When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 119 The passing of a generation! (First update!)

The sky at dawn was foggy and dark, and under the sky of the Fog God City was the dim yellow earth, which looked lonely and dead, like a distant extraterrestrial planet.

Looking forward, Azizi's eyes flashed with a trace of loneliness, and then he took out the map and began to check his position.

After a series of bombings, the 38th Infantry Division where he was located was almost gone, and he, the regiment commander, had taken the position of his old boss.

As for the old boss, he died without any pain after being hit by a 500-pound bomb.

After several days of passive attacks, the 38th Infantry Division and the nearby 5th Armored Division decided to do something big.

Instead of sitting there and waiting to die, it is better to take the lead and launch a sneak attack before the enemy reacts, at least to drag two people down before dying.

At the same time, buy time for other troops to disperse.

Based on this idea, both sides set off with their troops.

The infantry regiment under Azizi, plus a remnant armored battalion, went forward to meet the enemy. Then, when the two sides fought back and forth, the follow-up armored forces suddenly launched an attack and carried out interspersed tactics against the enemy.

As long as the two sides were in a melee.

The American air strikes would be ineffective.

By then, the outcome was still unknown.

After a few minutes of simple calculations, Azizi figured out his position, which was 2 kilometers away from the scheduled ambush target point.

After calculating this distance, the newly appointed brigade commander subconsciously looked up at the sky. A red light had appeared on the distant eastern horizon. That was the sun, the existence that dominated the life of this planet.

For them, it was the same.

Because when this star rises from the east, it means that a new day of bombing is coming again.

And these people...

After putting away the map in a hurry, Azizi jumped off the jeep and shouted to the team:

"Hurry up, there are still 2 kilometers. If we can't reach the predetermined ambush position, the enemy bombers will find us, and there is only one way to go for us."


"Hurry up!"

"Those who can't run, get in the car and let the car take you!"

After his words, the soldiers who were slowly moving on the road began to speed up and set off towards the ambush position in front.

20 minutes later, they arrived at the predetermined ambush position, which was a gentle slope with an angle of about 30 degrees.

Many people slipped away along the way, and the rest of the people could just hide on the reverse slope of this gentle slope.

The road from Baghdad to Kirkuk is winding in the middle of this gentle slope. Looking down from the sky, it is like a black snake.

After entering the position and doing a simple concealment, Azizi lay on the ground and closed his eyes.

In a daze, he was awakened by someone.

His body subconsciously fought back, but he was one step behind and was pushed back to the ground. Then, he saw clearly who had pushed him to the ground.

He was his neighbor, the captain of the First Special Battalion under the Fifth Armored Division, Cavani Akhter Terry.

A birdman from the Sunni Thebes family.

Seeing that it was an acquaintance, Azizi rolled his eyes, turned his head to look at the road, then pulled the camouflage over his head, closed his eyes and prepared to continue sleeping.

And Cavani next to him would naturally not let him sleep. He took out a hard cake that could kill people from his arms and handed it to him, smiling and saying:

"Azizi, you are really amazing. You can still sleep in the face of a powerful enemy. If you are not careful and get a bullet or a shell, you will have to sleep for the rest of your life."

His eyes swept across the cake, and Azizi did not take it, but turned his eyes to the ordinary soldiers under his command.

His actions were seen by Cavani. The officer from the special forces smiled slightly, sat down next to him, and began to tear the pancake, then explained:

"All of them. After this battle, no one owes anyone anything. There is no need to let everyone go hungry. If we do that, are we still human beings?"

The next second, the pancake in his hand disappeared and fell into Azizi's hands, who started to tear it.

Shaking his head, Cavani looked up at the sky and whispered, "Maybe the Iranians and Kuwaitis felt the same as us at the time."

"It's useless to talk nonsense." Azizi took the time to reply and continued to fight with the pancake.

Cavani was not angry after being scolded by him. Instead, he chuckled and nodded while laughing: "Yes, you are right, it's useless to talk nonsense."

At this point, he quickly glanced around and continued in a low voice: "Don't rush too fast when the fight starts later."

Just then, the intercom on his chest suddenly received a signal, and then there was a rustling sound.

Just as I was about to ask, the intercom rang.

"The Americans have arrived. Look at the flag. They are a reinforced armored regiment of the 2nd Brigade of the 1st Marine Division."

"27 M1A2 tanks, three in a echelon, and the distance between two echelons is about 120 meters."

"53 Bradley troop carriers and 17 HIMARS rocket launchers, interspersed between the tanks."

"This is the first echelon, and the subsequent echelons are ordinary troop trucks and material trucks."

"There are about 200 troop trucks, and the number of people is unclear."

"Above the convoy, there is an Apache attack helicopter escorting in the air every 500 meters. Over."

The sound of the walkie-talkie disappeared, Cavani was repeating the numbers coming from the walkie-talkie, and Aziz also put down the pie in his hand and began to close his eyes and meditate.

Ten minutes later, the sound of the rotating blades of an armed helicopter came from the sky.

The sound was a bit noisy. When Aziz heard it, he felt a little irritated and his heartbeat accelerated.

After finally suppressing his heartbeat, he lowered his voice and whispered to the guards around him: "Let everyone pay attention. Once the war starts, the artillery fire will be fired first. After the war is over, rush over first!"

