It would be even better if these bombs could fall on the foreheads of those American soldiers.

That would be the real art.

Looking at Shi Ling who was busy beside him, Jialim wanted to talk to her, but he was stopped by Lin Yu just as he raised his leg. Just as he was about to ask, he saw the faint smile on Lin Yu's face and shook his head gently:

"The core parameters are secrets!"

As a key person in the family, Jialim naturally heard the implication of this sentence. Now that he hasn't paid, these are all secrets.

If he pays enough, then these are not secrets. Even the so-called weapons of mass destruction, as long as he pays enough money, he can take them home now.


He let out a long breath, turned around, and walked out of the weapons test site with a firm step. Now he would call to urge the payment.

Behind him, Lin Yu waved his right hand lightly, and the two people from the security department immediately followed quickly.

Watching the three people leave, Lin Yu also walked towards the busy Shi Ling.

At the center of the explosion point, Shi Ling was leading people to measure the crater of the explosion point with a tape measure in her hand. When she heard the sparse sound, she looked up and saw Lin Yu.

Her eyes stayed for two seconds, and this woman who was extremely cautious in doing things continued to look back at the data in front of her.

After a long time, she packed up the folder, got up from the crater, and called Lin Yu to the side. As she walked, she asked:

"Xiao Yuzi, can these costs be recovered?"

"The cost of these three bombs alone exceeded 300,000, just for such a bomb."

"It's a pity, but the only good thing is that we have collected 100 kg explosion power data, which will be of some help to subsequent research and development."

Faced with the inquiry, Lin Yu looked back at the exit of the weapons test site. According to the time calculation, Jialim should have arrived at the guesthouse now.

If he moved faster, at this moment, he might have taken out his mobile phone and was making a call.

With a confident smile, Lin Yu responded softly: "It's only 300,000. If you convert it into US dollars, it's less than 40,000 yuan."

"Not to mention that it's not even the cost of one coin. Moreover, if Kalim realizes our ability, he will be more willing to pay."

"That's more than 10 million US dollars. If we get all of it, in addition to the production cost, even if we deposit the remaining money in the bank and earn interest, we will have to earn less than 300,000 a year."

"If we invest this money in production and research and development again, we can earn more than 10 million. In less than a year, you can take 20,000 yuan, go home, and throw it lightly on the table."

"Look, this is money!"

"Are you so sure? Will he immediately ask for money after seeing this explosion?"

Shi Ling asked again, with a puzzled expression on her face. Her intuition told her that she should believe Lin Yu, but reality told her that more than 10 million US dollars is a huge sum.

It's not so easy to take it out casually.

Just like in Lanling City, if they were asked to pay 10 million US dollars in cash, they would prepare ropes one by one, hang themselves on the southeast tree, and hang themselves to death on the street lamp.

Looking at the expression on Shi Ling's face, Lin Yu knew that as the director of the R\u0026D department, her understanding of the local tycoons in the West Asia region was still a little bit off.

No, not a little off, but a lot off.

After smacking his lips, he organized his words and said again: "Those oil countries in West Asia, although they are called countries, are actually a union of tribes and clans."

"In this kind of tribe, the highest authority is still the chief of the tribe, and the other people in the tribe are all dependent on the chief. In our words, they are called powerful."

"And these tribes can unite together mainly because of the appeal of interests. When they have the same interests, they can unite together for a short time."

"When encountering situations that are contrary to their own interests, they will give priority to their own interests rather than national interests."

"This situation has changed to a certain extent under the premise of modern education and modern governance, but it has not changed completely."

"Today, when they know that the country is in trouble, the first idea that comes to their mind is mostly to get some weapons and equipment, expand their arsenal, and protect their property."

"Jalim was born in such a tribe in northern Iraq."

" I don't know what he communicated with his tribe, but I knew what they were thinking when he didn't use official words, signed contracts, and used other people's names. "

"What's more, if we don't pay, we can just detain Jialim here. After all, he is a top student cultivated by the whole family. It's a waste to die because of such a little money, isn't it?"

"Is that so?" Lin Yu's insidious and cunning words made Shi Ling suddenly realize, but she quickly shook her head, pressed her head with her free left hand, and said with a little annoyance:

"I used to think that chemistry was difficult, but now I think that your twists and turns are really difficult."

"By the way, this batch of CL-20 is not pure enough due to equipment reasons, resulting in a flash point about two degrees lower than the theory. This is what Feng Guoping measured. "

"He also said that if you want to mass-produce, you must have a better set of equipment, which costs money. Come on."

After explaining to Lin Yu, Shi Ling quickened her pace, walked out of the weapons test site, and walked towards the R\u0026D department.

On the other side, at the guesthouse of Rheinsteel, Jialim finally called his uncle Roz.

As soon as the call was connected, he couldn't wait to ask: "Uncle, has the money arrived?"

"I tell you, this factory can mass-produce the fourth-generation explosives, and with their high-performance explosives, we can completely make simple missiles ourselves."

"Do you know what that means? That means that if we stockpile enough materials now, then, if America breaks in, we can gather a team to resist as quickly as possible."

"The more brilliant our early performance, the more people we can attract, and the more people we have, the stronger our strength will be."

"The easier it is to succeed in what you want to do, do you understand?"

Excited words , did not infect Rhodes on the other end of the phone. After listening to the words, he was silent for a moment, and then he asked indifferently:

"Are you sure the other party is not lying to you?"

"No! Because I just came out of their weapons test site, and I personally detonated three bombs in their weapons test site."

"The power of these three bombs is far greater than the explosives of the same weight, and they can be easily distinguished."

"You can distrust others, but you must trust me!"

Once again, the person on the other end of the phone could not sit still, and a clattering sound came from the phone. It seemed that the person on the other end of the phone sat up quickly, and the phone's connecting line was caught by something.

Two or three seconds later, a voice came from the phone.

"I will transfer money to that account now!"

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