When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 241: Artillery is finalized, Ruolei 01! (Second update!)

Chapter 241 The artillery is finalized—Ruolei 01! (Second update!)

At this moment, Mendoza is like a proud little peacock. No, he should be an old peacock. Judging from his age, he is already over 30 years old.

After he put down his proud posture, Lin Yu asked with curiosity: "Excuse me, how can you deliver these 4 tons of gold to me?"


After asking, he opened his eyes wide, grinned, and kept tilting his head this way and that. His big eyes were full of intelligent questions.

In the past few days, although America has been attacking Libya, they have not attacked across the board. So overall, Syria is still under the control of Cardano, and the people on the border are still functioning.

Another point is that Ka Dazuo is not dead yet, and the gold that he finally managed to get was robbed before he could put it back home or warm it up.

As long as he still has a little bit of temper, he will definitely dig deep into the ground to find the person who robbed him, then skin him with cramps and cut his body into pieces to vent his anger.

Therefore, there are not many routes they can take, or they can go directly east from the border, cross Sudan and enter the Red Sea, and pick up the goods in the Red Sea.

Or through Egypt and into the Red Sea.

Or, cross the Mediterranean, go to any country on the opposite side of the Mediterranean, and then transfer through a third country.

But the problem is that it is gold. Yellow gold can be used as a general equivalent and as a currency anchor.

Back then, Cardano was preparing to build a payment system based on the Libyan dinar that was different from the US dollar based on the more than 140 tons of gold in the Libyan treasury.

Then, America took the stick and hit him hard on the head.

Wealth is very attractive. If other people knew that 4 tons of gold passed through their territory, they would definitely try their best to rob it.

This question completely stopped Mendoza. He lowered his head and thought about the problem seriously, but soon he found that he could not solve the problem.

In the end, he could only turn to Lin Yu for help:

"Mr. Lin, I know that you have a relatively good relationship with Sudan. If you can come forward, then passing through their territory should not be a big problem."

"On our side, we can work hard to send gold to Dongola."

Listening to Mensado's words, Lin Yu knew that they could no longer count on the Arab. The most they could do was to send the batch of gold to the border.

It can't even be sent across the border.

As for how this batch of gold will go next, it depends on you.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Yu stood up, silently walked out of the conference room, and found Tang Yuanshan at the stairs. He folded his hands and asked with a serious face: "What if I transport 4 tons of gold from Libya, and then find a special person?" Roy helps, can he send me to the Red Sea? "


When Tang Yuanshan heard about 4 tons of gold, he kept shaking his fingers, as if he was calculating how much money it was.

Unfortunately, he didn't pay much attention to the price of gold, so he didn't calculate it for a long time.

In the end, he could only pat his head with his hand with regret on his face. After patting for a while, he frowned and said softly: "The problem is not big, but when asking others to help, it is best to bring some gifts, preferably a gun in the hands of you. "

"Okay! Just tell me and I will bring him some gifts then."

"Also, please contact Director Lu for me. I want a batch of fine equipment."

After receiving Tang Yuanshan's reply, Lin Yu returned to the conference room again. This time he didn't say much, but directly handed his right hand to Mendoza:

"Major Mendoza, I agree to your request for cooperation. It will take me about a month to clear and stock the goods on the list."

"You can go back tomorrow, contact the cargo ship, and prepare gold. In up to 10 days, my people will arrive in Sudan and contact you through Colonel Trey."

"When the time comes, you transport the gold to Dongola and give it to me. Then I will load the goods and the ship will send the equipment to Port Sudan."

“The best of both worlds.”

The plan was not complete, but with the general direction of execution, it was possible to implement it. Mensah combed through the plan a little more, then stood up and joined hands with Lin Yu.

"Mr. Lin, let us have a happy cooperation."

"I still like you to call me Mr. Lin. I'm not that old." Correcting Mensado's title seriously, Lin Yu took out a notebook from his arms, wrote down another mobile phone number on it, and handed it to the person opposite. people.

When the person opposite picked up the note, he nodded slightly, then the wind blew under his feet and disappeared into the conference room.

Only the four of Mensado were left standing in the conference room looking at each other.

