Chapter 38 Five million! dollar! (First update!)

A flash of disappointment flashed across Arabilla's face. Of course, this disappointment was well hidden by him. Turning his head, he continued:

"Our cooperation is a long-term business. I think you must give me a discount on this point!"

"Besides, the amount we are going to purchase this time is 5 million!"


"You heard it right! 5 million! dollar!"

He opened the five fingers of his left hand and matched the number he spit out generously!

When hearing this number, a group of people in Rheinsteel exploded instantly!

Five million, and it's still US dollars!

Factory 567 has never seen such a large number!

Even when it was exporting light weapons to earn foreign exchange, it didn't!

Later, it gradually turned to civilian use, and because it was so bad, it was even more impossible to see such a large number!

Does the US dollar exchange currency seem to have an exchange rate?

Amid the noise, others all turned their eyes to Lin Yu and accountant Li Ping. If anyone in Rheinsteel was paying attention to the exchange rate, it was only the two of them!

Being watched by everyone, Li Ping was unsure. He was just an accountant!

The factory director was still beside him!

He opened the notebook in front of him, folded it, and then handed the notebook to Lin Yu!

The notebook contained the cost of producing various items in several workshops during this period!

After reading the contents of the notebook in full, Lin Yu closed the notebook slowly, stared at Arabila opposite, and spit out a number:

"5%! This is the biggest discount I can give you at the moment! And the premise of using this discount is that you pay the bill in full at one time!"

"If it's okay! Let's sign the contract!"

"If it's not okay! I'll go find someone else!"

On the opposite side, several Arabs heard this number, quickly took out their calculators, and started calculating in front of Lin Yu and others!

Soon, an answer appeared on the paper!

5% discount, if all low-priced items are purchased, according to the limit calculation, it can bring them an additional 7% of equipment!

This is a big order!

7% of the equipment, all equipped to compatriots, at least hundreds of compatriots will not die on the battlefield because of backward weapons!

And hundreds of compatriots, returning from the battlefield, can teach more soldiers and let more people have experience in dealing with the battlefield!

Blood profit!

The trained recruits only need to knock down two Mei Lao San, that is a blood profit!

Finally, the new recruits and veterans together knock down more Mei Lao San!

That is even more blood profit!

Thinking of this, Arabila stood up, walked around the long table, came to Lin Yu, opened his arms, smiled and shouted: "My friend! Thank you!"

"May our cooperation, under the witness of Allah! Shine like diamonds, as long as stars!"

"Let's sign the contract!"

Just a few simple words made the people of Rheinsteel's eyes straight!

It's done!

The first battle of the renamed Rheinsteel was a success!

Just as they were about to cheer, they saw Lin Yu slowly stand up and look at them with a calm gaze!

At this moment, everyone calmed down!

The contract has not been signed yet! The money has not arrived yet!

It is not considered a success yet!

Lin Yu stood up, bowed deeply to Arabila, then opened his arms and hugged each other!

At the same time, he said: "Thank you for your help! We are going both ways!"

"I believe that our cooperation, under the witness of your Allah, will be as eternal as the stars!"

After praising each other, the only thing left is to sign the contract!

The accountants of both parties completed the quantity on the contract as quickly as possible, confirmed it, and signed their names!

After exchanging the contract text, Arabila opened his clothes and took out a small bag wrapped in a waterproof bag from the interlayer of his clothes!

Carefully opened the small bag, inside, there were 5 bank drafts from the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China!

The amount of each bill was 1 million US dollars!

Putting 5 bank drafts on the table, Arabilla pointed to the drafts with his right hand and said with a smile:

"These are 5 bank drafts with a total value of 5 million US dollars, issued by ICBC, valid for one year, and there are still 10 months left. Within 10 months, you can check and exchange them at any ICBC branch!"

"The person who gave me the drafts said that the exchange rate for these drafts is not fixed!"

"So the extra gains or losses caused by exchange rate fluctuations have nothing to do with me!"

"Now! I've given you my money!"

"Mr. Lin, next, you should give me something! According to the contract terms, the cycle is two months!"

"I'll be here for these two months, waiting for you!"

Lin Yu calmly picked up the bank draft, checked it a little, and threw it to Li Ping. Li Ping looked at it for a while and nodded with certainty!

After getting the answer, Lin Yu straightened his back and responded with a smile: "Don't worry!"

"We keep our word and do what we say. The construction period is two months! We guarantee to complete the task!"

"It's getting late!"

"We've been busy all day. Tonight, we won't go home until we're drunk!"

"Let's go!"

Leaving the meeting room and walking out of the office building, Lin Yu saw the people waiting outside at a glance!

Old and young, men and women, stood there quietly, looking at the corridor eagerly!

When they saw the people coming out, their eyes lit up instantly!

Facing their gazes, Lin Yu raised his right hand, waved and grabbed, and shouted:

"Comrades! The first step of the Long March! Success!"

"Tonight! We won't stop until we are drunk!"

"But I have to say it in advance! No food is allowed to be cut! It's a big festival! There are guests! Everyone is happy! Don't force me to beat people up!"

Hearing this, the people guarding the door could no longer suppress their inner joy and cheered. After the cheers, more people began to cry again!

That was the cry of waiting for the clouds to clear and the moon to shine!

That was the cry of seeing hope!

With tears in the corners of their eyes and smiles on their mouths, all the people of Rheinsteel, led by Lin Yu, walked towards the central square of the residential area!


Today's activities have been arranged!

That is eating!

After sitting at the table, Lin Yu remembered a very troublesome problem!

He slowly turned his head, looked at Arabila, and asked seriously: "Do you drink?"

Arabila heard this question, glanced at the cup on the table, picked it up, and asked seriously: "Isn't this rice juice?"


This answer made the other people at the table cough!

Especially Lin Yu, he never expected that Halabila would use such an answer!

But soon, he figured it out!

The Arabs have at least established the Arab Empire across Asia, Europe and Africa!

And they are also a business group, doing business between countries, what they want is to be versatile and act according to circumstances!

If they can't even do this, then they will not be able to leave a name in history!

After figuring this out, Lin Yu picked up the wine glass and said loudly: "Then let's celebrate our cooperation with these rice juices!"

"Cheers everyone!"

Ding ding ding!

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