"What supplies?"

“Smokeless powder and RDX!”

"How much do you want?"

"How much can you give me?"

"The maximum is 5 million US dollars. If it exceeds, there will be problems with the capital flow on my side."

"But if you really get started, all your funds will be wasted."

"10 million, this is my limit, and it is also the limit of my family. No matter how much it is, some assets must be disposed of. Those I cannot make the decision, I have to let your grandfather handle it, but the more people know, the more troublesome it will be. ”

"But in the end, grandpa has to make the final decision on this matter."

"Then call your grandpa and explain the matter clearly. I'll go check it out as soon as possible. Remember what I said and don't tell anyone. If it's done well, we won't have no chance."


When the phone was hung up, only half of the sunset was left in the horizon.

The sun at this time looked particularly red, like blood, and as the sun set, the warm wind began to howl, bringing a bit of coolness and moisture.

It is going to rain.

Putting the phone into his pocket, Jalim turned and walked into the stairs, walked downstairs step by step, and returned to the dormitory.

In the dormitory, the instructor was already sitting beside his bed and was very carefully helping him fold the quilt on the bed.

Next to them, the remaining three roommates are studying cultural knowledge.

Hearing the noise, the instructor turned his head and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's just something. I contacted my family, it's a small problem." Jalim shook his head repeatedly, and a smile appeared on his face.

After receiving the response, the instructor also stood up and changed the topic:

"It's okay. Your quilt is still not folded in place."

"I'll give you a leave for these two days. You can take a rest and take care of things at home."

After explaining, the instructor picked up the hat on the table and put it on, quickly walked out of the dormitory and disappeared into the corridor.

After the instructor left, the other three people in the dormitory immediately gathered around and asked curiously: "What's going on?"

"It's nothing. I just got a call from home saying that my grandpa has some health problems. I just called to confirm. It's true, but it's not a big problem. Get some rest early. You still have to train tomorrow!"

Pulling his grandfather out as a shield, Jalim washed himself and lay on the bed.

Looking at the three colleagues next to him who were still studying, he turned his head firmly and stared at the ceiling.

The words of his uncle and Lin Yu repeatedly appeared in his mind.

"The main thing is that I believe in you. Young people are passionate and always like beautiful things. They can get things done faster than those bureaucrats."

"You must remember what I said and don't tell anyone. If we operate it well, we will not have no chance."

What are the beautiful things? He understands.

What are the opportunities? He understands too.

However, when it comes time to make a choice, it is difficult to choose between the family on one side and one's own heart on the other.

On the other side, in the guest house of the Army Command College, Lin Yu pasted a world map on the wall, picked up two thumbtacks, and pressed one to Palestine and the other to Iraq.

According to the news we have received in the past few days, the fighting in Gaza is in full swing, and the two sides are fighting back and forth.

The fire here has been lit, and what is left is the Iraqi side.

After looking at it for a while, he picked up three more thumbtacks, one for Yemen, one for Lebanon, and the last one for Iran.

At this time, the Arc of Resistance has not yet appeared. These fellows who are more capable of fighting are still fighting on their own and are still in a state of confusion.

I still don’t know what it means to be able to use the people’s support, let alone what it means to put the masses in your heart and the masses to hold you in their hands.

Still need a little help.

After looking at it for a while, Lin Yu rolled up the map and put it aside, preparing to throw it to Tang Yuanshan tomorrow.

Military academies teach these things. If you don't teach them, it's useless.

After closing his eyes on the bed for a while, he fell into a deep sleep. Early the next morning, before anyone else got up, Xia Jianjun kicked open the door first.

"stand up!"

"You are a young man in your 20s, why are you so sleepy? The school bell has rang several times, why can you still sleep?"

"How can you sleep at your age?"

"What's the matter?" Lin Yu slowly raised his eyes and looked at the people in front of him. He couldn't understand why these old men were so old that they were all more impulsive than young people.

Seeing his slow manner, Xia Jianjun couldn't help but roll his eyes, and finally warned: "That kid Jalim came to my office door early in the morning and blocked it!"

"I said I want to see you, and then I want to discuss business with you."

"I asked him to wait in my office and come to find you."

"Here, as an old-timer, I must remind you that in everything, the country must be the priority."

Lin Yu, who was putting on his shirt, stopped, laughed, and responded:

"Don't worry, I know what's going on."

"It's good to know what's going on!"

After packing his things and bringing a contract, Lin Yu followed Xia Jianjun and walked slowly toward the office.

In the office, Jalim held the tea cup with both hands, looking at the floor with his eyes blankly, and drank sip after sip.

Hearing the movement at the door, he couldn't wait to raise his head.

Seeing his actions, Lin Yu felt reassured in an instant. He sat down in front of him and raised his hand: "Classmate Jalim, tell me what you think."


There was still a glass teacup with half a cup of tea, but Jalim slammed it onto the table.

The young man stood up and looked at Lin Yu condescendingly. He gritted his teeth and spat out a sentence: "We need weapons, armored vehicles, tanks, aircraft and ammunition."

"In short, whatever you can come up with, we want it!"

His wealthy appearance also frightened Xia Jianjun. At this moment, the vice-principal of the Army Command College finally had a full understanding of his students.

However, his loud voice had no effect on Lin Yu.

The young factory director calmly picked up his notebook, wrote down the requirements one by one, and then crossed out the plane.

"Since you have decided to buy equipment, I can assume that you are ready."

"Then I can tell you that the Air Force is of little use to you who have been severely beaten by America."

"It's a waste of money. You don't need this thing."

"Then there are tanks. You are learning these things yourself. You should know how to maximize the combat effectiveness of this thing."

"You don't have to."

"Then there are heavy artillery. We don't have cannons above 120 mm, but we can produce artillery shells according to your requirements."

"I mainly recommend two types to you here. One is a 120mm mortar, and the other is a 120mm rocket launcher, specially designed to attack armored units."

"The last is our star product, the 200mm rocket launcher, with a warhead of nearly 200 kilograms, which can easily take out a building."

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