Smartphone? Drone?

What the hell is this?

Shi Ling has seen mobile phones before.

A few days ago, Lin Yu in front of her showed a customer from an Arab country a remote control rocket launcher using a mobile phone.

But compared to mobile phones, she prefers to use landlines.

There is no other reason. The signals of those mobile phones are just a mess outside the city.

A wall, a ditch, a bend, or even a step away.

The signals on both sides are worlds apart.

There is no experience at all.

Is this smartphone different from these mobile phones?

And drones... can allow small countries to temporarily gain air superiority?

Is this an airplane?

Shi Ling quickly flipped back, and when she turned to the last page, she didn't see the description of the drone.

However, she saw several places that mentioned drones.

These so-called six major points, in the end, were very cleverly put together on drones.

If one coincidence is a coincidence, then six coincidences are not coincidences.

Raising her head and staring at the younger young man in front of her, Shi Ling calmly asked, "What is a drone?"

Lin Yu raised her finger and put it to her mouth: "Shh, it's a secret."


"Lin Yu, when you go back this time, talk to your foreign classmates more and bring two more people over."

"Bring two more people, and the problem of our factory can be solved."

"You must remember it."

"If it doesn't work, ask your teacher to write a note and go to Guojizhuang to find it."

At the departure station, Qian Jianguo held Lin Yu with both hands, crying with snot and tears. When the tears blurred his eyes, he pulled her away.

Just as he was about to continue crying, the train whistle sounded.


Lin Yu pulled Qian Jianguo's hand away and told him: "Go back early. During my absence, you must keep a close eye on the factory."

"I don't want to see a mess again when I come back."

Looking at Lin Yu's worried look, Qian Jianguo patted his chest and said loudly:

"Don't worry, I can't manage the plan alone, but I'm the best at strictly following orders."

"It will never happen again."

"And I promise that you will see a brand new factory when you come."

The whistle of the green train sounded again, and the attendant guarding the door shouted at the smokers to get on the train.

At the same time, let the people who got on the train to sell roasted corn and sweet potatoes get off.

The door closed.

Driven by electricity, the green train slowly drove out of Lanling Railway Station and headed north.


Two days later, Lin Yu, carrying a backpack of specialties, knocked on the door of He Qingyang's office.

"Come in."

With a creak, Lin Yu walked into the office with light steps.

At the desk, He Qingyang should be checking the data, and the data doesn't look good.

Because the old man kept frowning, his face full of disgust.

Without hearing the sound of talking, the old man slowly raised his head and saw his student at a glance.

At another glance, he saw the snakeskin bag next to the student.

He stood up excitedly, walked in front of Lin Yu, took the snakeskin bag, opened it and asked: "What specialty did you bring?"

"How is your business with Arabila?"

"It should be successful."

While asking and answering himself, the snakeskin bag opened, and there were wheat husks inside. After removing the wheat husks, you can see green duck eggs inside.

After taking one out to study for a while, He Qingyang asked, "Weishan Lake salted duck eggs?"

"Yes." Lin Yu nodded, picked up the bag with both hands, and moved it to the side of the desk and put it down:

"Weishan Lake salted duck eggs, after being cooked, oil and sand flow out. A salted duck egg for breakfast with a bowl of white porridge is very good."

"By the way, teacher, you said on the phone that it was very urgent and asked me to come back quickly, but you didn't explain it clearly on the phone."

"What's the situation?"

Playing with the salted duck egg in his hand, He Qingyang's face showed a playful look, and he began to circle around Lin Yu.

After two circles, he returned to the desk, found an envelope from it, opened it, took out the letter inside, and threw it on the table.

Then he lay on the chair and played with the salted duck egg in his hand.

After Lin Yu picked up the envelope, he explained: "For your paper, I asked Liu Ming to add some data to the industrial part according to the current reality."

"I found some data according to your analysis and put it in, and then sent it to Reference News."


He Qingyang raised his finger and tapped the envelope:

"The letter from the General Staff, they think your paper is very interesting, so they decided to send a few people to watch your paper defense."

"So, the difficulty of your paper defense has increased exponentially."

"I, your teacher, can't save you."

"In short."

"You are unlucky."

The old man's words were full of gloating and pride, and his eyes looking at Lin Yu were also full of the love of an elder.

In fact, Lin Yu's paper defense was not difficult at all. After all, the person who ultimately decided whether to pass or not was himself.

The people from the General Staff came, at most, to make things difficult for the paper.

However, looking at the entire Shengmajiagou Vocational and Technical College and several other sister colleges, whose students' papers were submitted once and published to Reference News without any revisions?

And he even asked the General Staff to mobilize a large number of troops.

You want to come and watch the thesis defense in person?

And whose student is this?

Oh! It turns out to be my He Qingyang's.

And he personally brought up his last disciple.

It's really a face.

In the future, when those bastards from the sister colleges talk to me, I can be at least ten steps higher than them.

Your teaching quality is good, right? Unfortunately, I have a student...

Your teaching resources are good, right? Unfortunately, I have a student...

When He Qingyang thought that he could look down at those bastards, he felt refreshed.

Very comfortable.

On the other side, Lin Yu had finished reading the letter. The content was very short, with only a few sentences.

[In response to your school's paper published in the Reference News in April 2002, "Information Acquisition, Analysis, Deception and Anti-Deception in Information Warfare. Commonly known as: Information Fraud. "

After discussion, our staff will send five staff members to participate in the student's thesis defense and raise some targeted questions.

To show fairness and justice, please select appropriate personnel from your school to participate in this thesis defense.



May 3, 2002.

After reading the content of the letter, Lin Yu put the letter back into the envelope and threw it back on the table. He asked curiously: "Shouldn't this kind of thing be kept confidential? Shouldn't it be said in private? Why should it be said during the thesis defense?"

Hearing this question, He Qingyang finally put down the salted duck egg in his hand, sat up straight, and his expression became very serious.

Then, he said solemnly: "It's also because of you, kid."

"It seems that you went to the logistics department to ask for money before, and the things you wrote were heavier. In addition to this thesis, the staff of the staff decided."

"We are going to get some young people who understand technology from major universities to update the technology."

"Other schools have five, and we have nine."

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