"What souvenirs?" Hearing that he wanted something, Roz sat up subconsciously and then distanced himself from Lin Yu. His originally depressed face became extremely serious.

As a shrewd Arab, he is best at doing business, and the most important thing about doing business is to learn to bargain.

You must learn to use all favorable factors to earn more value for yourself.

Sitting up straight, looking at Lin Yu with an inquiring eye, Roz asked: "I wonder what souvenirs Mr. Lin wants? If it is a product of our Iraqi characteristics, then I will do my best."

Under his inquiring eyes, Lin Yu folded his hands and said seriously: "American equipment."

"No matter what kind of equipment it is, as long as I don't have it here, you can exchange it for something."

"The better the things you give, the higher the value, the better the equipment you get in exchange, such as American tanks."

The word tank also made Roz completely lose interest in the discount. For now, they are still preparing to resist and have not had time to do it.

Tanks are not monsters that novices like them can touch. The most suitable opponents for them are American infantry, and they have to be lone infantry.

After thinking about this, Ross lost the idea of ​​continuing the conversation. However, Lin Yu did not intend to let him go. Instead, he continued to hold his hand and continued to calculate in front of him:

"I know you think my statement is a bit difficult, but if a person has no dreams, what is the difference between him and salted fish?"

"Then let's start with the simplest. The American infantry have night vision goggles and Kevlar bulletproof vests."

"These are all treasures. If you take any one of them, I can guarantee that there are at least 500 shells."

The number 500 made Ross slowly turn his head again. He did not choose to ask questions, but directly took out a notebook from his chest, wrote the number 500, and then began to list the equipment that might appear on an American soldier.

After writing down the names of all the equipment, he pushed the notebook forward and in front of Lin Yu, and tapped his finger lightly:

"Come on, write down how many shells his equipment is worth, and make a written agreement."

"Okay, okay! I'll make a written agreement for you." Lin Yu reached out to take the notebook and pen, and slowly filled in the numbers behind the names of the equipment.

While the two were busy planning the equipment of the American army, others were also busy getting some equipment.

Southern Lebanon.

A small-scale conflict war broke out abruptly.

The cause of the war was that the Iraqis threw more than a dozen Hussein missiles at Israel, but the Israelis, who had nowhere to vent their anger, did not attack Palestine as requested by America, but chose to attack northward and attack Lebanon.

Because of the unintentional plan and the slightly better equipment of the Israelis, the war broke out suddenly, and the Lebanese were beaten back step by step, retreating several kilometers from the border, and then they stabilized their formation and stopped the attack.

At the same time, in the capital Beirut, officials from the Lebanese Ministry of Defense also gathered together urgently to make further preparations for the war that might happen next.

When all the personnel arrived, Defense Minister Agus spoke first. He pointed to the map of Iraq and said loudly: "According to the latest news, the American coalition forces have arrived in Baghdad, and they are only two days away from completely controlling Iraq."

"And the Iraqis fired missiles at Israel when America attacked, and then Israel did not enter Iraq, but attacked us instead."

"At the beginning, the Israelis relied on their excellent equipment to catch us off guard, but our soldiers were not vegetarians. They fought bravely and tenaciously on the front line and resisted the Israeli attack with backward equipment."

"This is the current situation."

"And we are facing a crisis now, mainly because of two points. The first point is that Iraq is now occupied by America, and other countries are busy with their own affairs, which means we need to face it alone. To Israel. "

"The second point is that we have to face Israel alone, so our weapons and equipment reserves are seriously insufficient, and we really need to find an additional source of equipment. "

"Everyone, brainstorm now and come up with a plan as quickly as possible. The battle on the front line is with the enemy, and our battle is with time and everything. "

As soon as Agus finished speaking, Deputy Minister Grail immediately raised his hand and said loudly: "We can find Russia. During this period, the personnel of the Russian embassy in our country have changed frequently. They may be worried about Iraq. If we contact them at this time, we may get some discounts. "

"Moreover, from the Mediterranean to the Black Sea, we only need to pass through Turkey, which is very close and can solve our urgent needs. "

This suggestion made everyone present think seriously.

At this critical moment, if you throw an olive branch to Russia, you can indeed get some discounts, but at the same time you may also annoy America.

As a result, the next thing will go in a direction that everyone does not want to see.

