When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 101 This is a weapon of mass destruction! (The third update!)


Hoffman's head was buzzing. This sudden dizziness almost made him unable to sit still. He put his hands on the table to relax for a moment, and then asked the subordinate loudly: "What did you say?"

"Oops!" The subordinate jumped to his feet in a hurry. He didn't care to say anything more. He took Hoffman with both hands and walked out. The two went downstairs as fast as possible and walked into the office of the North American Intelligence Analysis Group.

On the wall of the office, the 50-inch TV is playing the news.

international News.

In the dim New York, a group of American soldiers, neatly dressed in uniforms, stood in a neat line in front of the United Nations Gate, each holding a black-and-white photo in their hands.

The photo is huge!

At the same time, it rained heavily.

It was just like the rain on the day Lu Yiping went to his father to ask for money.

These people stood motionless in the rain, looking ahead with serious expressions. Directly in front of them was Albert, the commander-in-chief of America's base in Kuwait.

This person was also dressed in the same way, and he was also holding a photo in his hand. It was a color photo. With the help of the light, you could faintly see several people, and these people were gathered together. In the middle of them was a white jar.

In the jar is something white.

I want to take a closer look, but I can't see clearly.

At this moment, these people suddenly roared in unison: "Maintain world peace, fight against terrorists, and fight against the illegal possession of weapons of mass destruction!"

As they called, a man in a straight suit walked out of the door, holding a pile of photos in his hands.

Seeing this person appear, reporters swarmed around him. Then the person threw the photo in his hand into the sky and shouted: "This is the Iraqi weapon of mass destruction!"

As reporters swarmed over to grab the photos, the man started shouting:

"The Iraqis supported terrorists and attacked us and others. As the world's police, we must stand up at this time and shoulder the responsibility on our shoulders!"

"This is our America spirit!"

"Americans, let's unite and say no to the saboteurs!"

Listening to the man's righteous speech on the TV, Hoffman felt a surge of energy and blood, and even the picture in front of him became a little blurry.

Which bastard leaked the secret that chemical weapons were not completely destroyed?

He held his head with both hands and pressed his temples with his thumbs, forcing himself to calm down.

After more than ten minutes, he slowly raised his head and ordered the person in charge next to him: "From now on, pay close attention to the movements of the Americans!"

"Especially their ships, once they leave port..."

Before he finished speaking, Hoffman swallowed back the rest of the words. America had military bases all over the world, and they... couldn't provide complete surveillance.

"Spread all of us out to surrounding countries, especially the Persian Gulf and the estuary of the Red Sea. Once an American ship is discovered, report it immediately."

When his subordinates turned their heads and went about their business, Hoffman turned around feebly and walked alone in the deep corridor.

He felt powerless at this moment.

Iraq's air defense system was destroyed as early as 11 years ago in the Gulf War. The remaining air defense system only has anti-aircraft artillery and no anti-aircraft missiles.

In other words, if the Americans take action, those planes can hang out above them.

Lost air superiority, war...

Let’s go to the president first.


[Since entering the 21st century, the world has been undergoing erratic changes, but it is also developing actively. People all over the world have seen the dawn of freedom and democracy.

However, at this time, there is still such a country in West Asia.

The people of this country are still living in dire straits, in dark and damp underground caves, and have not yet bathed in the glory of freedom and democracy.

Their president lives and drinks every day, bullies the weak and is greedy.

He never treats the people of his country as human beings, nor does he treat the people of neighboring countries as human beings.

As a civilized country, we should grant these people salvation, rescue them from the dark underground lair, and let them bask in the light of freedom and democracy.

So, people of the free world! Stand up! Raise your hands and shout with me, save Iraq!

Let us cheer for the future Iraqis, who will bask in the glory of freedom and nation, regardless of their former ethnic group, regardless of their former beliefs, regardless of their gender!

He can stand under the light and live a free and equal life!

When he is old, he will think of everything he has experienced. At that time, he will sincerely thank us for our efforts! 】——England Daily Mail

[After entering the 21st century, as Commander Albert stationed in America said, the world has become extremely chaotic.

This kind of chaos was something our ancestors never imagined. They fought bravely to expel the Nazis, and only then did the world structure become what it is today.

The reason that supports the ancestors' struggle is to enable everyone to live the happy life they want safely and peacefully.

But now, the evil President of Iraq actually wants to use terrorists to destroy the world structure and plunge the world into war again.

