Chapter 31 This is... a rocket launcher! (Second update!)

Director, we brought the customer back!

It's a foreign customer!

This is the only chance!

The workshop directors gave the workers a death order overnight!

If there is a problem with the test, chop off your dog heads!

Under this threat, the workers of the entire Rheinsteel moved and cleaned up their workshops overnight to eliminate all hidden dangers!

Especially the tractor workshop, because this time, the things tested are their tractors, which are the most troublesome, and then the artillery workshop!

Looking forward to it, looking forward to it!

Nine o'clock in the morning! People finally came!

Lin Yu strode in the front, and behind him were Arabilla and seven people!

"Director! Everything is ready!" At the door of the steel workshop, Luo Ping nodded at Lin Yu's head, and then stood beside him!

Beside him were the workshop directors of each workshop!

Standing outside the gate of the steel workshop, looking at the rusty gate in front of him and the factory building behind the door, Arabilla seemed even more curious about Lin Yu's identity!

As a professional logistics staff, he knew very well that such a large factory could be handed over to a young man, and the twists and turns in it were hard to explain!

But there are only three possibilities!

The first is that this is a young man with a very good background!

The second is that this is a very promising young man!

The third is that this is a very promising person with a background!

But no matter which case, he knew that in their current state, it would not be bad to befriend Lin Yu!

Moreover, Lin Yu is still young, not even thirty years old!

Not yet in his prime!

He still has time to grow!

According to his current state, he will definitely grow into a senior executive in just ten years!

By then, his words will be regarded as a guiding principle by countless people, and many problems can be solved!

For example, the weapons and equipment he needs now!

Now he can only secretly buy some civilian equipment for modification!

Although strictly speaking, it is not considered sneaky!

But the number is still too small after all!

Looking at the steel plant in front of him, Arabilla opened his arms and made a hugging gesture, then took a deep breath, turned around, stretched out his right hand to Lin Yu, and said with a smile:

"Mr. Lin! I am looking forward to the surprise you bring me more and more!"

"No matter what, no matter what happens in the future, I will give you all the purchases this time!"

"Now, please uncover what you are covering!"

Lin Yu smiled faintly and raised his hand to point to the steel workshop: "Please!"

"Director Bai Ming, lead the way!"

After hearing Lin Yu's words, Bai Ming nodded, took a few safety helmets from behind, and handed them to everyone:

"Everyone put on safety helmets! Let's go inside!"

When you walk into the steel workshop, the first thing that catches your eye is the steel pipes densely placed on the shelves!

These steel pipes have been hot-dip galvanized and glow silver-gray under the light!

And 4 triangles are attached to the tail of each steel pipe!

Looking at this steel pipe, Arabilla always feels familiar, but can't remember where he has seen it!

Upon closer inspection, he found that there were words on the steel pipe!

[DN150 hot-dip galvanized seamless steel pipe, implementation standard GB/T 8163-1999 GB/T3091-2001]

[Manufacturer: Rheinsteel Group]

[Contact: 0928-7482859! ]

Very strange!

This seems to be a deliberate message left for people!

This naturally aroused his curiosity!

He turned to the other side, and from this position, he could see the inside of the pipe!

When he bent down to study carefully, he found that the internal thread grooves had been engraved about 10 centimeters at both ends of the pipe!

Seeing this, Arabila was even more confused!

In terms of the richness of oil and natural gas, there is no place on this planet that can be compared with the area where the Arabs are!

When he was wandering around in Iraq, Jordan, and Iran, he also saw the local gas and the installation of oil pipelines!

These oil and gas main pipelines are either welded or welded flanges!

And the 150 water pipe is at least the pipeline of a community!

It is also considered the main pipeline!

It is usually installed through a flange connection!

Or, it is installed with external pipe fittings!

He can swear that he has never seen any pipe installed through internal threads. He has only seen the drill rod of the drilling rig installed with internal threads!

But it is obvious that the drill rod of the drilling rig does not look like this!

Moreover, there will never be such triangular pieces at the end of the pipe on those pipes!

After staring at the pile of pipes for a while, Arabila turned back and asked Lin Yu: "Excuse me, Mr. Lin, why are there 4 triangular pieces behind your pipes?"

"Is it used for fixing?"

This question made Lin Yu think for a moment. He raised his head, nodded seriously, and responded: "It can be considered as fixing!"

"Bai Ming! Give me the other parts!"

"Oh!" After hearing Lin Yu's words, Bai Ming came back to his senses belatedly, and then walked out of the workshop!

A few minutes later, he came back with a wooden box!

There are 4 strange-looking parts in the box!

The biggest one looks like a water gun head, round and pointed, with a hole in the middle!

The longest one is a relatively thin steel pipe, which is full of holes and divided into several sections!

One of the remaining two is obviously a connecting pipe, connected to the pipe through the threads at both ends!

The last one looks like an hourglass, but there are several pipes in the middle of this hourglass, and the end of the pipe has a diffuser!

Putting the wooden box on the ground, Bai Ming stepped aside. Lin Yu picked up the largest part and said to Arabila with a smile:

"This is a special valve, a high-pressure water cannon pipe!"

Then there are other parts!

"This one is used to filter water in the water pipe!"

"This is an anti-fouling check valve, used to prevent water from flowing back in the community pipeline!"

"Then this hourglass is a pressure reducing valve, used to reduce pressure!"

Listening to his introduction, Arabilla's eyes were more confused. Before he could ask questions, Lin Yu took these parts and walked to the so-called seamless steel pipe!

The workers next to him also stepped forward, took down two steel pipes, and then watched their factory director install these weird parts on the pipes!

At the moment when Lin Yu stepped back, Arabilla finally remembered why this thing looked familiar!

This tnd is a rocket shell!

The opening in front of the high-pressure water cannon pipe can just fit a fuse!

The steel pipe with holes is used to hold detonators and fuses!

The anti-fouling check valve is the isolation ring in the middle of the rocket, used to isolate the warhead and the propulsion unit!

The last pressure reducing valve is a part that controls the rocket's propulsion tail flame!

The four welded triangular iron plates at the back are indeed used for fixing, but they are only used to fix the flight posture of the missile!


At this moment, Arabilla finally came to his senses. He looked at the pile of steel pipes in front of him, and his heart jumped up in dismay!

As long as there is enough explosives, these pipes and pipe fittings can be assembled together to form rockets!

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