Argus thought about it seriously, shook his head slightly, but nodded again and whispered, "This matter needs to be handled privately, Grayer, this task is left to you, you are responsible for it personally."

"After you leave, I will contact America's people and lodge a protest with them."

"However, this still does not solve the problem of our equipment."

"Do you have any other ideas?"

His calm eyes swept over the officials present, with hope in his eyes, hoping that the officials present could give him a miracle.

Unfortunately, no.

His eyes swept across calmly and paused for a moment on the last person. Argus also had the answer in his heart. He stood up straight and was about to speak. The man sitting at the end of the round table slowly raised his head and asked calmly. Said: "Have we forgotten that there is another Wuchang in this world who has never been very prominent?"

"What's the meaning?"

The man licked his lips, a look of reminiscence appeared on his face, and he explained: "Aren't you curious before about why the Palestinian resistance movement can withstand the attacks of the Israelis?"

"I will tell you the answer now, because they purchased thousands of tons of ammonium nitrate from that mysterious country in the east, as well as a large number of civilian steel pipes and a set of obsolete production lines."

"They used these things to fight a very rich battle, so they achieved the battle-loss ratio you see."

"If we need a lot of equipment, we can actually follow their example and go to that mysterious country in the east."

"Because of the news leaked from them, the people over there are now so poor that they dare to sell anything!"

"Even if we can't buy the equipment we need, we can still import large amounts of ammonium nitrate, potassium nitrate and other fertilizers, plus steel pipes, to make simple rockets."

"Exchange it with Israel at a low cost, it depends on who can't bear it first."

The man's words made everyone in the conference room fall into deep thought.

Lebanon is different from Palestine. Lebanon is a country, while Palestine is still a region and has not yet officially established a state. That's why the Jordanian royal family has always wanted to annex Palestinian land and reached a settlement with the Israelis.

The poor people in Palestine relied on those simple things to defeat the Israelis. There is no reason that such an upright country like them couldn't do it!

The eyes of these people who were thinking with their heads down became brighter and brighter. After a while, they all turned their gazes to Defense Minister Argus. After receiving their looks, Argus closed his eyes and thought for a long time, and said softly:

"Let's make two preparations, Greer. You go contact the Russian Embassy."

After arranging the whereabouts of the deputy minister, Argus turned his attention to the man who spoke:

"Hercule, since you raised this opinion, please go to Gaza and meet the resistance people."

"I will apply for a fund for you, and you can use it to sponsor them. At the same time, you need to keep an eye on it."

The man nodded slightly, agreeing to the arrangement. After receiving his response, Argus turned to look at the others and said with a heavy face:

"Everyone, the transfer of supplies on the front line and the treatment of the wounded will be left to you next. The few of us will complete our tasks first."

"The meeting is over!"

After hearing Argus's words, everyone present stood up and left, disappearing into the corridor as quickly as possible.

The meeting here dispersed, Lebanon is 26,000 miles east.

Rheinsteel Weapons Proving Ground.

Huang Tianhai opened his hands, then closed them again, and then opened them again, doing chest expansion exercises on the spot.

Next to him were two students he had personally taught.

The two students were squatting on the ground, busy inspecting the quadcopter drone in front of them.

The overall color of the drone is black and the size is about 50 centimeters. The steel pipe fixed by screws becomes the frame of the drone.

In the center of the frame, there is the control motherboard and a lead-acid battery. The wiring between the battery, the control motherboard, and the motor is exposed. It is simply wrapped with transparent tape to prevent the drone's rotor from hitting the wiring.

All in all, this drone is pretty crude.

For a quadcopter drone, the biggest difficulty for him, a drone professional, is the flight control system and the miniaturized battery.

After about a week of overtime work, he finally adjusted the first version of the flight control system.

They also asked the workers at the electronics factory to work overtime to produce a batch of new parts. After a simple test flight, they rushed to Shandong Province with the parts without stopping.

Appeared in front of Lin Yu.

And today is the moment to witness a miracle.

If this thing flies into the sky and flies very well, then we can follow this template and produce a batch for testing.

If the flight is not good, then he has to do it again and rewrite the program. When he thinks of facing the computer and facing countless codes, Huang Tianhai feels that his scalp hurts and his hair is a little thin.

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