The sudden words made Jalim lose his mind. The leaflet he held in his hand slipped unconsciously. After a few seconds of sluggishness, he quickly squatted down and grabbed the leaflet on the ground in his hand. His movements were a little panicked and he seemed a little at a loss.

While grabbing the flyers on the ground, he kept mumbling:

"Why did you die?"

"Didn't he seek sympathy from all over the world during this period? Didn't he operate in Baghdad for so many years, so why did he die suddenly?"

"Is he a loser?"

"Why did he die so quickly? The war started in the morning, and this...the 24 hours haven't even passed this day, so why did he die so quickly?"

"This news is false!"

With a scream, Jalim seemed to have found an excuse. He quickly raised the flyer in his hand and said to the people in the room: "Everything that is fake is fake. This is the American plan."

Listening to his constant denials, other people in the room looked at him with curiosity on their faces.

At this moment, Bardi of the Thebes family spoke again, his words were very plain, and there was a bit of disbelief in his words:

"Although I really don't want to admit it, it is indeed true, because our Theban family has several young people in the Guards."

"According to the information they provided, earlier today, at the beginning, there were a few missiles very suddenly, and then there were American bombers."

"The ground-penetrating bombs blew the whole neighborhood to the ground."

"The Presidential Guards were completely killed and wounded, and only a few people survived. The young man who spread the news was already dying when he spread the news, and he is probably dead now."

"According to the news from the young man in our family, the main reason should be that the president ordered to severely punish ordinary people who picked up flyers, which aroused the resentment of these people. Finally, someone revealed the news to America. So they died."

"In other words, all the possibilities we imagined have come to nothing at this moment. We may have to face the Americans in the shortest possible time!"

"Now, what do we do?"

With Baldi's question, everyone in the room turned their attention to Jalim. If according to their original plan, the president was carried in the front and they grew in the back, then they would still be in the mood to fight for power.

But now that the president is gone, it's up to them to face the Americans.

They can shout slogans, but when they actually face this matter, these people are still afraid.

Their despicable president has been in power for many years and dominates the country. He can attack whoever he wants in neighboring countries.

However, there is just such a person. On the first day of the war, 24 hours have not passed. Is he gone?

Is this a joke?

Suddenly being stared at by a group of people, Jalim always felt like there were lice crawling on his body. He hesitated for a while and sat down on the chair next to him.

To be fair, he never expected that the president would only last less than a day.

Now he can only think of one word to describe the current situation, and that is no one...

Thinking of this word, Jalim's eyes slowly lit up.

The so-called leaderless group naturally refers to various political parties and various well-known organizations in Baghdad and throughout the country.

These organizations are the dragons!

But it is obvious that their resistance organization, composed of five families, is not a group of dragons, but can only be regarded as a snake.

In other words, it is a dragon that has not yet shown its prowess!

Thinking of this, the smile reappeared on his face, and he raised his right hand slightly, interrupting everyone's conversation, and said with a smile:

"Everyone, please wait a moment, I'm going to get a map!"

After saying that, he turned around and left the room. A few minutes later, he appeared again in front of everyone with a map of Iraq.

He spread out the map casually, remarked some points on the map as quickly as possible, then pointed at these points and said: "These locations are the areas where the Iraqi National Defense Forces were once stationed."

"For the Americans, these National Defense Forces are the targets they need to solve as quickly as possible."

"Only when these defense forces are completely defeated can it be considered a victory."

"So we are not the priority target of the Americans. We are even the targets of the Americans."

"Because their main goal is the oil under our feet. If they want to exploit oil, it must be stable. Only exporting oil safely is in their interests."

"In this case, we can act as obedient citizens in front of their eyes, and then stab them hard where they can't see."

"But before that, we need to review this war and figure out what conditions should be in place if we want to rule Iraq."

Upon hearing the words "Review of the War", everyone present's eyes widened, as if they had heard some incredible line.

After a while, Bamul, who was Jalim's grandfather, asked cautiously: "Revisit the war? Do you want me to put you in the millstone and give it a good shake?"

The old man asked very carefully, but at the same time he also asked about the thoughts of the people present. Seeing that each person in the group was more resentful than the other, Jalim did not want to show off, so he took out a notebook from his arms and put it on the table.

