In the small living room of the tube building, a group of people sat around the stove. The stove was burning brightly, and the men were smoking big puffs of cigarettes.

Before one cigarette was finished, another one was lit.

Next to them was a woman holding a sweater that had not been finished yet, knitting a sweater under the light.

They took advantage of the opportunity to gather around and wait for the men to continue.

The dull air and the strong smell of smoke made people very uncomfortable.

"We can't let Lin Yu mess around."

A voice suddenly sounded in the dull room, and a group of people looked towards the place where the voice came from.

But they found that it was Jiang Huan, the workshop director of the bullet workshop.

That face that looked a little funny was full of anger at the moment.

When Jiang Huan found that everyone was looking at him, he pulled off his hat and threw it to the ground, revealing his "salted egg".

The "salted egg" looked particularly bright under the yellow white woven light.

The hat fell to the ground, and he stepped on it again, saying angrily:

"What qualifications does Lin Yu have to destroy the 567 base with just one sentence?"

"He is breaking the law."

"Director Jiang, you are the most likely to become the next factory director, as long as you start and take us with you."

"Even if it goes to the General Logistics Department, this matter must have a result."

Jiang Huan raised a high tone, turned his head, and threw the baton directly to Jiang Song.

After hearing this, Jiang Song hadn't spoken yet, and his wife Zhao Zhen spoke first.

In her fifties, she was already a grandmother, and she could say anything.

The index finger of her right hand kept scratching her face, and her mouth was also spitting madly.

"Mr. Jiang, have some shame."

"Why don't you take this good thing? If you do, my old Jiang will follow."

"You are like a dog all day long, and you don't want any good things. When there are difficulties, you shirk them one by one, and when there are benefits, you are like a dog seeing shit."

"Lin Yu lives in the factory director's house. If you are so capable, you can go directly there."

"Go directly to him and tell him that this base cannot be disbanded. You don't agree with his idea. If he does it, you will go against him. It's a simple thing, at most three sentences."

"Don't be like a rat in the ditch, shrinking your head."

"Okay," Jiang Song suddenly spoke, interrupting his wife's scolding with a dull voice.

Then, he raised his head and glanced at the others present, and continued in a dull voice:

"I firmly support the above ideas."

"Everyone has ideas, and there is still a morning tomorrow, so you can go to Lin Yuti yourself."

"It's getting late, everyone go home."

After saying that, he stood up, pulled his clothes tight, and turned to the bedroom next door.

Seeing her husband enter the bedroom, Jiang Song's wife immediately changed her face and said to the others present with a fake smile:

"Did you hear it? Disperse. I still have to sweep the floor."

Hearing the couple drive people away together, the others were too embarrassed to continue sitting down, and they picked up the things in their hands and stood up to leave.

Walked into the snow with a slamming door.

After closing the door and hastily cleaning the living room, Jiang Song's wife returned to the bedroom, reached out and pushed her husband lying on the bed, and asked:

"What do you think? As a factory director, in addition to the salary of more than 500 yuan, you can also get other things. My son wants to marry a wife, and he can't live without money."

Jiang Song, who was lying on the bed, jumped, turned his head slightly, and asked his wife: "Then why don't you go and have a quarrel with Lin Yu?"

After raising his wife's argument, Jiang Song moved his body a little inside and continued to mutter:

"Besides, that kid has had his own ideas since he was a child. Other people in the base can't do anything. Perhaps, only he can save us."

Hearing her husband asking her to go and have a quarrel with Lin Yu, Jiang Song's wife trembled.

Some long-lost memories appeared in her mind.

Under the scorching sun.

A 15- or 16-year-old boy, holding a loudspeaker, cursed with a dozen women.

A dozen old women who had never lost in cursing were scolded to pieces and cried directly.

Then, the sons and husbands of the dozen women clenched their fists, ready to seek revenge, but were beaten back.

They couldn't argue or fight.

They went to sleep.


"Do you think they will come?"

Qian Jianguo stopped on the snow, pounded his waist, and asked Lin Yu in front of him.

In front of him, Lin Yu was holding a shovel and making a snowman on the ground.

Hearing this, he said directly without raising his head: "They will come."

"Humans are a strange species. When there is no hope, they can rot at will, even rot in the mud."

"But if there is hope, they will follow regardless of everything."

"What's more, wouldn't it be better if they didn't come? Recruiting a new batch of people and training them again will be more convenient."

"Hey--" Qian Jianguo sighed, took out a cigarette box from his pocket with his left hand, took out a cigarette with his mouth, and lit it.

After taking a deep puff, he said, "After all, they are... a family."

As soon as Qian Jianguo said this, Lin Yu, who was making a snowman, stopped, slowly stood up, rolled his eyes, and asked Qian Jianguo:

"Family? When they were making up stories about my parents behind my back, they didn't consider me a family member."

"It turns out that the director of the steel workshop, Sun Shaoan, was going to lead them to renovate the workshop and increase production. When they stabbed them in the back, they didn't treat them as a family."

"Master Yang Jun and Yang from the cafeteria didn't treat them as a family when they used the space to set up a food factory."

"Moreover, you treat them as a family from beginning to end. Which of them treats you as a family?"

After being exposed, Qian Jianguo was not angry, but continued to smoke. After finishing a cigarette, he responded with a wry smile:

"I thought that everyone is from the countryside, and they are all people who came to support from all over the country. Many of them have broken roots."

"I just thought I would let the small mistake go, but I didn't expect... ah... the more I let it go, the more I can't do it."

While the two were talking, several people came from the residential area.

These people were all carrying a bag.

The bags are big and small, but they are all heavy and full of things.

Arriving in front of the two of them, a tall and thin man walking in the front saluted Lin Yu, and then said loudly: "Chemical workshop, workshop director Qin Tian, ​​report to the factory director."

"In this bag are several bearings for workshop equipment."

His voice was loud, especially the last few words, which were higher pitched than the previous ones.

In front of him, after listening to his words, Lin Yu reached for a bag, opened it and saw that it was indeed a bearing from the workshop.

It's still a new guy, so it should be a spare.

Putting the bag on the ground, tilting his head to the side, he said, "Go and stand aside."

The people who came with Qin Hua saw Lin Yu's actions, and after Qin Hua walked away, they also handed over the bags in their hands.

And the things in these bags are even more fun.

There are pliers that are welded with bearings and steel plates, and hammers made from mortar shells.

Fortunately there were no fuses or explosives inside.

After collecting the belongings of these people, more people appeared in the residential area not far away.

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