After a few more minutes, Tang Yuanshan walked into the conference room angrily. When he saw several people inside, he suppressed the anger on his face and said gently to them: "I am here to say sorry to everyone. Because of a small reason, it brought some unpleasantness to a few people.”

"Let me invite you to dinner."

After calling these people, Tang Yuanshan called Xia Jianjun, and Xia Jianjun called a few more people, and these people called some more people, forming a large group of people, like fighting bandits.

A group of people walked out of the school gate in a noisy manner and headed towards the nearest and most luxurious hotel to the school.

Tang Yuanshan was ordering frantically with the menu, while Xia Jianjun was holding Erguotou and kept complimenting the Arabs.

As a result, before the dishes were served, Mendoza and his friends were forced under the table. At the same time, they were even asked what color their underwear was.

This meal lasted from noon to 3 pm. After eating and drinking, Tang Yuanshan came to the front desk, took out his mobile phone and dialed Lin Yu's number: "Mr. Lin, please come to settle the bill."

A few minutes later, Lin Yu stood at the hotel front desk, holding a meter-long receipt, and shouted "Fuck".

After settling the bill, he talked to Tang Yuanshan about what Mendoza said when he was drunk, and then he took his luggage, declined Tang Yuanshan's kindness, and got on a taxi to the train station.

The taxi turned into a train, and he found his own sleeper berth. He threw his luggage at the head of the bed and lay down on it.

The last time I took a train alone was in 2001.

Unfortunately, I had no money at that time, so I could only sit in a hard seat, and it was a very crowded hard seat. As long as I got up from the seat, the seat under my buttocks no longer belonged to my buttocks.

It takes seven or eight hours to get from Guojizhuang to Lanling. If you leave in the afternoon, you can arrive at around 10 pm.

With a crisp whistle, the train began to move slowly, and at the same time, a familiar voice came to my ears. Then, the train station in Guojizhuang slowly disappeared from sight.

Lying on the bed, Lin Yu turned his head from time to time to look at the opposite side. Unfortunately, the plot of falling in love at first sight on the train that he had seen in the movie did not happen. Until he got off the train, there was still no one on the bed opposite.

Carrying the luggage out of the train station, Lin Yu saw the truck belonging to Rhein Steel at a glance. He walked over happily and found that the driver was Luo Ping.

Throwing the luggage on the car, the person followed and climbed into the co-pilot's seat, whistled, and asked:

"Why are you here to pick me up?"

"There is no way. Everyone is very busy. Only I have a little free time these two days because of training and rest."

While speaking, Luo Ping pressed the gear lever of the Jiefang car with his right hand. The gear lever of the old Jiefang car is very heavy.

Luo Ping exerted a little force with his right hand, and veins popped out on his exposed arm. With a click, he engaged the gear.

The clutch was released, and at the same time, his right foot stepped on the gas. This Jiefang truck, which had been in service for many years, roared forward again.

Carefully controlling the truck, Luo Ping took a break and turned his head to ask:

"Didn't you say you would need a few more days to teach? Why did you come back suddenly?"

"I found a job for you." Lin Yu responded casually.

Luo Ping, who was driving, didn't think anything at first, but soon, he reacted, first glanced at the road ahead, turned back quickly, pointed at his big nose with his right hand, and asked back:


"Drive and watch the road!"

His hands fell back on the steering wheel, carefully controlling the truck to shuttle through the traffic, and he asked carefully: "What is the job?"

"You will know when you go back!"

An hour and a half later, in Lin Yu's office at Rhein Steel.

It was already late at night, but the head of the security department and several heads of Rhine Defense gathered around Lin Yu's desk, their faces showing uncontrollable excitement.

People from Rhine Steel had seen piles of banknotes, and they looked very shocked.

But no one had ever seen a mountain of gold!

At this moment, when they heard Lin Yu say that there were 4 tons of gold and that people from Rhine Defense were needed to go thousands of miles away to get the gold back, they were all very excited.

"Director, how much is 4 tons of gold?"

"It weighs 4 tons!"

"No, I heard that gold can be used as collateral, so why did he use gold to pay for the goods?"

"If gold is to be used as a general collateral, there must be a stable society, otherwise, gold can only be used as currency."

"How big is 4 tons of gold?"

