When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 140 I don’t like people talking loudly to me! (Second update!)

As a key staff member of the air show organizer, in order to work better, Ma Hong will subconsciously pay attention to currency exchange rates in her spare time.

By understanding the exchange rates of various countries, the air show organizer can provide more convenient services when these people sign contracts and provide guarantees.

And if she remembered correctly, today's exchange rate between the US dollar and the RMB is 1:8.270, which works out to more than 1.3 billion RMB!

This is just one order!

If this company makes two more orders, it can almost catch up with the annual GDP of some small counties!

Are these guys selling weapons and equipment so profitable?

Afraid that she had seen it wrong, Ma Hong rubbed her eyes with her hands again, and then she saw the number above clearly. It was indeed US$150 million, and it was not written incorrectly!

The contract has been signed and the purchaser is already going through the payment process!


This must be well publicized!

If the turnover at this air show breaks a new high, then more people will come to the next air show, and these people will bring a huge amount of capital flow, as well as GDP!

very good!

very good!

Suppressing her excitement, Ma Hong first entered all the forms in her hand into the computer, then picked up the phone at hand and dialed:

"Hey, Mr. Zhao, we have a unit in Shandong Province. Today's transaction volume is 150 million US dollars. Yes, the contract has been signed and the payment process is in progress."

"What are you selling? They are all mortars, rocket launchers, and anti-aircraft missiles."

"Yes, yes, I just want to promote it!"

"There is no need to promote it vigorously, just let the LED screen at the door scroll for promotion, right? Got it!"

After hanging up the phone and waiting for a few minutes, Ma Hong dialed another phone number:

"Mr. Zhao's order, you need to adjust the LED scrolling screen at the door..."


"Is this...is this organizer going against us?"

Entering the exhibition site, after walking through the gate, there was an LED scrolling screen. Originally, this screen displayed some rules and order at the exhibition site. But today, when Lin Yu led people into the door, he found that what was displayed on the screen had changed. !

It has become the first day of the exhibition, the ranking of each exhibitor's turnover!

Rheinsteel, for the time being, tops the list with a total transaction value of US$150 million, and it keeps scrolling on that screen!

Nothing more was mentioned, just a simple sentence.

[Rheinsteel Group, transaction volume US$150 million! 】

This string of text kept scrolling on the screen, which also aroused the curiosity of other exhibitors!

You know, during this period everyone is ready to have fun watching Rheinmetall and Rheinsteel, and they are all waiting for them to fight!

But I didn’t expect that instead of enjoying the fun, I became someone else’s fun!

The transaction volume of US$150 million is enough to stand out among the crowd!

You look at others having fun, and others look at you as a poor guy!

"No! That Rheinsteel... they just sell those things, can they sell for 150 million US dollars?"

"Crazy! The world is crazy! This tnd150 million US dollars of equipment can overthrow some small countries!"

"Does anyone know anyone in this company? We want to make matching packages!"

"You? Are you overthinking it? If someone can take on such a big order, they must have enough production lines, and the delivery must be easy. There is no shortage of people like you!"

"By the way, does anyone know where this company came from?"

"I don't know, the organizers must know, but they will never tell!"

"150 million U.S. dollars! I never dreamed of so much money in my fucking life!"

"You see it now! Dream on!"

Hearing these noisy voices, Lin Yu walked calmly through the crowd and walked towards his own booth No. 68 with a straight face.

As soon as he came to the booth, he saw an unfamiliar person, Hassan!

The Persian stood by the counter, looking at the oncoming team with a smile. When the other party came to the front, he took the initiative to raise his hand and say hello:

"Mr. Lin, congratulations on closing a big deal!"

"Then, I am here to congratulate you again, you are about to close another deal!"

After listening to his words, Lin Yu changed his attitude instantly. With a smile on his face, he raised his hand very attentively and pointed to the inside of the booth.

"Come! Mr. Hassan, let's talk slowly inside!"

After guiding Hassan to the inner compartment and pouring him some tea, Lin Yu asked with a smile:

"It seems that Mr. Hassan has made up his mind, but I don't know what price Mr. Hassan is willing to pay?"

In the midst of his questioning, Hassan put down the tea cup, slowly raised his right hand, raised his index finger and put it in front of his eyes, and then opened his lips slightly:

"$10 million!"

Listening to this figure, the smile on Lin Yu's face remained. He would not dislike the 10 million US dollars just because he had just taken a 150 million order.

After all, no one cares about having too much money!

"Please also ask Mr. Hassan to give me a list of the supplies needed, and we will arrange the signing of the contract here!"

Opposite him, Ha Shang took out a list of supplies from his briefcase and put it on the table. Instead of pushing it in front of Lin Yu, he pressed it with his hand and said softly:

"Mr. Lin, before signing the contract, I hope you can listen to a few words from me!"

