Chapter 23 Hed Ahmed Durbi (Second update!)

Those who can come to Shengmajiagou Vocational and Technical College are all those who have gone through thousands of selections.

Not to say he is a genius, but he is also a hard-working person who is willing to work hard.

Even if you are an international student, you have a lot to choose from.

Moreover, this student brings his own funds, which is the most important thing.

When doing research, no one will feel that they have enough funds.

Every time I get funding, I want to add two zeros to the end of that number.

But this is only a one-sided wish.

Everyone knows that's impossible.

This student's family donates a fund every year, although part of it will be cut off by that old immortal He Qingyang.

But it is enough to supplement experiments.

He is graduating.

Where should I go to find a student like this who just learns technology and is willing to spend money?

so hard.

Taking a deep breath, Liu Ming stood up, took the paper from Dulby's hand, and placed it solemnly on the table.

Then he patted the other person's shoulder and comforted him: "You don't have to be afraid."

"A gentleman is quick in action but slow in speech."

"I know you have a problem with the wording and sentence making of the paper, so don't worry, just put the paper here and I will help you correct it."

"Don't worry about the defense. My students, Liu Ming, will definitely pass."

"I hope that when you go back, you will use the knowledge you have learned on the right path."

“Work hard to build your country.”

"Contribute to the great unity of the people of the world. If you really don't have enough manpower, you can come back and become a teacher."

Listening to Liu Ming's words, tears slowly leaked out of Dolby's blue eyes.

The tall Arab raised his right hand and pulled his sleeve over his eyes.

He choked and replied: "Okay."

Seeing the student's appearance, Liu Ming smiled, patted Dolbi on the shoulder, and comforted:

"Stop crying, for such an old man to cry so much that people will make fun of him if he spreads the word."

"Go back and wait for news from me."

After sending Dolby away, he turned around, returned to his chair, and began to study the paper he had just received.

The overall problem is not big, the data is correct, but the writing skills are still a bit lacking.


Needs major changes.

He had just taken out a brand new piece of letter paper, and before he could start writing, the phone at his hand rang.

Pressing the call button smoothly, a familiar voice came from the receiver:

"Dean Liu, come to my office and bring your Iraqi student Dolbi with you. There is something important."


Just after he finished speaking, the phone was hung up, and only a beeping busy tone came from the phone receiver, which made Liu Ming, who was about to revise his thesis, very confused.

what happened?

Why look for Dolby specifically?

But since that old bastard He Qingyang said it in such a hurry, it must be a very important matter.

Go check it out first, and if it's not important, kill him.

Become the principal of Shengmajiagou Vocational and Technical College.

The sky is dead, and the yellow sky should stand.

After putting away the papers, Liu Ming found Dolby in the laboratory building. After a few words, the master and apprentice walked towards the principal's office together.


Standing in front of He Qingyang's office, Liu Ming arranged his clothes, coughed dryly, bent his straight waist slightly, and his stern face also had a hint of flattery.

He gently twisted the door handle, stuck his face in first, and asked with a smile on his face: "Principal, are you looking for me?"

Behind him, Dolby stared at this scene with dumbfounded eyes. He had never seen such a scene before.

Is this person in front of me my mentor?

You know, in private, the tutor talks about the principal every day. Every day, he says that if the principal hadn't been playing dirty tricks at the beginning, he would definitely be the principal now.

There are even times when he secretly talks about surpassing the principal.


Forget it, I don’t understand these worldly things.

Ahead, Liu Ming stretched out his hand to push open the door and walked in without hesitation.

Realizing that the student hadn't followed, he turned around and shouted: "Come in, why are you standing there at the door?"

After calling people into the room, Liu Ming looked at He Qingyang with curiosity on his face. His eyes stayed on the other person for less than two seconds and then moved to Lin Yu.

At the same time, he asked curiously: "Principal, what do you want from me?"

He Qingyang waved gently, brought Liu Ming to his eyes, took out a piece of letter paper from a pile and handed it to Liu Ming's hand.

After the other party took it, he explained:

"I'm not looking for you, it's Lin Yu who's looking for you. He's also looking for your student. I want to talk to him about something."

"The paper in your hand is Lin Yu's new topic. This part involves industrial automation. You can get involved and take a look."

Holding the paper in his hand, Liu Ming's eyes flashed with curiosity, and then he glanced at Lin Yu from the corner of his eye.

The reputation of the principal, a master disciple, is well known in the school.

Diligent, smart, and extremely experienced in dealing with people.

Is he looking for Durby?

Withdrawing his eyes from the corner of his eyes, Liu Ming began to read the manuscript in his hand.

"Industrial deception - in the next 5-10 years, due to the improvement of chip manufacturing technology, the automation industry will improve significantly."

"Professional barriers between various industries will rise rapidly."

"It will become increasingly difficult to set up technical production lines."

"Under this premise, you can try industrial deception."

"The external propaganda is mainly that there is no need to produce this kind of thing, it is a waste of resources, a waste of time and money, etc..."

"Moreover, the main publicity outlet should be placed on the nascent Internet."

"It's impossible for people to actually go to the site to survey the data, but they will collect information from the Internet."

"As the saying goes, three people make a tiger. If one person says there is no need to waste, he may not believe it, but if he means ten thousand people, one hundred thousand people, or one million people."

"Couple it with some practical actions."

"Then this sentence is true."


After looking at it, Liu Ming still had a feeling that he still had something to say after reading the page.

After taking a long breath, he turned to He Qingyang and asked: "Where is the rest?"

"When you treat someone to dinner, you just eat half of it, right?"

He Qingyang was sitting on the principal's chair, waving his hands calmly and saying, "Don't be anxious. Lin Yu has something to talk to you about. After we finish talking, I will naturally let you read the rest."

"Finally, how about you give me some guidance and do three games?"

Hearing this, Liu Ming fell silent.

He glanced back at his student, carefully handed the manuscript back to He Qingyang, turned to look at Lin Yu, and asked: "Lin Yu, tell me what you want to do?"

On the sofa next to him, Lin Yu had been making tea.

It was He Qingyang's old friend who got him green buds from Qian Province.

With a half-kilogram package, Lin Yu waved his hand and got him two taels.

The teapot is tilted slightly, and the slightly amber tea flows out from the spout of the teapot, forming an arc, and falls into the teacup.

The movements are graceful and slow.

After filling the four teacups, pushing two of them forward, Lin Yu raised his finger to touch the teacups:

“Authentic Cuiyang from Guizhou Province. Try it.”

"I'm looking for this classmate Hed Ahmed Al-Durbi this time because I have a business deal that I want to discuss with him."

"To be more precise, talk to Mr. Kuintan Ahmed Arabilla."

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