But God's calculations are not as good as those of man.

Perhaps out of caution, perhaps for other reasons, the Apache helicopter flying in the sky suddenly pulled the trigger on the dry barren slope.

The 7.62mm Minigun GAU-2 B/A rapid-fire machine gun bullets swept across the camouflaged position, splashing dust and blood.

Knowing that nothing could be done, Aziz took off his disguise, pulled the trigger in his hand, fired, and shouted at the same time:


The sound of his gunshot was a signal. The soldier who had been crawling on the position all morning overcame his fear at this moment and forced his well-trained body to start loading the cannon muzzle one after another like a machine.

The artillery shells moved forward, and the armored battalion's 1 engine, which was used as a bait, began to roar, surpassing the infantry and appearing in front of America's army.

The 125mm 48x caliber smoothbore tank gun spit out fire and fired shell after shell at the American army.

Don't ask for damage or kills, just ask for the opponent's tank to focus more on yourself.

With tanks as cover, the infantry took out the few Sam-18 anti-aircraft missiles they had, quickly aimed at the Apache helicopter gunships roaming the sky, and opened fire.

Locked by the anti-aircraft missile, the domineering Apache helicopter gunship began to maneuver. Finally, at this moment, Aziz also issued the assault order.

Following closely, he took the lead, grabbed his AK47 and jumped out of the trench. He used all his strength and rushed towards America's army as fast as he could.

"Oh shit!" Cavani stretched out his right hand weakly, cursed in his mind, grabbed the SVD sniper rifle next to him, and began to snipe the opponent's machine gunner.

The plan was a success.

At the minimum cost, they broke through the American tanks and collided with the American infantry.

Bang bang bang!

Boom boom boom!

There were voices, gunshots, and artillery sounds everywhere.

Aziz felt like a puppet who only knew how to shoot, shoot, and shoot.


An explosion rang in his ears, and his already numb mind was completely empty at this moment, and he fell on his back, unconscious.

In the trench, Cavani would raise the muzzle of his gun from the trench from time to time, aim at the enemy, shoot at random, and then immediately retract it regardless of whether it hit or not.

When he fired again, he happened to see Aziz lying in a crater. With a curse, he dropped the sniper rifle, turned over and got out of the trench, and was about to rush out.

A cannonball passed over his head and landed in America's position in the distance.

At the same time, he heard the very clear roar of tanks in his ears. It was the T-72M that he was familiar with. It was the only remaining 30 tanks of their Fifth Armored Division.

Perhaps they were angry, but these 30 tanks were very fast and had more firepower.

A force of thousands of troops was created abruptly.

Just as Cavani was about to shout, the Apache in the distance fired an anti-tank missile, hitting the tank closest to him.

This anti-tank missile was very lucky, and the collision point was very tricky. Just one shot detonated the ammunition inside the tank, which directly opened the tank's mind.

The upper half of the tank was blown away by the explosion and fell firmly in front of Cavani. The muzzle pointed forward, as if guiding the special operations officer.

Without thinking too much, Cavani rolled over and rolled behind the tank's head, confirmed Aziz's position again, crawled on the ground, and crawled over using his hands and feet.

He rolled over and rolled into the crater. He reached out and touched Aziz's nose. He was still breathing and not dead.

"You're lucky!"

With a sigh, Cavani tied up his old enemy with a belt, reached out to grab a corpse next to him, covered it with his body, and then stared blankly at the sky with his eyes wide open.

Friends who often pretend to be corpses on the battlefield know that you must not close your eyes when pretending.

Because if a person dies on the way to charge, the death will be too sudden, and the brain will not have time to give the command to shut down under the nose.

Even if the smoke from the explosion fell into his eyes, he did not dare to blink.

After more than ten minutes, the gunfire gradually became sparse.

An American soldier stepped over his head, then looked back at him.

Seeing the smoke in his eyes, his head suddenly turned away.

Then, a tank drove past his head, barely missing it, and the tank's tracks hit his forehead.

When the sky gradually darkened, Cavani pushed away the body covering his body and slowly sat upright.

The Americans had left, leaving only the corpses of the Iraqis and scrapped tanks on the ground, like hell.

Seeing the hellish scene, Cavani's breathing became rapid, and his whole body bent involuntarily. At the critical moment, he pinched his right hand and beat his chest several times before he felt relieved.

After calming down a little, he turned around and tested Aziz's breathing with his hands.

Okay, still alive.

He slapped Aziz with his backhand.

The slap also woke Azizi up. Azizi, who had just woken up, was ready to fight back, but was pushed back to the ground by Cavani again.

"I hid a car by the river in the northwest direction. It has been filled with gas. We just need to get out of here, reach the predetermined location, find the car, and we can leave."

Turning his head to look at the devastated battlefield, Azizi's eyes were filled with fear, and his head nodded involuntarily.

With a target, the two moved quickly, first observing the surroundings, and then sneaking out of the position and running to the northwest.

Running all the way to the river, lying in the river and drinking a sip of water, the two felt alive again.

Following the mark, Cavani quickly found the dilapidated pickup truck.

Jumping into the car and starting it, the two people with heavy hearts set off to the north.

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