When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 74 You don’t belong to the dead! (First update!)

Michelle woke up slowly amid a tremor.

What caught his eyes was a white color, so white that it made him panic. His consciousness slowly returned and his eyes began to focus.

After a while, he finally saw clearly what the white thing in front of him was.

That's the hospital's shadowless lamp, used for surgeries.


Wait, I should be on the battlefield, I'm still lying under the tank, why am I in the operating room?

Relying on her own will, Michelle forcibly raised her head and looked at the place where the doctor was performing the surgery.

There, is the position of the butt!

Where is my butt?

However, before he could speak, he heard a voice from beside him: "Has your anesthetic expired? Why can he wake up?"

After scolding the anesthetist next to him, the surgeon slowly turned around and showed a smile. However, because his mouth was blocked by the mask, only his eyes were exposed. When he smiled with his eyebrows arched, it always felt very penetrating. .

However, Michelle was a person who was used to seeing life and death. He ignored the smile of the surgeon, but stared at his lower body with wide eyes.

He moved his legs out of habit, but they did not move and did not respond to his movements as usual.

Moreover, Michelle also discovered that the position where the surgeon was busy happened to be the position of his two thighs.

After staring for a while, he turned his attention to the surgeon and asked expressionlessly:

"Where's my butt?"

"Butt?" The surgeon blinked, and then moved his gaze away from Michelle's face, sliding down her body to her thighs.

Then, he showed an expression of realization.

He quickly said: "The butt is still there, but your two thighs are gone. You don't have to worry about your future life at all."

As he spoke, the surgeon slowly stretched his left hand back. In the direction of his hand, the anesthetist was cautiously approaching with a tray.

In the tray is a tube of Demerol.

With lightning speed, the surgeon in charge grabbed the anesthesia needle and slammed it on Michelle's shoulder. He increased the dose of Pethidine and began to numb Michelle's senses as quickly as possible.

His vision went dark and he fainted again.

Looking at the person who fainted on the operating bed, the chief surgeon stretched his head towards the nurse and asked the nurse to wipe the sweat from his forehead. He turned back to the anesthetist and asked, "What's going on?"

The anesthesiologist spread his hands and replied helplessly: "What else could happen?"

"The number of casualties is too great, and the anesthetic agent is gone, so one shot can only be divided into two shots, or divided into three shots."

"The one you have in your hand, I gave you a 1/4 injection."

Upon hearing this, the surgeon in charge sighed and turned around to continue his work.


There was a strange smell in the nasal cavity. It was unpleasant and smoky.

Want to sneeze.

After sneezing, Michelle opened his eyes and found himself lying in a not-so-clean ward. On the beds around him, wounded soldiers like him were lying.

These people had bandages on their foreheads and bodies, and the bandages were still bleeding.

He looked down at his hand. It was fine. He still had half of his left hand.

When he opened his clothes, there were injuries on his body, but they were just a few small cuts.

very good.

He pulled open the quilt covering himself and wanted to get out of bed to rest, but when he pulled the quilt open, what appeared under the quilt was not his legs.

It's the empty sheets.

He blinked and covered the quilt with his backhand. After a while, he took off the quilt again.

It was still empty down there, and the sheets could still be seen.

my leg?

Where are my legs?

Where are my hairy thighs?

When he thought about his future life, Michelle couldn't help but scream loudly. Listening to his scream, the wounded soldiers next to him showed amusement expressions.

After waiting for a while, when Michelle stopped calling, they curiously raised their heads and asked: "Is your teammate dead?"

"Tell me and listen? How did you die?"

"Did he step on a landmine? Or was he killed by a rocket?"

While these wounded soldiers were chattering, the door to the ward was suddenly opened, and doctors and nurses rushed in together.

Seeing Michelle, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

The doctor slowly stepped forward to examine him, while the nurse wrote down his name and exited the ward.


The nurse came back with someone, loaded Michelle into a wheelchair, and pushed her out of the ward.

I walked up and down the hospital corridor twice and then went down the elevator.

Finally, Michelle was sent to a formal-looking room.

After a while, two officers in very formal clothes came to him.

As soon as the officer walked through the door, he raised his hand and saluted him, and then sat down on the chair opposite Michelle.

Opening the folder in his hand, the officer coughed lightly and entered the topic:

"Corporal Michel, I now need to announce your next whereabouts, please pay attention."

"Michelle Albert, has been in the army for three months and belongs to the 6th Squadron, 5th Company, 7th Battalion, 4th Ranger Brigade."

"In view of your current situation, you are no longer able to undertake military service, so we decided after research."

"You have been dismissed."

"Please complete the relevant procedures within a week and then leave the hospital, thank you."

Clear out?

Michelle was stunned when she heard these two words.

In the kibbutz, the most boastful thing he heard was that the veterans killed the enemy on the battlefield and then returned to their hometown with wounds all over their bodies.

Why are you here?

Just quit?

He took a deep breath, slapped the wheelchair, and asked sternly: "Why retreat? I was attacked by the enemy during the attack, and then I was seriously injured."

"I should be discharged with my pension instead of being discharged."

"Where's my captain? He can prove it."

The two officers looked at each other, then shrugged their shoulders at the same time. The officer on the left opened the folder and slid his fingers down. After a while, he raised his head and said loudly:

"Captain Price died a week ago, and because of his wrong actions, three team members died tragically and one team member was seriously injured."

"Among them, the seriously injured person is you, Michelle Albert."

"Because you did not suffer casualties in the designated positions, according to the regulations issued by the Ministry of National Defense, you are not killed in action."


"Of course, you don't have to worry about medical expenses, you don't need to pay them."

"That's our defense zone." Michelle looked ferocious, holding the long table with her intact right hand and yelling loudly.

His angry rebuke fell into the officer's eyes, only to elicit a disdainful smile from the other officer. He laughed and continued to explain:

"I know that's your defensive zone, but your job is to attack, not to defend."

"According to the rescue records of the rescue team, the attack area is 300 meters to the west of where you were attacked, but you did not die in the attack area."

"So, there's nothing I can do."

"I'm just following the rules."

After saying this, the officer put away the folder in his hand and pressed the button on the table.

The button triggered the bell, the door opened, and the nurse came from outside, pushed Michelle and walked out.

When Michelle walked to the door, the officer seemed to suddenly remember something again, raised his head and called him:

"Well, according to the regulations that are still in trial, you can still receive six months' salary."

"The salary for these six months will be paid in one lump sum after you complete the procedures. I wish you a happy life."

After finishing the last sentence, the officer who spoke nodded his head and shouted out the door: "Next one."

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