"Why?" A sharp female voice sounded, Wu Jingping leaned forward, supported the long table with both hands, stared at Li Ping with a pair of red eyes.

Li Ping on the opposite side did not respond to her, marked on the list with a pen, turned to the next page, checked the information, and continued to call people.

"Niu Yongning, 580 yuan, 40 days of overtime, take a look."

Being directly ignored, Wu Jingping was even more furious, and her body suddenly bumped to the side, knocking away Niu Yongning who was collecting the money, and blocked in front of Li Ping.

Panting heavily, he asked sternly: "Why? Why do they have money but I don't?"

"Zhu Tingxue violated the rules and drank! Why was he only fined 200 yuan!"

"When I was stacking steel pipes, I lost a clip and dropped a bunch of steel pipes?"

"The steel pipes are not broken. Just hammer them. Why do you deduct all the money from me? Even if someone is killed, I will be the first to die! Why don't you pay me?"

"Speak up!"

"You are bullying me because I am honest, right?"

"Over the years, I have no merits, but I have worked hard, right?"

Faced with the questioning, Li Ping did not hesitate, but tilted his head, looked at the others behind Wu Jingping, and asked:

"Do you want to collect the money?"

The people behind Wu Jingping were about to move, but before they could take a step, the woman turned around and glared at them, and then retracted their legs.

In this base, all the women who work are not good people, but tough characters.

Outside, they are all unique and ruthless people.

They can scold for a whole day without stopping.

I just got the money and want to live a peaceful life for a few days.

I can't afford to offend them. I can't afford to offend them.

Finding that the way to divert the conflict was ineffective, Li Ping simply sat up straight, locked his eyes on the woman in front of him, and asked with a smile:

"What is the name of our current company?"

"Rheinsteel Group."

"Okay, since you know it is Rheinsteel Group, then we can continue to talk about the next thing."

Nodding, Li Ping continued to ask slowly: "So, you should have read the original version of the safety production rules and regulations when you were working?"

"Don't say you can't read. Don't say you don't understand."

"If you dare to say it, the factory director will definitely dare to bring back the old teachers from the past and teach you a lesson."

"Now tell me, have you read the safety production rules and regulations?"

"Have you also read the punishment plan?"

A series of questions extinguished the anger on Wu Jingping's face.

At the same time, it also made this fierce woman's eyes evasive.

Li Ping caught this with his sharp eyes, and simply stood up, pointed his eyes at the other people who were collecting money behind him, and shouted:

"The factory director did say from the beginning that he would give out the bonus this time."

"But he also said that it would be adjusted and deducted according to performance."

"Many of you only read half of it, and thought it was the same as the previous big pot meal, no matter how much you work."

"It doesn't matter whether you do a good job or a bad job."

"You work recklessly and messily. When I asked you to abide by the rules and regulations, you said you have been working for many years and this is how you get it."

"Now I will tell you clearly now, it is different. "

"If you abide by the rules and regulations and do your job well, you will be rewarded. If you do not abide by the rules and regulations and do not do your job well, you will be punished."

"Of course, if your money is withheld, you can also retaliate by lighting a fire here and throwing poison there."

"You can try it, just don't cry when the time comes."

"Continue to collect the money."

After saying this, Li Ping sat back in his chair, cast his eyes on Wu Jingping, and said with a smile on his face: "Please move aside for a while, don't delay others from collecting money."

This time, the people behind were no longer afraid.

Niu Yongning stretched out his hand to hold Wu Jingping, and with his arm force, he easily pushed her aside, and then stood in front of Li Ping with a flattering face.

He rubbed his hands excitedly.

"Accountant Li."

"Here you go." Li Ping counted out nine banknotes and handed them neatly to Niu Yongning.

Five red one hundred yuan bills, one green fifty yuan bill, and three light blue ten yuan bills with red.

It was brand new.

It was not the kind of wrinkled banknotes that were so crumpled that it was hard to tell whether they were real or fake.

Bringing the money to his nose, Niu Yongning took a deep breath, and it still had a faint fragrance.

It was really good.

He was about to be intoxicated, but the person behind him reached out and pressed his shoulder: "Old Niu, get out of the way quickly, don't block the road."

Outside the auditorium.

Old and young, male and female, were all guarding the mainstay of their family to go out.

When one person came out, these people all leaned over.

If they found that the person going out was in high spirits, but not from their family, they all sighed.

If the person going out was dejected, but not from their family, a group of people would curiously lean over and want to ask something.

If the person coming out was from their family, they would immediately greet him.

If the money in their hands exceeded five hundred, they would loudly announce it.

So-and-so in my family is really promising.

If the money in their hands did not exceed five hundred, they could only quietly and quickly squeeze out of the crowd with a face full of bad luck and leave the scene.

The money was distributed.

The daily life in the residential area has changed.

When the women meet, the topic of conversation turns to money.

"How much did your husband get in the bonus this time? Mine got 648."

"My husband got a little less, 650, which is not good either, but he got two more than your husband."

"I heard that the drunkard from the Chen family seemed to have taken 700. How did he get it?"

"I heard it seemed like it was a full 1,000. I heard that he seemed to have made some demands and changed the production line to make it smoother, so the factory director just gave him 1,000."

"Why can he, an alcoholic, change?"

"I don't know. It's a pity that my family doesn't drink."

"It's better not to drink. Those rules and regulations give me a headache. They even have to control the length of their hair in the workshop. Then Zhu Tingxue drank once to go to work. His overtime pay was gone and he was deducted 200 yuan."

"Then it must be taken care of. I heard from my nephew that his aunt's brother-in-law's younger brother and sister-in-law had long hair and were operating a machine in the factory. The machine caught their hair and a piece of their scalp was torn off."

"Hiss—so scary?"

"What's the matter? I also heard that some people wore gloves to operate the machine, and the machine rolled up the gloves and took the whole hand in! That hand! It was crushed into a pancake."

"Hey... so miserable? Then I have to let my family take a good look at these rules and regulations, and they can't mess around."

"Not only do they see it, we also have to see it. Have you seen the announcement posted by the Security Department? Production workers who are not in the corresponding workshop are not allowed to go to the corresponding area. Also, we should ask less about the work content of our family members."

"I read the notice, and there are a few lines at the end, which are in bold. They focus on those of us who have nothing to do, and those children. Aunt Ma, that kid of yours needs to pay attention. "

"What should you pay attention to? That little brat is old enough. The factory is recruiting workers, and I've asked him to sign up."

"where to?"

"He has no choice but to go to the construction team."

"Construction team? I heard that the factory director threw those with unclean hands and feet and those who were disobedient into the construction team. Is that okay?"

"Why not? All those people do is dig ditches and mix sand, so they can't do anything bad." At this point, the aunt stopped talking and beckoned others to come over and say:

"I heard that the factory director deliberately killed the chicken to scare the monkeys."


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