Spread out your notebook and start reviewing.

"First of all, we must reach a consensus that we cannot deal with the American air force and missiles. This understanding must be implemented by everyone."

"Our president obviously has no knowledge of these things, so he was beaten up as soon as the war started."

"So when we act, we must try to avoid attracting the American air force."

"And the American air force is usually stationed at various air bases. These air forces will only appear when the ground team calls for support."

"It may be a ground attack aircraft, it may carry air-to-ground missiles, or it may be an armed helicopter."

"It takes time for these things to arrive at the battlefield."

"So, next I will focus on training everyone's sense of time. For a battle, you must clearly grasp the time."

"Then the next point is the most important point, people!"

This time, Jialim wrote a word in his notebook, not in Arabic or English, but in Chinese.

A person with a left stroke and a right stroke.

After writing this word, he pressed it with his right index finger and said earnestly:

"This word is pronounced as ren, which is a Chinese character. When I was studying in China, my teacher often said one thing, that is, war, apart from equipment."

"The most important factor is people!"

"This is all of us, remember, it is all of us, not just me, and it is not the focus of one of you."

"Mr. Baldi just said that the president is because..."

Before he finished speaking, Baldi interrupted the rest of the words and said in a low voice:

"According to the news from others, many people picked up the leaflets and were hanged directly, and then their bodies were hung and paraded in the streets."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone present turned their eyes to him.

After all, the severe punishment that everyone can think of is nothing more than beating and locking up.

But it is not as serious as this!

Facing their questioning eyes, Baldi nodded his head: "You heard it right, I thought I heard it wrong at first."

With a wry smile, he raised his hand to let Jialim continue.

With the help from this side, Jialim spoke again, and wrote down four Chinese characters in his notebook, and then wrote an Arabic explanation:

"Mass base!"

"In short, we treat the people around us as human beings, give them benefits, and let them willingly go to the battlefield with us to resist America."

"At the same time, we can support them and withstand the coercion and inducement of Americans."

"Of course, this needs to be combined with our reality, and at the same time, it also needs to be combined with international cognition. I don't have too many clues now."

"If we do this well, we can become bigger and stronger and create more glory!"

Listening to Jialim's bold words, several old men present nodded thoughtfully, and looking at their appearance, the younger people also nodded.

Although they didn't understand anything.

Afterwards, Jialim wrote in his notebook: Strategic depth.


At the same time, Rheinsteel also welcomed several people.

They were all acquaintances of Lin Yu, Tang Yuanshan and Xia Jianjun from the Army Command College.

And his teacher, He Qingyang.

When the few people met, there was no extra nonsense. They went straight into the meeting room in the innermost room of the office building. The security department blocked the door and it instantly became a secret meeting.

Tang Yuanshan held two maps in his hand, threw them on the table, and showed the true appearance of the two maps.

One was a map of Iraq, and the other was a map of the Western Hemisphere drawn separately with Africa as the center.

There were also a lot of red lines drawn by markers on the map.

It was very dense, and it could be seen how much damage these two maps had suffered.

Then, he took out a few watercolor pens from his pocket and threw them on the map, saying in a muffled voice:

"The day before yesterday, America officially invaded Iraq, and we went to the General Staff."

"While listening to the information from West Asia, we were reviewing the situation."

"This is the map after the review."

"From the morning of July 13 when the Americans launched the attack to the confirmation of the death of the scumbag Iraqi president."

"The total time is 23 hours and 13 minutes, which also includes the confirmation time, which means that the overall war time will go back."

"In these 23 hours and 13 minutes In the clock, the coalition led by America, according to their official announcement, launched a total of 224 Tomahawk cruise missiles. "

"Five aircraft carrier formations and more than 200 ships were dispatched."

"A total of about 1,000 aircraft of various types, within 23 hours, the number of aircraft take-offs was about 2,100, and the cumulative ammunition dropped was about 11,400 tons. "

"The targets destroyed included four Iraqi air defense bases, as well as countless armored vehicles and tanks in various Iraqi defense positions. "

"At the same time, there were also official office buildings in various regions of Iraq. "

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