing?" Lin Yu asked back quickly. If there is really something fun, then it's okay to go. Just treat it as a vacation.

The next second, Luan Yuelin's voice sounded again on the phone:

"There will be a rehearsal of the Tianjian Operation military exercise in two days. Uh, everyone in the staff knows that you are a bad guy. They are going to let you come to the director's office to increase the difficulty of both sides of the exercise. Are you interested?"

Tianjian Operation exercise?

Increase the difficulty of both sides of the exercise?

This is so interesting!

Hearing this familiar name, Lin Yu couldn't help but slap his thigh with joy.

In his previous life, after he entered the Army Equipment Research Institute, the tester who worked with him, the guy who kept complaining about the poor weapons and equipment in his ear, was said to have been tortured to death by the directorate during this Tianjian operation.

Since then, this guy has been obsessed with all kinds of equipment, and he has been worshipping foreign things all day long, and using other people's PPTs to deceive people all day long.

According to the fragmentary news he had heard, the Tianjian operation was supposed to be held next year, and it was brought forward now, probably because of the Iraq War.

After the American people's performance on the battlefield in Iraq was stripped of the sacred halo, what was left was all real confrontation.

Perhaps it was based on these considerations that the General Staff brought forward the original Tianjian operation.

When he thought that this guy would appear in the next Tianjian operation, and he happened to be a member of the directorate, he could openly and openly attack this guy.

Lin Yu was very excited!

Excited to the point of being unable to extricate himself!

He swore that he would perform exceptionally well this time, and let this guy know what modern warfare and future warfare are, and he would beat him to pieces!

He would leave a lifelong shadow on him in this exercise!

Thinking of these happy things, Lin Yu couldn't help laughing, and the sound of his laughter naturally fell into Luan Yuelin's ears.

Across the phone, he asked carefully: "Have you had a seizure recently?"

This sentence also interrupted Lin Yu's excitement. He suddenly thought of a serious problem, that is, the Tianjian operation was advanced. What if that bastard didn't participate?

He forced himself to calm down, lowered his voice, and asked softly:

"Operation Skyward Sword military exercise? I haven't seen any military exercise yet. Will you pick me up then?"

"Also, can you tell me the numbers of the two parties participating? I can make some preparations here."

There was a sparse voice on the other end of the phone. It was Luan Yuelin who was probably asking someone else. After a while, his voice rang again.

"A DA regiment is characterized by digital operations."

"A QA team is characterized by rapid support delivery."

"These two are important pilot units in the past few years. The pilot has been going on for some time. The details of America's invasion of Iraq have been reviewed internally. We are ready to let these two come together to test the results."

"If it works out well, do a really big training exercise."

Hearing these two words, the smile on Lin Yu's face became even bigger.

The codename of the DA regiment, the full name is Digital Army, literally translated as digital army. This is a team formed after the information-based troops of the Americans.

The full name of the QA group is Quick Attack Army, literally translated as quick attack army. It is a team formed to imitate the rapid deployment of combat troops of the Americans.

And the leader of the DA group is the guy who talks in his ears all day long.

When thinking of him, Lin Yu seemed to hear someone whispering in his ears again!

His whole body also trembled.

No, we must let him know what it means to be a lifelong shadow in this exercise.

Holding the phone tightly in his hand, Lin Yu said calmly: "Let's set a time. I need to arrange some work here."

"The day after tomorrow, I will come to pick you up in person the day after tomorrow. Hang up first."

In Yanjing, Luan Yuelin put down the phone, turned to look at the people around him, and said softly: "Lin Yu agreed. I will pick him up in person the day after tomorrow, and then go directly to the training location?"

Hearing his inquiry, the man next to him nodded and said softly: "After you catch him, tell him that you don't have to hold back. Use whatever means you have."

"We must strengthen these two pilot units. The higher the intensity, the better it will be for our future."

"Understood!" Luan Yuelin nodded, taking note of the explanation. After thinking for a moment, he asked again: "But I still don't understand, why should he participate?"

The person next to him stretched out two fingers on his right hand and said with a smile: "Two reasons."

"The first one is to predict the war in Iraq. We will feel bad if we don't give others an honorable medal."

"Secondly, he is a genius, a genius who knows the world."

"He can collect the information he needs from various clues and make accurate judgments. For such a genius, what we need to do is to help him grow."

"When the time comes, he will become a towering tree and our mainstay. No matter what happens, with such a person, we will always have hope."

"And the mainstays one after another are the reasons that have supported our nation through 5,000 years and now!"

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