"It is one meter long and wide, and a little more than 20 centimeters high. This thing is very heavy. In general banks or individuals, each gold bar weighs about 100 grams. If it is a large bank, it will generally be made into gold bricks of about 25 kilograms. If all are stacked up, it is still very spectacular. If we get it, we can mortgage it once in different banks and get more loans."

Amid the noisy voices, accountant Li Ping roughly gestured to the people present about the volume of 4 tons of gold, and at the same time, he also came up with a bad idea that was not bad.

Seeing the size he gestured, everyone present was excited.

Such a large piece of gold, even if it was placed there, it would scare people to death.

Amid their arguments, Lin Yu marked the locations of Jawf, Dongola, Merowe, Atbara, Hayya, Suakin, and Port Sudan on the map with a red pen.

Marking these locations, Lin Yu connected these cities with a thin line.

"I have already contacted Trey in Sudan. You will land in Port Sudan and take the gifts I gave him to him."

"Then he will show you the way along the way. Finally, you will arrive at Dongola, a city on the Nile River, where you will complete the transaction with Zasif's people."

"Then you will evacuate with the gold, and I will load the goods."

"Along the way, you need to be careful of the local tribes, and... Zasif, or the Sudanese's black-eating black."

"Of course, in addition to them, there is a high possibility that people from America will be involved. In short, you should be careful."

"By the way, when talking to Trey, it is best not to reveal that you can speak Arabic to prevent fraud."

After explaining the task, Lin Yu raised his hands, clapped them lightly, and said:

"Everyone, it takes a thousand days to raise an army, but only a moment to use it. Whether this time can succeed depends on you."

"It's too late, go down and rest. The training intensity will be reduced in the next few days. I will make preparations here, and you have to set off."

Knowing that they would go to get a batch of gold back in two days, everyone present was very excited, but after hearing Lin Yu's words, they still forced themselves to suppress the excitement in their hearts, turned around, and left in an orderly manner.

After these people left, Lin Yu put away the map and was about to leave. Shi Ling pushed the door and walked into the office, and at the same time, handed him a document.

[Report on the finalization of the basic model of the 155mm self-propelled howitzer]

Looking at this formal title, Lin Yu reached out to take the document and opened it. He found that it was drafted by the R\u0026D department and was ready to finalize the 155mm self-propelled howitzer in his hand.

Sliding his fingers along the report, he quickly found the relevant trial data, and then he saw an outrageous number.


After reciting this number twice in his mind, Lin Yu raised his head in disbelief, looked into Shi Ling's eyes, and carefully asked:

"Don't tell me that the Milk Tea Party has used up all the 4800 shells we gave them in just a few days?"

"All of them! According to the news from the Milk Tea Party, it was Saudi Arabia that asked them to use them." Shi Ling answered with certainty, and then she took out another document from the folder in her hand.

[List of purchases for 155mm howitzer ammunition]

The signature of this document is Awad.

While Lin Yu was reading the document, she explained: "According to the feedback from His Highness Awad, except for the exploratory attack on the first day, the Milk Tea Party was at full firepower in the following days."

"On the second day, they fired more than 800 rounds."

"On the third day, they kept firing without stopping, moving at high speed the whole time, and firing the whole time."

"According to their statistics, they fired more than 3,000 rounds on the third day. We have no way of knowing the specific results, but we only know that they fired very fiercely."

"Then on the fourth day, they fired all the remaining hundreds of rounds."

"It is precisely because of this that we can get the most real and effective data."

"The data they fed back is almost the same as ours."

"It is also based on these factors that our R\u0026D department has formally applied to This 155mm self-propelled howitzer has been finalized."

"After finalization, we can modify and upgrade the artillery body or the artillery carrier according to different needs."

"Originally, I planned to go to the Army Command College to find you after a while if you didn't come back."

"But you came back today, so I can only bring the report to you overnight and let you review it first."

"If it's okay, we will proceed to the next step of standard formulation."

"About half a month later, the production standards of this artillery can be issued to the production department, so that the people in the production department can manufacture standard parts according to the standard documents."

Putting the shell purchase letter aside, Lin Yu picked up the naming and finalization file, grabbed a red fountain pen, and wrote a few words on the cover.

Ruo Lei 01.

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