When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 20: Give out money! Celebrate the New Year! (First update!)

"Go wash it first. Don't let others say that we are Rheinsteel and we are so poor that we don't even have a clean piece of clothing."

Leaving a word, Lin Yu turned around and walked out of the viewing platform.

After him, Qian Jianguo and others followed one after another. Only Feng Lun from the tractor workshop stayed at the end. Looking at the tractor that was blown to pieces on the test field in the distance, he sighed and walked over.

He picked up a large piece of debris and turned to walk towards the tractor workshop.


After receiving the money at Lin Yu's residence, Li Ping went to the broadcasting room as quickly as possible and spread the news throughout the group.

"Everyone listen, come to the broadcasting room to collect the money according to the list of employees."

"Construction team, security department, shell workshop 300 yuan, other workshops 200 yuan, tractor workshop 100 yuan."

"The deadline is 3 pm, no waiting after that."

Hearing that there was money to be collected, the workers, with their families, swarmed to the broadcasting room.

The construction team was the first to walk, because except for a few people who stayed behind in the security department, the rest of the people went to purchase.

They did not change their clothes, but still wore the clothes covered with mud.

However, they all stood straight.

Hongfu strode to Li Ping and shouted: "The construction team should have 50 people, and 50 people actually came. Come and collect the holiday bonus."

Li Ping pushed the list at hand forward: "Sign, stamp your fingerprints and get the money."

Hongfu's thumbprint was stuck to the ink, and he gently pressed it on the list, leaving a complete red fingerprint.

Then, three banknotes were pushed in front of him.

Reaching out and taking it in his hand, Hongfu felt as if he was in another world.

He was the workshop director of the cement factory, but the quality of cement was not very good.

It couldn't be sold, and there was no production task.

So his salary was only 300 yuan.

Now he got 300 yuan just for digging for a few days.

That's great.

He folded the money, put it solemnly in his chest pocket, patted it with his hands, turned around and retreated into the crowd.

Like him, other construction team members were also surprised when they received the money.

They were surprised, but others were not.

After all, it was a windfall, and it was good to buy some things and have a better New Year.

However, when it was the turn of the tractor workshop people to receive the money, their families started to make a fuss.

"Why can they get 300? We can only get 100?"

"Our people have also worked."

"That's right, why should Lin Yu's words make us pay 200 less?"

"That's nearly a month's salary."

Hearing these people making a fuss, Li Ping calmly picked up the loudspeaker and shouted: "There are still several tractors that were blown up on the weapons test site."

"You can go and have a look."

"They can't even make something as tough as a tractor. Still want money?"

"By the way, the factory director said that if you want to make a fuss, you can go to him. If you don't dare to go, go home."

"Besides, if the tractor workshop is still not up and running after the New Year, it may be laid off as a whole."

"That's all I have to say, continue to get paid."

When they heard that they were asked to go to Lin Yu, the people who were making a fuss instantly quieted down. When they heard that the tractor workshop might be laid off after the New Year, their faces wrinkled into bitter gourds again.

Forget it.

It's the New Year.

There's no need to make yourself uncomfortable.

After Li Ping distributed the money, Luo Ping, who went out to purchase, also came back with two trucks of supplies.

Mainly various candies, peanuts, melon seeds, and fireworks.

Although there were not many things, every household could get some.

In the blink of an eye, New Year's Eve arrived.

Lin Yu did not accept Qian Jianguo's invitation to go to his house for a dinner party, but was busy all day and cooked a table of dishes.

According to the customs of his hometown, he served a little of each dish, put it on the altar for sacrifice, lit incense and candles, and bowed three times respectfully.

"Mom and Dad, Grandpa and Grandma, it's time to eat."

After saying that, he walked out of the corridor with a string of firecrackers, lit them at the door of the corridor, and threw them on the road.

The firecrackers exploded.

He looked at the exploding firecrackers and slowly became fascinated.

In his memory, although they were not rich at that time, every New Year, his parents would prepare a new set of clothes, and then eat together and set off firecrackers.


The clothes are still old.

Looking at the clothes on his body, Lin Yu hit his head with his hand. He was so busy that he didn't even think about getting a new dress during the New Year.

Who made him so busy?

It was that damned America.

He must teach them a lesson and let them know how much resentment they would feel if they were nagging at their ears all day long.

Seeing that the paper money in front of the altar was burned out, Lin Yu turned around, cleaned up the altar, and then started to eat.

He ate this meal very slowly.

Before he finished eating, Qian Jianguo knocked on the door with a bottle of wine.

"Let's have a good chat tonight."


The glass bottle of Lanling Zhong wine collided in the enamel teacup, creating beautiful wine foam.

It also had a faint aroma of wine.

Two people, one bottle of wine, half for each person.

They clinked their glasses and Qian Jianguo took a sip. While he was drunk, he asked, "After the New Year, you have to find a buyer."

"Do you want my help?"

"You can't help." Lin Yu first denied Qian Jianguo's idea of ​​helping, picked up the enamel teacup, took a sip of wine, and stuffed a dumpling into his mouth.

These four simple words made Qian Jianguo's raised face lower again.

Sitting there, without saying a word, he brought the enamel teacup to his mouth.

After a while, the wine in the jar was much less.

After drinking half a jar of wine, even he felt a little uncomfortable.

He reached out and took a dumpling from the plate on the table, dipped it in a little chili, and stuffed it into his mouth.

The next second, his face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his right hand kept fanning his mouth:

"Eat less chili."

"I really don't understand why you can eat so much spicy food. Your grandfather, your grandmother, your father, and your mother are all the same."

"I still remember the first time I saw your parents, they were both so stupid and had no common sense at all."

"The two of them were kneading noodles there, and one pound of noodles ended up being five pounds of noodles."

"I laughed to death."

Qian Jianguo laughed, and after laughing for a while, he suddenly asked: "Do you think we can really get rich?"

Hearing his brisk tone, Lin Yu turned his eyes away, but found that the old man's eyes were full of seriousness.

He held the teacup filled with wine, stared for a moment, raised his head and looked at Qian Jianguo very seriously, pointed at himself, and asked back: "Is it us?"

Then, he pointed at the ground again and asked: "Or?"

Qian Jianguo didn't say much, but pointed at the ground.

Lin Yu nodded:

"Of course."

"And we must become rich. If we don't become rich, there will be no hope for this world."

"So, for this beautiful world, cheers."

The two teacups touched each other.

On the teacup, there were red words.

Serve the people.

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