"Please speak!" Lin Yu was very patient when money opened the way.

He picked up the teapot and filled the tea cup of the person in front of him, then raised his hand to signal Hassan to speak.

After receiving permission, Hassan's eyes slowly lost focus and he said with confusion:

"I know that your 150 million order was sold to Saudi Arabia or Yemen."

"But do you know how evil Saudi Arabia is?"

"They have been going against the trend of the world..."

Listening to the eloquent voice, Lin Yu picked at the corners of his mouth with his hands. He had not shaved his beard cleanly and needed to change his razor.

He didn't know how to refute these words, because the grievances between Saudi Arabia and Iran cannot be described or explained clearly in just two sentences.

It is a religious grievance that has been passed down for more than 1,400 years, decades of economic disputes, and decades of geopolitics. It has long turned into a mess. It is no longer as simple as you hurt me and then I laughed it off. thing!

After waiting for the person in front of him to speak for a while, until Hassan's voice became louder and louder, and his face slowly turned red, Lin Yu raised his hand to interrupt him.

Then he held the teacup with both hands, pinched the teacup with his fingers and kept circling it, and at the same time responded calmly:

"Mr. Hassan, I have a habit, that is, I don't like people talking loudly to me!"

"If you want to purchase equipment, I welcome it, but if you feel that I know nothing about your countries and you can play the emotional card with me, then please come back!"

"The only way to resolve the grievances between you and Saudi Arabia is for both parties to find a time and set a time point."

"Then based on this time point, take out the ledger, check the faults of both parties, and then forget the past at this time point."

"As for the messy thoughts of your guards, please pay attention to yourself."

The words were very cold. After hearing these words, Hassan also knew that he had misjudged the situation, and even more misjudged the young man in front of him.

He took the initiative to pick up the teacup, raised it to Lin Yu, and said apologetically:

"Mr. Lin, I'm sorry, I got a little excited just now. Let's get back to the point and sign the contract!"

When he heard that the contract was about to be signed, Lin Yu reached out and said, "Old Li, come here and sign the contract with Mr. Hassan. By the way, no matter what our Mr. Hassan says, your task is just to sign the contract."

"I'm going out for a walk!"

After nodding to Hassan and saying "Excuse me," Lin Yu stood up and walked out of the cubicle, starting to wander around the surrounding booths.

The first thing he went to was the Rheinmetall booth. There were many tourists in this booth, but they were mainly tourists.

Lin Yu could clearly distinguish between those who came to see things and those who came to buy things.

And the people inside this booth are all tourists!

He came to the rh120mm smoothbore cannon, looked at the smoothbore cannon with pity on his face, and then asked Norman, who was standing next to him: "Mr. Norman, why don't you make it cheaper and sell me one for 300,000 US dollars?" ?”

"If you come here to participate in an exhibition, you should at least open one, right?"

Listening to his teasing words, Norman took a few deep breaths and kept telling himself not to be angry. But every time he raised his head and saw Lin Yu's smiling face, he couldn't help but get angry!

After repeating it several times, he reached the booth door with his left hand and roared: "Get out!"

"Oh! It's true! If you don't want to sell it, you won't sell it. Why are you making such a big fuss? I won't steal it from you!" Lin Yu mumbled something in his mouth and turned towards the outside of the booth, but kept walking towards the inside of the booth. Go, in a few seconds, he walked to the promotional posters of several concept armored vehicles from Rheinmetall.

He bent down and carefully studied the parameters of the armored vehicle on the poster.

Listening to the heavy breathing coming from behind, he took the lead, stood up straight, and said with a sullen face: "Mr. Norman, I really don't like people talking loudly to me!"

"If you still yell like that! Whoever you sell your armored vehicles to in the future, I will donate anti-tank rocket launchers to his opponent!"

"As long as he hits your armored vehicle, I will donate it. It's up to you anyway!"

When he said this, he did not lower his voice, so other tourists in the booth heard clearly.

Then these people also looked away from the equipment and fell on Norman and Lin Yu. Their eyes were shining. The meaning was obvious, let's fight!


Being surrounded by a group of people like watching a circus, Norman was very angry, but there was nothing he could do about it.

If Lin Yu really does what he says, a lot of people will definitely turn in their names and get slapped in the face.

After taking a few deep breaths, he opened his mouth wide, and then said to Lin Yu in a low voice:

"Mr. Lin, I'm here to ask you to come back to your booth, okay?"

Very humble attitude!

But there was unquenchable anger in his eyes!

Lin Yu saw all this, clicked his tongue, walked out of the booth unsteadily, and walked towards the aircraft and missile exhibition area.

When you have money, you have to do something fun!

As he walked, a surprising and young voice sounded in his ears:

"Mr. Lin Yu, do you want to watch the plane too?"

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