The word strategy completely calmed Wu Tao. He tilted his head and glanced at Lin Yu outside, but he still couldn't associate this young man with the word strategy.

After all, according to general habits, the so-called strategy should be given to people like them first, and then gradually promoted.

Why was this skipped?

After thinking about it, he still couldn't figure it out, so he simply asked Mei Feng in front of him: "Why did the higher ups do this?"

Looking at his puzzled face and eyes hungry for knowledge, Mei Feng smiled slightly and began to break the fingers of his left hand with his right hand:

"Come! I'll break it up for you!"

"Our automobile industry is lagging behind, and then we have the idea of ​​introducing cars, and then you look at what these automobile factories are doing now?"

"It's like a ghost! The funds are gone, the industry is not good, all kinds of conferences are held every day, and there is no research and development at all."

"Look at the current communications industry. Motorola was still selling for 3,200 yuan in the first half of the year, but it dropped to 800 yuan two days ago. Even this company can continue to cut prices. Do you know what that means?"

"It means that the cost of this mobile phone is not even half of 800!"

"The current situation is that foreign mobile phones have taken over our country's market, and we still have to watch their faces."

"And in such a storm, what are our people doing?"

"Use other people's technology on a large scale to stumbling upon peers, and then be taken advantage of and pay royalties to others."

"If it were you, what would you choose to do?"

The more Mei Feng talked, the angrier he became, because this was the truest thought in his heart. He became angrier and angrier when he looked at the people in the automobile industry, and the people in the electronics industry also became angrier and angrier.

This revelation of true feelings also calmed Wu Tao. Looking at that angry face, he couldn't help but continue to think according to what Mei Feng said.

This kind of industry and commerce, if it is a state-owned enterprise that engages in these things, it will be taken advantage of by those who want to seize this opportunity to publicize and compete for profits with the people.

But if there is no platform and the corresponding industry is allowed to develop freely, what will eventually develop will definitely be a monster and not what was expected.

Therefore, launching a white glove to take charge of these things will force the entire market to make a choice. In the end, after conditional growth, the final growth results, even if there are some gaps, will not be big and will be controllable. Within the error range!

Even if an outsider sees it, even if he understands the twists and turns, he can't criticize it, because all of this is the choice of the market, and the market economy takes the lead and reaches the final result.

Very reasonable!

Looking at Lin Yu again, looking at the young man sitting on the chair with his body stretched straight, Wu Tao smiled happily.

Such a strategy will be implemented in Shencheng. Regardless of whether it succeeds or not, it will be beneficial to Shencheng.

It’s done, it will have a very strong mark in the history of Shen City.

The description at that time will be that with the vigorous promotion of all walks of life in Shenzhen City, the reform of my country's communications industry has officially kicked off.

Then, in order to compete with this company, those foreign mobile phone manufacturers will definitely set up factories in Shenzhen.

In order to compete, these factories will definitely work overtime to produce more industrial products, create more jobs, and generate more GDP.

If this strategic plan is successful in the competition, a full set of enterprises will remain here, and they will contribute more jobs and GDP here.

Even if we lose, the factory technology will still be there, and we can still contribute jobs and GDP, but the amount may be smaller.

No matter what, Shen Cheng can win twice!


Sure enough, this is the benefit of national-level strategy!

After sorting out these messy thoughts in his mind, Wu Tao returned to the topic and said to Mei Feng: "How much funds have been prepared this time? Do you want me to tell the city and give you some investment?"

Mei Feng's eyes lit up, this was what he wanted!

Move your body forward a little and climb up the pole:

"That's for sure! The initial funding for this project is 10 million, and there will be investment in the future. But at the beginning, the thicker the foundation is, the better the effect will be, and the more funds can be provided in the future."

"You are really my great benefactor! Tell me quickly, are you going to ask for a bank loan, or are you going to use a subsidy?"

Mei Feng's impatience made Wu Tao want to slap him in the face. Why should he talk so much?

How come something that hadn't even been written yet became inevitable when it came to his mouth?

Do all scholars like to hit snakes with sticks?

Rolling his eyes, Wu Tao asked the two of them to stay in the reception room while he went out to make a phone call.

In the reception room, Lin Yu and Mei Feng were left alone again. They looked at each other and smiled, both seeing the treachery in each other's eyes.

Wu Tao moved quickly. While Lin Yu and the two were drinking their third cup of tea, he led the two of them into the reception room.

The man on the left obviously knew Mei Feng. When he walked into the room, he glanced at Lin Yu first, then turned his eyes to Mei Feng's head, and nodded his head gently to indicate a meeting.

I didn’t recognize the person on the right, so I walked into the room and waited for a while before asking Wu Tao to introduce him.

Wu Tao did his part and introduced the two people who walked in first.

"The one on the left is Director Meng Chao of the Finance Bureau, and the one on the right is Wen Dai, President of ICBC Shencheng. They live up to their names."

