Below the draft contract is the company's qualification list.

This is a company registered in Hong Kong, and its corporate qualifications cover more than a dozen categories such as commodity manufacturing, trade, and cross-border transportation.

There are more than a dozen registered companies under it!

After reading all these qualification documents, Greb smiled from the bottom of his heart. It's very good and very thoughtful!

Moreover, the registration time of these companies was yesterday, which means that after the other party got reliable information, they registered a lot of companies overnight yesterday!

So the other party was able to put these qualifications in front of him today to discuss cooperation!

After thinking for a while, Greb slowly raised his head and looked at the young man in front of him. As we all know, Hong Kong people have always been arrogant towards their compatriots.

He can delay things as much as possible. He can register a group company in one day, and at the same time, there are more than a dozen subsidiaries under it. The energy behind this young man is self-evident.

Then there is the behavior of this person. Nicholas said that this person's attitude towards him was very bad, which can be said to be extremely bad, but from the conversation just now, this person is very measured and polite in doing things.

Greb had only seen this kind of person in some young people from big families.

Those young people, without exception, were all heirs of various families!

Therefore, the young man in front of him should also be the heir of a big family. Only in this way can we explain the great power behind him and why they can sell such advanced things.

If it is really as he guessed, then this world is too interesting.

No wonder his father asked him to come to negotiate.

His father's current military rank is the fifth level, and he has not been officially awarded. If he grasps it well, he can even get the rank that has only been issued once.

If his father gets that rank, he will be the only son of a general who has got that rank alive. Everyone in the family will rise to the sky as his father gets this rank!

After briefly imagining this scene in his mind, Greb's face was full of smiles, and he began to check the contract bit by bit.

The content of the contract is very short, and the words used are also very concise. There is no messy content, and there are no boring trap clauses. Greb is very comfortable to see.

Two hours later, he finished reading all the contents of the contract, raised his hands and rubbed his swollen head, and said softly:

"Mr. Lin, your contract terms are very sincere and very good!"

"In that case, I will also show our sincerity here."

"You don't like having a dog behind your butt, so I will help you beat the dog."

"Don't worry, it won't take more than 24 hours. Similarly, I also need to tell these contract terms to my father, General Dena, within this time."

"He is finalizing some details, and then we will add them to the contract together, so that we can The cooperation is more honest!"

"Do you think it's okay?"

"Okay!" Lin Yu responded decisively, then stood up, leaned forward slightly and stretched out his right hand, smiling and said: "Then I will wait for Mr. Greb's sincerity! And General Dena's finalization!"

"I have ordered a meal here, which is our authentic palace banquet. No matter how busy you are after the meal, you don't have to rush!"

Hearing the words authentic palace banquet, Greb was even less anxious. His father had been in the army all his life. Since he was a child, he followed his father to move around and ate all kinds of food from all over the world. The dish that he remembered most was the authentic cuisine from China.

It doesn't have the sour and sweet taste of American modified Chinese cuisine, nor does it have the petty taste of Japan and South Korea.

However, that kind of dish requires the right time, right place and right people. It requires a high-end chef, appropriate ingredients, and a certain amount of time, which is hard to come by!

Now someone said that they have ordered a set of authentic palace banquets, so you must eat it, eat it hard, and eat back the price!

As for things like beating dogs, you can arrange for others to do it.


Europe, Italy.

The country of fashion is a place that countless people dream of going to.

Ellis walked out of the factory gate, sighed, took out a pen and a corresponding notebook from his pocket, crossed a line on the notebook with the pen, and cast his eyes on the next factory.

Rheinmetall - Greece.

Since receiving the task from the director, he has taken two partners from Israel to Germany first, and with a little trick, he got the information of all Rheinmetall holding companies.

Unlike the information on the surface, these holding information in secret shows that Rheintech has also participated in the investment of hundreds of large and small companies.

These companies cover all aspects and hundreds of professions, which makes people dizzy.

In order to prevent himself from wronging anyone, Ellis took this list and started to check one factory after another.

But things went against his wishes. None of these factories had that unique sign. After finally checking Germany, he took these information and went to other countries. The steel factory was the last stop in Italy.

The next goal is in Greece.

Ellis felt annoyed at the thought of having to change countries, change languages, and continue this repetitive investigation, which would most likely yield no results.

