Lin Yu cursed while writing down the corresponding solutions to the problems in his notebook, and even drew some additional drawings for annotation.

Very seriously.

Luo Ping saw all of this, and when Lin Yu finally stopped writing, he asked, "To be honest, I don't understand why you do this."

"I really don't understand what digging tunnels has to do with selling equipment."

"Do you still remember the round battle you participated in that year?" Lin Yu suddenly asked.

And this sentence also made the doubts on Luo Ping's face slowly dissipate.

Some long-lost memories emerged in his mind, that is, broad-leaved forests, rainstorms, heat, humidity, and caves.

These things constitute all his memories.

After revisiting this memory, he slowly closed his eyes and said again: "I still can't understand."

Hearing this, Lin Yu sighed, then put away the pen and notebook in his hand, climbed out of the tunnel along the wooden ladder, and then climbed up the small mound in front of the tunnel entrance.

Cast your eyes on the surrounding mountains and forests.

After waiting for a few seconds, Luo Ping also crawled out of the tunnel, stepped on the crunchy snow, and came to his side.

At this time, Lin Yu's voice rang out: "My target this time is a place without sufficient strategic depth."

"And the place where they are can affect the international situation. And the affected international situation can drag America there. Let us have enough time to develop."

"That's why I asked you to build the tunnel."

"I will bring people here at that time."

"You need to show them how to use the underground passage to deal with the enemy."

"They are satisfied."

"They will change their habits. When they are used to using our weapons, we can make more money."

"And they can also effectively fight the invaders. This is a win-win cooperation."

"Do you understand?"

"I understand." Luo Ping's solemn voice sounded, speaking slowly and firmly.

But when Lin Yu looked back, he found that the expression on his face was still confused.

It seemed that he was thinking about how to demonstrate.

Seeing this scene, he could only sigh lightly, waved his hand helplessly, and said: "You... forget it, I'll go draw the blueprint. I'll write you the requirements in detail."

While speaking.

Lin Yu had already taken a step and walked into the snow. At the moment when he was about to disappear, a sentence came from his mouth:

"You will lead the team later, ask Li Ping for some money, go to the village next door, buy a dozen pigs, kill them, and share a little with everyone."

"Everyone will get about three pounds."

The words faded away, Luo Ping slowly turned his head and looked at the tunnel entrance at his feet, and then remembered a movie he often watched when he was a child.

In the black and white movie, those ancestors always had smiles on their faces, shuttled through the tunnels built relying on the village, and attacked the invaders.

And the tunnel he dug was at best an...underground ditch.

No wonder the factory director would scold people.

With a smile, he went into the tunnel, took a gong from the wall of the tunnel, and started to knock it.

In just a few minutes, the people scattered in the tunnel appeared in front of him, and their faces were full of expectations.

Because everyone knew that the section chief had just gone to see the factory director.

Looking at these people, Luo Ping shook his head, then pulled a long face and said: "The factory director said that the tunnel we dug is not good, so some places have to be demolished and re-dug."

Hearing this, the expectations on the faces of others instantly turned into disappointment, and they were dejected.

The next second, Luo Ping's voice sounded again: "But the factory director said that we should buy two pigs. Eat them so that we can continue digging the soil."

Meat. It is always a good thing to motivate.

Hearing that there is meat, the disappointment on the faces of a group of people dissipated and turned into ecstasy.

"There is meat in the neighboring Liujia Village, and they are in charge of killing."

"I heard that their pigs are still paired with wild boars, and the taste is delicious."

"Brother Yu is really good."

Amid the cheers one after another, the people from the security department, together with the people from the construction team, changed their clothes and headed towards Liujia Village.

It was not until the sky was completely dark that the people from the security department drove the truck back.

There were about 20 fat pigs in the truck.

All of them were slaughtered.

As the factory director, Lin Yu was naturally given the inner spines of all the pigs.

The tenderest part of the whole pig.

He took it home, cut it into slices, made a pot of clear soup, and ate it happily.

Opposite him were Qian Jianguo, the accountant Li Ping, and Wang Kuan who came to eat for free.

"It's a waste, a waste."

Although he said it was a waste, Qian Jianguo's hands were not vague. He moved quickly and put slices of meat into the bowl.

As he picked up a piece of meat with chopsticks, Li Ping knocked on the table with his chopsticks, saying:

"Hey, hey, hey. Pay attention to your image. It's not like you're having a big feast outside, why would you discount any dishes?"

After talking about Qian Jianguo, he turned around and looked at Lin Yu, saying seriously: "It's really a bit of a waste."

"We brought back more than 6,000 kilograms of meat. There are only more than 2,000 people in the base. Each person gets three kilograms. If we can't eat it all, it will go bad in two days. It's really a waste."


Lin Yu was drinking water. When he heard this, he didn't drink a mouthful of water. It got stuck in his throat. He turned his head quickly and sprayed the water in his mouth onto the ground.

He coughed out the water in his lungs, then turned around and said, "Do you think those three pounds of meat can survive tomorrow?"

"Survive tonight first and then talk about it, okay?"

"According to America's research, workers eating a good meal every once in a while can effectively improve their work efficiency."

"Really?" Qian Jianguo asked curiously.

Then, he saw Lin Yu's serious sitting posture and said seriously: "I made it up."

"Because I found that no matter what the words are, as long as you add a sentence in front of them, according to America's research, you can convince many people."

Hearing this, joyous laughter filled the room.


February 2, 2002, a very short time.

The twenty-first day of the twelfth lunar month.

After a period of transformation, the artillery shell workshop finally made the Yasin 105 the way Lin Yu wanted it to be.

Assembly can be completed without any danger using just a borrowed screwdriver.

The Security Department, with the support of a few meals of pork, finally expanded the tunnel to the third level, and barely had some systems in place.

Holding this batch of rockets in his hand, Luo Ping looked at Jiang Song in front of him and asked calmly: "Are you sure these rockets can be fired normally, and are they not unable to fire like what you did before?"

Hearing the doubt, Jiang Song did not speak, but stepped forward, pushed Luo Ping away, and hung the launcher on his back. Then, he took out the rocket from the box and hung it on the rush-made tactical vest.

He pointed his chin toward the entrance of the tunnel: "Let's go, according to the plan written by the factory director, you dig the hole and I'll dig it."

"At worst, it will blow me up to death."

As soon as Jiang Song finished speaking, other people in the artillery workshop also stood up, imitating Jiang Song's example and getting ready.

He looked at Luo Ping with murderous intent.

If looks could kill, Luo Ping would have died hundreds of times.

In the murderous eyes of these people, Luo Ping also picked up two rockets and hung them on his body. He carried the launcher on his back and got into the tunnel first.

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