Having learned the lesson of the first student, the second student on stage spoke a lot less!

When answering questions, don’t add too much of your own messy thoughts!

Instead, there are questions and answers, involving professional vocabulary and questions, and try to use concise and effective expressions!

13 people, except for a half-hour break for meals, it took a total of 8 hours!

From nine o'clock in the morning until five o'clock in the afternoon, the thesis defense of these thirteen people was completed!

The professors stayed, but the 13 students left first and went back to wait for the results!

After the door closed, Luan Yuelin pulled up a chair and sat down in front of Lin Yu, saying:

"Classmate Lin Yu!"

"You also listened to the thesis defenses of these 13 classmates just now. Now, it's your turn!"

"I look forward to your performance!"

At this time, Wen Yunhua next to him handed over a stack of documents. He opened it casually, looked at the words on it, and asked calmly:

"In your paper, although a large part is about information, the whole article is filled with one sentence!"

"That is to establish a complete and completely independent industrial system!"

"I want to ask something, and it's also something many people want to ask!"

"Does it really matter?"

He asked very sincerely and seriously. As soon as he finished speaking, he picked up the pen in his right hand and waited for Lin Yu's reply!

"Very important! Because this world is essentially a grassroots team. The worst scenario is that one can fight a hundred!"

This... is a bit heavy.

After casually recording Lin Yu's words, Luan Yuelin chose to change the topic!

"Student Lin Yu, just now, the topic of Ai Dahui's topic was infrastructure construction and national defense security!"

"According to your thoughts, if it were you, how would you solve the security and comfort problem at the border post?"

Submit questions!

I was a researcher in my previous life. For a long time, the survival issue of Big Brother in the Army has always been the focus of the research institute!

If there is no clear direction, it will be a bit troublesome for yourself!

but now!

This is a scoring question!

"In the research direction of the School of Civil Engineering, there is a modular building! It is called prefabricated building."

"In their research, the concrete was made into standardized modular components in the precast factory according to the drawings, and then sent to the site for splicing!"

"But many border posts are located in places with high altitudes, power shortages, and strong winds! These modular structures are heavy and cannot be transported!"

“If we’re going to solve it, we need to modularize something else!”

"We proposed the Bright Project in 1997! Use photovoltaic power generation to improve the power supply capacity in remote areas!"

"Then we can combine photovoltaic panels, refrigerators, greenhouses, air conditioners, water purifiers, and oxygen production equipment together! Form a modular outpost!"

"Photovoltaic power generation provides power for air conditioners, water purifiers, and oxygen production equipment. In this way, the outpost becomes a warm home!"

"And the greenhouses are equipped to grow vegetables and reduce the difficulty of delivering supplies!"

"Airdropping fertilizers and seeds is more convenient than fresh vegetables!"

Next to him, Wen Yunhua sketched a rough model of the outpost in his notebook with gentle words!

Then, he opened Ai Dahui's paper again!

Compared with the concrete buildings mentioned in the paper, modular outposts like Lin Yu's are much more convenient and comprehensive!

No need to lay out additional power lines!

The biggest obstacle is the manufacturing process!

Drawing a hook next to the drawing, he handed the picture of the sentry post to Luan Yuelin.

The two looked at each other and smiled. Luan Yuelin sat up straight and asked:

"The title of your paper is "Information acquisition, analysis, deception and anti-deception under information war! Commonly known as: information fraud!"

"But in your paper, you only briefly discussed information acquisition and analysis, or even brushed it off! Instead, you focused on describing deception and anti-deception. Can you tell me why?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone else present sat upright in an instant and looked at Lin Yu!

Especially the teachers present. During this period, He Qingyang was giggling in front of them for a long time!

No matter what question he asked, he could always relate it to Lin Yu!

Then he started talking about how strong his teaching ability is!

Now I know the real name of the paper!

Really want to take a look!

Opposite me, Lin Yu smiled bitterly, shook his head, and replied, "Because our current ability to obtain information is very poor, very poor!"

"So I didn't go into too much detail on it. The same goes for analysis!"

"Similarly, our mentality is still the same. Until we change our mentality, no matter how much we talk, it is useless. Only by changing our mentality can we truly and seriously analyze it."

As soon as these words came out, several old professors looked surprised!

At the same time, he also secretly cast his eyes on He Qingyang!

Old boy, you are very courageous!

If Lin Yu can't pass the test today, the principal position under your butt will be ours!

As for He Qingyang, he was secretly looking at the faces of Luan Yuelin and others.

This sentence was in the first draft, but he polished it and put it in a euphemistic way!

Finding that the expressions of Luan Yuelin and others did not change, he remained silent and continued to look at the stage from the ground.

Luan Yuelin held his chin with his hand, pondered for a moment, and then continued to ask:

"Why do you think so? Tell me your reasons!"

While speaking, the pen in his hand fell on the notebook again.

Seeing that he was ready, Lin Yu spoke, his voice was very light and calm!

"Because! We still don't have our own navigation system!"

"We still don't have our own self-reliant communication equipment!"

"No self-reliant computer!"

"No self-reliant industrial design software!"

"My self-reliant here means that from beginning to end, it is designed, manufactured, and finally used by our people!"

"It's not that the main parts are imported from abroad and then assembled in China!"

"It's not that some people steal some drawings from some places and claim that they can reverse the entire structure and manufacture the finished product!"

"Find out these! Then we can talk about the back!"

These words made others scratch their heads!

They wanted to refute a few words, but they couldn't refute!

For now, the things that Lin Yu said are available in China, but compared with mature products abroad, they are far inferior in terms of experience in all aspects.

Moreover, in order to make money, domestic manufacturers are more willing to import electronic components from abroad and assemble them directly.

After recalling for a long time, Luan Yuelin gritted his teeth and wrote them down, and said in a deep voice: "Continue!"

The next second, Lin Yu's slightly crazy voice sounded:

"If I tell you! America is using their GPS to harvest global geographic data information!"

"They directly install hardware on computers and standard communication equipment to monitor the whole world!"

"Use industrial software to steal all user work data!"

"Use satellites to scan the same place on time every day, and any changes will be recorded immediately!"

"Use green cards to attract people from all over the world to act as their spies and collect data!"

"After listening to this, do you think our ability to obtain information is enough?"

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