As the world's police, we must shoulder our responsibilities at this moment, bravely go abroad, go to Iraq, and expel this evil president like a brave man expels the dragon!

Then, help Iraqi civilians live the life they want, a free, democratic, unfettered life.

At that time, they were the happiest people in the world. 】--Washington post

[Brave men, our country needs you at this moment. Far away, there is a country there, waiting for us to save it!

So, join the army enthusiastically!

Become a soldier of our country, become the strongest backing of our country, go to distant places and rescue those Iraqis who are stuck in the quagmire!

I come to witness, I come to save, I come to build, everything is dedicated to freedom and democracy. 】——Polish Daily


"How do these people have the shame to say such things? How do they write such things calmly, then publish them in newspapers, and then print the newspapers and sell them all over the floor? They have no shame. ?"

"A person as shameless as me can't be this shameless. I feel ashamed when I read these words out now!"

"I want to find a place to crawl in!"

Seeing his uncle's manic appearance, Jalim calmly picked up the teacup in front of him and stirred the yogurt leisurely with a spoon.

A month ago, he would have felt a little ashamed when he read this kind of report, but after spending some time with Lin Yu, he felt that he had no sense of shame watching this kind of news. He could even write something like this news.

All in all, as long as you have no morals and are shameless enough, no reason can defeat you.

But at the same time, he remembered his past self. When arguing with Lin Yu, he once mentioned traditional European allies.

Then this time, European allies gave him a hard demonstration of what it means to betray a teammate.

You know, in the EU, the strongest ones are England and France. France has not yet expressed its stance, but England has already jumped out.

That means that they have reached unity within Europe and are ready to abandon Iraq as an ally and embrace America instead.

At this moment, thinking of the efforts his president had made, Jalim couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Ross, who was in a furious state, suddenly turned around and asked as if he wanted to eat someone: "Are you laughing at me?"

"No, I just thought of something happy. Uncle, do you want some yogurt? Drink it quickly before the fight starts. It might not taste good in the future."

"One spoonful of sugar, then two spoons of honey, and then give me some boiling water!"

"You eat well...it's really unique." After saying this, Jalim picked up the hot water bottle next to him, heated water in the cup, added sugar and honey.

Not long after, a unique cup of yogurt appeared in front of me. I stretched out my hand and pushed it in front of my uncle. He persuaded me again:

"It's useless to be angry. The right to speak is in their hands. They can turn white into black and black into white. What can you do to them?"

"Go and tear their mouths apart?"

"Speaking of which, what is the attitude of the Abbas and Delan families?"

"Attitude?" Ross sneered, put down the yogurt in his hand, raised his hands like a gorilla, and put his face on his hands, imitating others talking, dancing while talking.

"Our Abbas family has a large population. As long as those damn Americans dare to come here, we will definitely make them look good and let them know that our fists can also kill people."

"Our Delan family has always been a supporter of the president. With just one word, the people of the Fifth Mechanic will rush thousands of miles to help and cooperate? Are you, the Battis family, worthy of cooperating with us?"


After sitting on the carpet and cursing a few words, Ross angrily picked up the yogurt and drank it in one gulp. Then he turned back to his eldest nephew and asked in a low voice:

"How about those young people in your hands?"

When asked about this, Jalim let out a long sigh and said helplessly: "The basics are so poor. So far, they have barely learned how to queue and shoot."

"Unfortunately, time waits for no one. War can break out anytime, anywhere."

"Can't we not learn that queue?" Seeing his nephew sighing, Ross asked cautiously.

He always felt that it was useless.

Seeing his uncle's expression in his eyes, Jalim sighed again:

"The purpose of the queue is mainly to give them a basis for cooperative operations in their hearts. Without this basis, when they get to the battlefield, they will most likely run away, and with a small probability they will beat up their teammates."

Hearing that this thing was very important, Rhodes decided to go into battle himself and show the little guys a little color.

However, as soon as he stood up, before he could go out, the door was knocked open.

His cousin, holding the door frame with one hand, was breathing heavily. After a while, he finally said:

"Brother, a few guys from the Abbas family and the Delan family are here."

"Coming with them are the Thebes and Bilan families!"

After hearing the first half of his cousin's words, Ross showed a proud smile on his face. These damn old stubborns have finally seen the situation clearly!

But the second half of the sentence made the smile on his face disappear quickly!

Because the two families at the back and their factions are a little different!

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