After making a joke that was both salty and mild, Wu Tao formally introduced Lin Yu and Mei Feng to Wen Dai:

"Dean of the Graduate School of Shengmajiagou Vocational and Technical College, focusing on the electronics industry."

"This is Mr. Lin Yulin next to you. We are here to discuss his factory investment. Please sit here!"

There were five people. Lin Yumeifeng sat opposite Wen Dai and Meng Chao, while Wu Tao sat between the two parties, acting as a peacemaker.

After everyone sat down, Wu Tao first spoke to Meng Chao and the others: "Before I contacted you, I have already informed the mayor of this matter. I believe the mayor has also told you, so I will not repeat it."

The two nodded repeatedly, indicating that they knew what they meant. After getting feedback from them, Wu Tao turned to look at Lin Yu and the others and said:

"You two, if we want to get support, we still have to show our real ability, because these two are Pixiu, and they only take in and never give out."

After making a little joke, Wu Tao locked his eyes on Lin Yu, trying to see something strange on the young man's face.

However, he stared at him for a long time, but he still didn't see what he needed.

In the eyes of Meng Chao and the others, the two people opposite, one was confident, while the other kept staring at the teacup in his hand, very indifferent, with a sense of detachment.

It seemed that everything around him was not in his eyes!

The two sides kept looking at each other for a few minutes, and it was Wen Dai who broke the deadlock: "Our time is precious."


Successfully provoked the other party's emotions, Mei Feng calmly said: "Lin Yu! Take out the depth plan and the universal charger related documents."

Lin Yu still maintained that indifferent look, slowly took out the depth plan from the briefcase and put it on the table.

Mei Feng stood up, pushed the thick document in front of Wen Dai and the others, and said arrogantly:

"This depth plan is our answer, and this universal charger is just a icing on the cake."

"We have the ability, determination, and mission to complete this historic requirement."

"It's that simple."

Meng Chao picked up the depth plan and opened it to study it carefully. The content was very boring, with calculation data and data sources everywhere.

It gave him a headache, but he had to bite the bullet and read on.

When the plan was halfway through, some different documents appeared in front of him.

It was a sketch of a mobile phone, a hand-drawn sketch.

The text descriptions in the previous plan have the most intuitive graphic annotations here.

The intuitive graphic annotations give people a hearty feeling. After reading one page, they can't wait to turn to the next page, and the speed of turning the pages is getting faster and faster.


A crisp sound rang out, and the plan book reached the last page.

He was about to speak, and Wen Dai next to him handed the universal charging information to him and reached out to take the in-depth plan.

As a last resort, Meng Chao could only pick up the universal charging information and look through it. Compared with the in-depth plan, the universal charging information is much thinner. In just two or three minutes, the last page of the universal charging information slowly slipped from his hand and closed.

As this page slowly fell, Meng Chao also slowly exhaled. At first, he only believed half of Wu Tao's words.

He has seen many people who make money out of nothing, just wanting to rely on relationships and borrow chickens to lay eggs.

What's more, it is an official chicken, which is guaranteed and has a face.

But now, he decided to believe it.

Taking out a notebook from his briefcase and sitting up straight, Meng Chao stared at the young man in front of him and said, "According to my assessment, our Shenzhen Finance Bureau can provide 10 million investment funds, but we want to take 51% of the shares."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wen Dai's voice rang out beside him: "Poor guy! He already has 10 million in cash, and you want to take 51%?"

"We will give 10 million, accounting for 40%, what do you think, Professor Mei Feng?"

Hearing Wen Dai's question, Mei Feng smiled smugly, and then gently kicked his feet on the ground to distance himself from the negotiation table.

Leave the home court to Lin Yu.

And Lin Yu naturally pulled a chair and sat in the middle of the table, facing Meng Chao and the others alone.

Seeing this scene, the other three people at the table were surprised. Before they could ask, Lin Yu began to introduce himself:

"I am Lin Yu, Shuang Mulin, Yu in Yanyu."

"I am now the chairman of Rheinsteel Group and I am in full charge of Rheinsteel Group."

"As for the investment in this branch, our technology is discounted by 60 million, plus 10 million in cash, which is equivalent to 70% of the shares."

"The remaining 30%, worth 30 million, you two can allocate funds at will."

"The last point, you are not allowed to withdraw funds at will!"

"If you agree, then we can sign a memorandum now, and then wait for the funds to be in place to sign the formal contract documents."


As soon as these words came out, the people present couldn't help but take a breath.

This... Dare to discount 60 million for a little technology? And 30 million in cash, this... really think of yourself as a money printing machine?

Behind Lin Yu, Mei Feng quickly poked him with his hand, indicating that he should ask for less, but Lin Yu ignored him, continued to smile, and looked at the two people in front of him without saying a word.

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