Irritably, he stuffed his notebook and pen into his arms, stuffed the documents back into his briefcase, and held it in his hand. He turned to the two companions behind him and said, "Let's go, have a meal, and then take a break, and go to Greece."

Unlike the energetic Ellis, the two companions looked very tired at the moment. When they heard that they were going to have a meal and rest, their eyes lit up, but when they heard that the next stop was Greece, their eyes quickly extinguished, and their faces were as hopeless as death.

But there was no way, they were just deputies, and the main person in charge was Ellis.

The three of them wandered aimlessly on the street, and finally walked into a roadside Italian restaurant. Each of them ordered a plate of macaroni and a glass of beer, and then they ate heartily.

Just as they were eating heartily, several strong men pushed the door in, then sat down next to them, and asked for the same macaroni and beer, and started eating with them.

The inadvertent actions of these people made Ellis subconsciously look over.

These people...

Forget it, I still have a mission, no matter what they do, it has nothing to do with me.

About 10 minutes later, after finishing their meal, Ellis and his companions got up and left, and the strong men also got up and followed them shortly after they left.

On the way to the port, Ellis noticed that someone was following him. He did not make a sound, but informed his teammates inconspicuously, and led his teammates to lead the strong men into a dead end.

Looking at the strong men who appeared in front of him, he was not panicked, and even seemed a little excited.

"I have been looking for you for a long time, but you have found me without any effort. I was looking for you, but you came to me!"

"It seems that my guess is right. The factory is either in Italy or Greece!"

"I don't know how much money your customers paid to bribe you, but I can tell you that you can't spend the money, and the only thing you can do now is to surrender to me and tell me who hired you!"

Listening to his threats, the sturdy men on the opposite side were stunned for a moment. One of the younger ones looked at the sturdy man in the middle and kept blinking. The meaning was very clear. Did you find the wrong person?

The sturdy man in the middle also took out a photo at this time, repeatedly compared it with Ellis, and nodded his head slightly.

The two sturdy men in front lifted their clothes, revealing the shotguns under their clothes, and opened fire.

The other few people also took out MP5 submachine guns from under their clothes, and the submachine guns equipped with silencers made a puffing sound.

There was no suspense in this battle.

From the outbreak to the end, it took no more than 30 seconds.

All beings are equal under the shotgun.

The portable bulletproof vest Ellis wore was useless under the double attack of the shotgun and submachine gun.

30 seconds later, there were only three bloody people on the ground.

The leading strong man walked to the three bodies, bent down, and shot several more shots at the heads of the three bodies. After confirming that they were dead, he took out a small camera and took pictures of the bodies on the ground.

After taking the pictures, he also took away the other party's briefcase and related documents.

After walking out of the alley, several people dispersed into the crowd, found a place, threw their clothes, and lit a lighter.

The leader then took out his phone, dialed a number, and said to the person on the other end of the phone: "It has been solved, but what about the files in the other party's hands?"

"Send it out in the name of an Englishman? Okay, this is indeed in line with the behavior of the English."

After hanging up the phone, the strong man turned around and walked into a library, borrowed the library's equipment, scanned all the files in his hands, packed them with emails, and sent them to his friends in England.

On the other side, Greb, who was strolling in Hong Kong, also received an email from an anonymous email address, which contained some photos.

Photos of Xue Hu La Chi.

After receiving the photos, he immediately jumped up from the bed, downloaded these photos to the computer, then changed into a clean suit, sprayed perfume, and dressed himself up very handsomely. Then he held the computer, called Nicholas, drove to the contact address left by Lin Yu.

This time the address was not in the customs office building, but in the small courtyard behind the customs.

As soon as they met, Greb couldn't wait to open the computer, open the photos, and invite Lin Yu to watch.

Seeing these photos, Lin Yu sighed, frowned, and said with disdain: "You... Why do I think you look fake with makeup?"

"I think you can take a video if you want to do this next time."

"Take a few photos. To be honest... I don't know if your photos are real or fake."

"But it doesn't matter. The most important thing for us is money. It's just a dog. Don't worry too much."

"Sign the contract!"

The feeling of being high and mighty and looking down on the world in Lin Yu's words made Greb feel particularly annoyed.

It's annoyed, but the contract that should be signed must be signed.

Sitting down opposite Lin Yu, reaching out to take the contract on the table, flipping it open, Greb signed his name.

Greb Roosevelt.

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